
  1. T

    Why oh why does madame bingalee think that her TC badge makes others "jealous" of

    Why oh why does madame bingalee think that her TC badge makes others "jealous" of her?lol?;_ylt=AtYVD1p1YV47.kLqOxB_RB_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110119054618AAXMVVm Why oh why does she not realise that TC badge is useless?
  2. D

    Is Wentworth Miller Jealous of me?

    He played Michael Scofeild in Prison Break, and he's jealous of me cuz i iz coolerz than himz?
  3. T

    Are all the other sports sections jealous?

    I mean no one asks questions in there section, so they have to come here.. SMH
  4. A

    Why does this girl can't stop gossiping about me? Is she jealous?

    Ok this girl AKA my EX-best friend can't stop talking about me. All it started from was that there was this new girl in the bus and me, my bf (bst frnd) and the new girl were really gud frnds...i was rly happy..thn suddenly the new gurl once told me tht u no ur best frnd says "ur not a true...
  5. C

    Do you respect, laugh at or get jealous of women who don't wear make up?

    I know there are not many women who don't wear make up. But half of them don't do it because they show that they are naturally beautiful and don't need to try to make themselves prettier like all those average looking women. And I don't think I will ever want to date someone who wears make up. I...
  6. A

    Jealous of my own horse?

    I asked my mum if I could buy a horse and she said no because she didn't like the idea of me riding alone.We then decided to get two horses so I could ride with someone. So, I got the horse of my dreams along with another one, which my mum absolutely adores! But the problem is, my cousin, who I...
  7. A

    What are some reasons why people should NOT be jealous of celebrities?

    If you think about it, what do we as average people really have that any celebrity would be jealous of? Compared to them, we have nothing worth wanting and, our lives are pretty boring and insignificant.
  8. B

    how you can tell if someone is jealous or gossiping behind my back?

    it just started nov 2006 to nov 2010 i feel like someone is spreading rumors about me here all the signs distance coldness rudeness being too busy for me deleting comments on facebook goes offline in a instant once you talk to them telling others that i after them the thing is that my doctor...
  9. G

    Do you think wives/gf's or husbands/bf's of movie stars get jealous from... scene in movies? When the wife/gf or husband/bf knows that their loved one is going to be kissing someone else in a romantic love scene ... do you think they get jealous? I'm thinking maybe this is why there's so much divorce and remarriage that goes on in hollywood. I know that I...
  10. D

    If Lucifer was capable of becoming jealous of Christ and sinning?

    while in heaven, could that happen to any other angel (or person turned angel) again in heaven.... even after the judgment? This is kind of alluding to the other question I asked I don't understand... God gave angels freew will, saw what happened, and then turned around and gave people free...
  11. D

    If Satan was capable of becoming jealous of Christ and sinning?

    while in heaven, could that happen to any other angel (or person who becomes an angel) again in heaven.... even after the judgement?
  12. J

    Should Jesus be jealous of all the dinosaurs that died for us to live our

    modern lives? I can't drive to the supermarket with a gallon of Jesus juice in my tank, but thanks to the dinosaurs that died we can go to the moon.
  13. J

    Is Obama jealous now that Chris Matthews finds men participating in WW2

    Battle re-enactment "homo-erotic"? Does Chris Matthews still deny that Bill Ayers told the NY Times that "I do not regret bombing, I wished I bombed more" in 2001 while he was serving on a board with Barrack Obama.
  14. J

    Why were these blacks so jealous that i have a lexus when they drive a cheap...

    ...motor scooter? Couldnt the blacks just be happy for me? they dont need to get all offended,
  15. J

    Is he jealous or was he joking?

    Is he jealous or was he joking? I was sitting with a group of people and a friend of mine. There were 2 guys and 3 girls including me. I tell the girls that one of the guys is cute, when he is not there. I did not want him to know, then i tell my guy friend his guy friend is cute. He tells me he...
  16. L

    had a dream i kissed a guy who my ex was jealous of?

    so i was seeing this guy who is in my spainish class, and one day my friend rachel wanted me to talk to a guy for her since she had a huge crush on him. so i talked to this guy and my ex, got really mad over it, he said i was flirting with other guys in front of him on purpose blah blah blah...
  17. S

    Are people who say celebrities aren't good role models, jealous?

    Celebrities may do drugs, drunk driving, smoke, cheat, steal, but how does this make them any less of a role model than non celebrities who do the exact same thing everyday? The people complaining are just jealous because they wish they were famous.
  18. J

    Why is she jealous and touched me like this if she wasn't interested in me?

    I have this friend named Brittany who is apparently jealous of me and my girlfriend Brianna (we've been together for six months now). Brittany and I were good friends at one point, but that wore off after a while. Now, Brittany and her boyfriend recently broke up, but when they were still...
  19. C

    How can you evade being jealous to the person whose giving interest to your gf/bf?

    How can you evade being jealous to the person whose giving interest to your gf/bf?
  20. J

    I'm officially jealous of that damn beaver!(more of a rant than a) Q?

    OK so i was watching Wizards of Waverly place and because i developed a crush on Selena Gomez (How could any guy resist her?) so just yesterday i was on Youtube and i came across this video that said the Selena Gomez has?/had? a crush on that dumb beaver (I'm not a hater but i really think that...