
  1. N

    Boy problems... was he joking ?

    We've been friends since third grade, but after like 3 years of separate middle schools, we have most classes together. we are fairly good friends. we text some. I help him with girl problems. most of the time I have to initiate the conversation first. or if I bug him jokingly in class and...
  2. S

    Was he joking or being serious? Guys help/point of view if possible?

    I was talking to this guy im getting with on msn (we're not dating or anything) I've only known him since Christmas & we've only met each other like 4 times because we dont live close. We were talking about about food & how he wouldnt be having a proper dinner & I was like "oooh I cant wait to...
  3. B

    People never see that im joking and it makes me look odd...?

    Im female but kind of have a male sense of humour I think. You know how guys tend to jokingly say good things about themselves well I do that but people dont seem to detect that im joking. For example I was in class at college and looking through a draw for my student ID and someone said what...
  4. I

    I can't tell if he is serious or joking. Do you think he likes me?

    Okay so this guy i like does some things that i think are hints that he likes me but i am too chicken to just ask him if he likes me. he is very outgoing and always jokes around so i never know if the things he does is serious or joking. He'll do things like; -grab my hand spontaneously and...
  5. T

    Rape is no joking matter?

    or is it?
  6. M

    How do I get my friends and table-mates to stop joking about rape?

    I've been abused in every way as a kid by an older male babysitter, and although he's gone I still get really uptight about the subject since no one else knows. I really feel as though the next person to say "She's gonna rape you!" or "It ain't rape if you shout 'surprise!'" is going to be...
  7. M

    How do I get my friends and table-mates to stop joking about rape?

    I've been abused in every way as a kid by an older male babysitter, and although he's gone I still get really uptight about the subject since no one else knows. I really feel as though the next person to say "She's gonna rape you!" or "It ain't rape if you shout 'surprise!'" is going to be...
  8. M

    is he flirting or just joking around?

    there is this man who for some reason I feel a huge attraction to , when we are at group gatherings he is always looking at me from across the room and when I look back we maintain eye contact for several seconds. he has said little things like "little beauty queen, said i look like lady gaga...
  9. T

    Was she joking around? she playing hard to get?

    This girl and i are really good friends, we hang out daily, and times we dont, we text. We flirt and joke alotttt. Today she made a comment that ill get lost (driving) and i was like 'will you hold my hand if i?' (kinda joking). And she was like nope we aren't that close of friends and laughed...
  10. C

    was she joking or not?

    i asked my aunt if she wanted to be in the room when i had my kids and she said i think the guy that knocked you up should be there hopefully the hubby. lol was she joking should i ask her if she was joking
  11. H

    im so confused, was he joking around or not?

    ok, so Me and my best guy friend were hanging out with a bunch of our friends at the mall, and like were were all (for fun, we were ALL laughing, even him) grabbing my friend Jakes boobs (hes really skinny, but guys have boobs too lol) and then after a while of joking around, i turn around to...
  12. E

    Is light-hearted joking okay when you are waiting to hear from a guy?

    A guy I went on a date with said that he had fun and that he would get back to me that was on Saturday. Today, I heard some random shortline jokes, and too test things I sent him a couple, and he responded to me. Of course I stopped, and I am leaving it there? This was my way of just seeing if...
  13. C

    could he like me back or is he just joking around?

    ok so i'm in 7th grade my crush is in the 8th grade. just to let you know i'm going to break it up into parts so you don't have to read it all only a little bit of it. - so one time the middle school went a trip to bowling. when we went to Wendy's i was with one of my friends and we got up...
  14. C

    Is it ok for my guy friend to hurt me and call me names, even if he says he's joking?

    My best guy friend always out of nowhere will hurt me. He'll slap me, punch me, pinch me, pull my hair, and he will like twists my fingers all the time to the point where it's extremely painful. It doesn't leave scars or marks but it sure as hell hurts. Also, he also calls me names like bitchez...
  15. J

    Do You Think Joking with a Christian That "They Like Being on Their Knees" is

    Do You Think Joking with a Christian That "They Like Being on Their Knees" is Bad Enough to get Banned? I belong to a general messageboard where anybody can talk about anything, and someone decided to start a thread on favorite sexual activies. Of course some Christians come in saying that...
  16. V

    So, should I be worried or is he just joking?

    So today in school this guy that is really annoying slips me this note and it says "you look good enough to rape". I'm like what the heck! Should this worry me? Should I confront him or just ignore it?
  17. A

    What are these morons joking about ?Bush or the nation security or our... can explain? is it disgusting?
  18. A

    Im really Hyper, and blah blah blah im not joking?

  19. A

    Does he like me? Or was he joking when he said this?

    I like this guy, and it seems like he likes me too. We were texting earlier and we joke around a lot. We were talking about hanging out (we don't know each other, but we have a lot of mutual friends) and I said he'd be lucky to hang out with me. I put a ;) to let him know I was joking. He then...
  20. C

    Am I a werewolf? NO JOKING! READ DESCRIPTION!?

    ok, im serious. all of this is 100 % TRUE! ok, here's my story. when i was first born, my mother told all of her friends that i was very hairy, black/ dark brown hair all over my arms, legs, head, eyebrows, etc. and my brother was BALD. but, of course, my hair lightened up a bit, but not that...