
  1. L

    Jujitsu Newbie - Feeling Intimidated and Overwhelmed?

    I have just started taking up jujitsu. I really like it and don't mind that it is very physical. But I'm very short & thin, so I feel really intimidated and overwhelmed because I'm not used to this activity and don't have the stamina...and obviously I still haven't developed in technique. Any...
  2. M

    Should I enroll in MMA or Jujitsu?

    What are the pros and cons of each, and which would I stand more to gain from enrolling in if I am a beginner? I may take up both, but if I did, which would be the better option to take up first
  3. L

    Is Kempo Aiki Jujitsu good for me?

    I'm a 14 year old girl, 5'5 and 140lb (but I am in pretty good shape, I run a lot, about half a mile every week and once a month I time my mile 8.05 for August) I just want a good work out and learn self defense, I was going to take aikido but I came across a closer dojo near my home. They also...
  4. L

    Has MMA turned into Ju-jitsu?

    Okay, now I know this is going to invoke some strong responses. I've trained in Ju-jitsu for nearly twenty years now and seen UFC and Cage Fighting evolve from it's small startings to the global phenomon that it's now. Now, my opinion of the techniques that most fighters seem to use now...
  5. S

    Best Brazilian jujitsu fighter in UFC?

    From your opinion, who is the best Brazilian jujitsu fighter in the UFC?
  6. S

    Best Brazilian jujitsu fighter in UFC?

    From your opinion, who is the best Brazilian jujitsu fighter in the UFC?
  7. F

    Does anyone know of any mma centers ...Brazilian jujitsu located in ecuador .?

    I am going to ecuador soon and i would like to continue training is there any in like cuenca ...azogues or anywhere near there any type of mma thing or martial arts centers please help thank u??
  8. A

    Would it be too hard to learn jujitsu, karate, and tae kwon do?

    Also, would it be too hard to learn them all at once? Thanks, and I prefer answers from those with first hand knowledge in these areas.
  9. A

    Would it be too hard to learn jujitsu, karate, and tae kwon do?

    Also, would it be too hard to learn them all at once? Thanks, and I prefer answers from those with first hand knowledge in these areas.
  10. K

    Is it better to learn MMA and Brazilian Jujitsu 5x a week or Brazilian Jujitsu and

    Kenpo Karate 5x a week? Or Brazilian Jujitsu and Kickboxing? I want to learn for street and cage fighting and the kickboxing is full contact
  11. T

    What is the most prvelant style of Jujitsu in the US?

    Is it Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu or Brazilian Jujitsu. MMA isn't being considered in this question because it isn't a martial art.
  12. I

    In Sport Jujitsu, How Do You Upper Your Ranks When Ur Ready?

    like, i dont see kata's like in karate and all. because in jujitsu u must have 2 people, or so, so how can u upper ur ranks?
  13. C

    is there any difference between jujitsu, karate and judo gi's?

    I need to buy a gi for jujitsu, however all the cheap gi's online I have found are titled karate - however I can see no visible difference. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  14. J

    what martial art is good with brazilian jujitsu?

    what martial art is good with brazilian jujitsu because i want to take brazilian jujitsu for ground fighting and some other martial art for stand up fighting can anyone give me some good martial art that would go great with brazilian jujitsu thanks
  15. K

    What kind of martial art should I take (judo, karate, kendo, or jujitsu)?

    I'm a college student and for the sake of trying something new I am thinking about joining a martial art club here at Penn State. I consider myself quite athletic, and I play the usual soccer, basketball and weight lifts. I love sports and nothing could be a better sport to try/learn about than...
  16. L

    Sport Jujitsu vs mma?

    What's the difference between sport jujitsu rules and mma rules (apart from the obvious, the gi) This is nothing to do with BJJ. I'm talking about this sport jujitsu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPWHK1gQV1U As you can see it has kick punch grapple, just like mma
  17. L

    Sport Jujitsu vs mma?

    What's the difference between sport jujitsu rules and mma rules (apart from the obvious, the gi) This is nothing to do with BJJ. I'm talking about this sport jujitsu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPWHK1gQV1U As you can see it has kick punch grapple, just like mma
  18. L

    Sport Jujitsu vs mma?

    What's the difference between sport jujitsu rules and mma rules (apart from the obvious, the gi) This is nothing to do with BJJ. I'm talking about this sport jujitsu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPWHK1gQV1U As you can see it has kick punch grapple, just like mma
  19. S

    Whats The Diffrence Between Karate & Jujitsu?

    Which One Would Be The Best For Self Defense & Learning To Restrain Someone?
  20. L

    what American karate jujitsu etc things are there?

    just name them please thanks