
  1. T

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians what is 'anointed' in Koine Greek?

    How is it used and why?
  2. T

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians what is 'anointed' in Koine Greek?

    How is it used and why?
  3. H

    why do jehovah witnesses say they call themselves jehovah witnesses because...

    ...they don't worship christ? but jesus christ said he was God, when he said the father and I we are one
  4. B

    Jehovah's Witnesses, Will the Body of Christ Go Through the Tribulation?

    All Christian Answers welcome?
  5. S

    Jehovah's Witnesses. How do you respond to the "Apostate Prophecy"?

    Full version here - Summary "You, and each of the 7 million JWs now alive, will die before the "new system" comes in." How true do you think this "prophecy" will prove to be? Will you remember it each time your KH holds a funeral? Will you remember...
  6. B

    In what way do Jehovah Witnesses have a baptism?In there hall of worship?

    or elsewhere
  7. V

    why all the ranting about Jehovah's witnesses?

    i know the whole goal of the people doing it is to turn people away from it but it actually has made me more convinced than ever to become a witness again i am currantly not a jehovahs witness gismoll- i do have a bachelors (not in liberal arts however, and took several religion classes while...
  8. I

    Are Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses considered as "Christians?"?

    Hmm.. strange and conflicting answers....
  9. C

    How does it work this disciplining with Jehovah's Witnesses?

    My husband felt very strongly about the environment and also may have been a bi-polar manic depressive, but was not diagnosed as he refused to see a doctor. He got baptised in his 20's in the UK. (Congregation no.1) Then he went off and disassociated himself and got involved in protests for...
  10. J

    Jehovah's Witnesses, if God is only dealing with "anointed" spiritual Israel how...

    Jehovah's Witnesses, if God is only dealing with "anointed" spiritual Israel how... ...can you explain this prophecy? Ezekiel 37:24-28 Here is the scripture out of my KJV bible. Sorry not the NWT anyways..... 24And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one...
  11. L

    What are the definitions of prohet and prophecy? A Jehovah's Witness had this to say?

    "Consider also the fact that prophecy not always refers to predicting things. False prophecies mainly refer to the statement of wrong teachings in the name of God." What do you think?
  12. J

    Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses - Are there any on the Greek islands?

    I want to go back to Greece for a holiday and was wondering if anyone knows of any Kingdom Halls on any of the islands - not a lot of information on this online so thought I'd post on here. I think we're swaying towards Kefalonia and that area..
  13. S

    Jehovah's Witnesses, How are the failed end time predictions of the WTBTS any?

    different than Harold Camping's failed predictions Is the WTBTS guilty of the same failings? If so, why do you defend your own failings yet condemn Harold Camping's failed predictions?
  14. M

    Is it even debatle that Jehovah Witnesses have the truth?

    They don't go to war or meddle in politics. They don't smoke or do drugs. They don't tolerate immorality. They use God's personal name. They abstain from blood. They don't celebrate holidays that originated from people who worshipped false gods. They do their utmost to follow every law and...
  15. R

    mormons,Jehovah's witnesses if your beliefs are true why does everyone else laugh

    at you? im not a jerk im just observing they are the butt of everyones jokes im not a jerk im just observing they are the butt of everyones jokes aren't normal christians ridiculed and killed too
  16. P

    which common excu7se for false prophecy does this jehovah W use?

    WRONG some 35 years ago certain ones implied and contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on the date of 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility, however along with the CAUTIONARY information, there were other statements made that...
  17. U

    Jehovah , Allah, Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Jupiter, Saturn, Yahweh, Horus,...

    ...Seth, and Hades? All Have Two Things In Common, Name Them. 1. They all exist 2. They all have names
  18. T

    Jehovah's Witnesses, how would you help someone who wanted to learn the Bible?

    But was very skeptical and not trusting of The Watchtower Organization. Also, how would you make them comfortable with them reading the magazines and books, especially if they were reading them, but with a lot of skepticism?
  19. J

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses worship Charles T. Russell, not Jesus Christ?

    The Jehovah's Witnesses religion was begun by Charles Taze Russell in 1872.
  20. L

    If you are a Jehovah's Witness?

    I am not trying to be smart I would just like to ask a question. You do not celebrate birthdays and Christmas and many other things (like easter) because of the pagan connections to these celebrations. In wedding ceremonies (which you guys must celebrate) things like rings, bridesmaids and...