
  1. M

    Everytime I go outdoors I get itchy all over?

    Hi all, I've been having this problem lately everytime I go outside I get really it itchy. I don't have this issue indoors at home I don't suffer from any allergies that I'm aware of. Itchyness occurs all over my body from my head down to my toe and its really annoying I feel like I have bugs...
  2. S

    I have red bumpy itchy spots after swimming in a swimming pool. What is going on?

    So sometimes after I swim I get these red itchy spots (looks like bug bites) on my body and then a few hours later it is gone. But today the same thing happened but it is sort of all over my body. Itchy, irritating, red. And it's not going away. I checked online and it could be swimmers...
  3. W

    Itchy burning rash that's recurring on back of neck?

    I'm going to post some pics but it's a bumpy rash that has come and gone twice I've used some steriod cream clobetasol propionate that may have helped. But due to using several other creams I'm not sure. This time it's back with a vengeance!
  4. A

    Get Kate Middleton’s Hair (Plus A Sore Throat, Headache, and Itchy Eyes)

    Kate Middleton's stylist finally spilled the beans about how to get her straight, chestnut-brown locks to the Daily Mail (although honestly, I didn't know her particular style was all that mysterious). In addition to the big reveal that you should dye your hair brown and grow it past...
  5. T

    Researchers Block Morphine's Itchy Side Effect

    Itching is one of the most prevalent side effects of powerful, pain-killing drugs like morphine, oxycodone and other opioids. The opiate-associated itch is so common that even women who get epidurals for labor pain often complain of itching. For many years, scientists have scratched their own...
  6. J

    Have Been Very Itchy Lately?

    Hello okay about 2 or so weeks ago I started getting very itchy on my thighs and butt, but really only when I woke up in the morning. They were itching where I had old stretch marks and I read online that about 2 years after getting stretch marks they can become pretty itchy and it has been 2...
  7. M

    Itchy red spot on thigh?

    I recently had tonsillitis and while I was spending a whole week in bed, an itchy red patch appeared on my inner thigh, towards my groin. I've been better for a week and just been ignoring it but it's been itchy and yeah, it's dry and flaky as well. I'm a 16 year old male. And it's not herpes...
  8. B

    Itchy red bumps on my body?

    so far I've only found three the first I found was in my wrist under my watch then I found one on my hip and another in my chest. I've been doing a conditoning clinic recently could sweat be part of the issue?
  9. B

    Itchy red bumps on my body?

    so far I've only found three the first I found was in my wrist under my watch then I found one on my hip and another in my chest. I've been doing a conditoning clinic recently could sweat be part of the issue?
  10. E

    Please help me! itchy red rash on face!!?

    okay so it started 2 days ago on my chin bone it was itchy nd iritated and now its all over my face it almost looks like poison ivy its on my nose. and on my lips! i need something to make it go away! help please!
  11. A

    Acrylic nails and swollen itchy fingers?

    So ive always had acrylic nails on and off for about 7 years now.... 3 weeks ago my fingers stArted to get itchy and swollen they also had a clear fluid coming out in between the nail and skin so i took them off for 2 weeks... I notice unded my nAils my skin slowly grew higher and higher...
  12. A

    Acrylic nails and swollen itchy fingers?

    So ive always had acrylic nails on and off for about 7 years now.... 3 weeks ago my fingers stArted to get itchy and swollen they also had a clear fluid coming out in between the nail and skin so i took them off for 2 weeks... I notice unded my nAils my skin slowly grew higher and higher...
  13. B

    My Vagina, has been really itchy inside and there is noo possible reason why.?

    The doctor says I must be having a reaction to the tampon, but it isnt because Im smart that way. And its not because I shave there, because im not bleeding. Also I dont have an STI or STD because I have only had sex twice. Please help me :D
  14. G

    Itchy Witch! - Riddle!?

    How do you make a witch itch? Alex wins! Im guessing you googled it, lol! Well, this is kinda a kids riddle.
  15. L

    itchy and really painful pimple in the vagina?

    i've been having sex with my boyfriend , but we got a HIV test about 3 months ago , and we were clean but now i have this pimple in my vagina and is really itchy and painful and when i wipe it bleeds a little :( i'm really freaking out!! I'm scared it might be a decease like Herpes can anyone...
  16. A

    my vagina is slightly sore, and a little bit itchy, why?

    for the past, i'd say week now, my vagina has been a little bit sore, and kind of itchy (i'm talking about the actual vagina here, the hole, not the parts around it) and i was wondering what it's from. there isn't any unusual discharge, i'm a virgin so there's no possibility of it being an STD...
  17. C

    Daft question lol.. but im CONSTANTLY itchy to the point where im

    scratching my skin red raw...? Just wondering why im sooo itchy? its my arms, my breasts, my feet and my thighs and its quite annoying and embarrassing cause im hardly sleeping cause of it Ive used to same brands of handwash/soap/shower gel/wash powder for the past 6months so i dont think its an...
  18. M

    my eyes are itchy dry red and swollen ? 10 PONTS RIGHT AWAY!!!?

    Im buying my first car. Should i get a Ferrari or a Porsche? I like them both equally and its hard to make my final decision?
  19. A

    I have itchy skin but its not bug bites or an allergic reaction. HELP PLS?

    I know this is a pretty general topic, but maybe someone can relate or maybe someone has some info... here goes: For sometime now ( a few months) my upper arms and recently spreading to my lower arms (seldom on wrists never on hands) I have been itchy, I end up itching so much I break the skin...
  20. F

    pins and needles itchy feet?

    feet feel like pins and needles