
  1. N

    Are Israeli West Bank settlers kicking themselves out of their homes?

    In the news it's been reported that settlers desecrated a Mosque in the West Bank as "pay back" for the settlement freeze. If proved, wont this erode support for them, even from fellow Israelis?
  2. A

    How Can I Become An Israeli Citizen?

    I am Canadian. I was born in Canada, and I am not Jewish. How can I become a dual citizen of Canada and Israel?
  3. M

    Where can I find Israeli League Soccer highlights online?

    I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find highlights of this league online? I am specifically looking for highlights of the match played this past weekend between Maccabi Ahi Nazareth and Hapoel Acre, but would like to know where to find them in the future as well. Thank you
  4. S

    Israeli army confess that they killed innocent people of PALESTINE?

  5. B

    What u think about the israeli soldiers who admited DELIBERATE killing of...

    ...Palestinian civilians in Gaza? Read those horrible stories from the "soldiers" who committed it & how they were "ordered" to do it by their leaders,which means its a country policy & not mistakes: Does this prove to...
  6. P

    Israeli soldiers admit "unbridled contempt" for mothers and children.

    Who should we believe? "The platoon commander ... told them to go to their right. One mother and her two children ... went to the left ... The sharpshooter ... shot them."
  7. C

    What is the attitude of Israeli soldiers towards Palestinian civilians?

    It seems Israel see the civilian Palestinians as 'untermenschen' or subhumans naturally or they are so indoctrinated into thinking they are Gods alimighty that they are always more in the right than others. Take this...
  8. M

    con. efforts for peace in the Israeli conflict, why was there a conuing...

    ...struggle in the occ. territorie? 1) isreal refused to give up the territories until arab nations reconginized israel right to exist and plaestinian arabs were displaced. 2) plalestinian arabs refused to give up their homes to isreali refugees who secretly supported the plo. 3)yasir arafat...
  9. B

    Was the Israeli claim that Hamas used innocent civilians as "human shields"...

    Was the Israeli claim that Hamas used innocent civilians as "human shields"... ...the greatest piece of spin ever? One of the greatest anyway. Because the "Hamas fighters" (how many Israeli soldiers did they kill, by the way?) had nowhere to fight out of that was a military zone (the Gaza...
  10. H

    Whos the hottest israeli celeb?

    Males & Females. and please provide pics. tironce, how about guys?? btw this Maya chick is kinda weird 1. she looks arabic 2. her breast size is diffrent in every pic!
  11. M

    Is this yet another act of Israeli piracy.?
  12. T

    Israeli warmongers Pushing for a war with Iran: You must see this video!?

    This interesting video discusses how the Zionist media tries to push for a war with Iran and deceitfully omits key parts of Ahmadinijad statements like his call for democracy and the Iranian officials repeated statements that they are not intending to attack Israel... So are we going to repeat...
  13. M

    Does the Americans Know What the Israeli's are Doing?

    This short video shows how Israel relentlessly tortures and harasses Palestinians like Nazis and then say It's "military necessity!!" and when this video had a high number of views in You Tube, Israeli's couldn't stand it; they called You Tube and claimed It's a terms of service violation!! A...
  14. G

    So much for the 'surgical precision' of Israeli Air strikes, right?

    Time and time again we are told of the 'surgical precision' of the Israeli air strikes. Yet they always end up killing civilians, in Lebanon whole apartment blocks were destroyed by Israeli planes. Robert Fisk's interview with Brigadier-General Specter Specter (one of Israels pilots)...
  15. A

    Israeli government is trying to force Palestinians to leave Gaza and to steal the

    rest of their lands? ISRAEL should End The Siege On Gaza we don`t want to see killed children in GAZA , In ISRAEL. the people in GAZA don`t have enough food , drugs .... we should show our objection. some people say : HAMAS wants to kill every jewish. I think this is wrong. i am muslim. In...
  16. M

    con. efforts for peace in the Israeli conflict, why was there a conuing

    struggle in the occ. territorie? 1) isreal refused to give up the territories until arab nations reconginized israel right to exist and plaestinian arabs were displaced. 2) plalestinian arabs refused to give up their homes to isreali refugees who secretly supported the plo. 3)yasir arafat...
  17. B

    How come israeli coward army KIDNAPS a Lebanese ship? this is TERRORISM,why...

    ...they r not PUNISHED ? israel KIDNAPPED a Lebanese ship with Humanitarian aids to Gaza? Isn't that sea TERRORISM? How can navigation & ships be safe after that if those israeli criminals r not severely PUNISHED? Why the LAW is not applied on israeli crimes?
  18. R

    What Israeli security measures are there (Middle East Conflict)?

    What security measures have the Israelis put in place against the Palestines, etc; for the Middle East Conflict over the Gaza Strip? I don't mind if it's current or past. Thanks! x
  19. D

    Why doesn't anyone in Hollywood speak out against the Israeli atrocities against

    civilians in Gaza...? ...or try to help get aid to the Palestinians there? It would be hard for Israel to target them and attack ships trying to deliver food and aid to Gaza if everyone knows that a celebrity is on the ship. (I thought Hollywood cared about genocides and humanitarian causes.)...
  20. T

    Is there an Israeli media war on you and I...?

    WINNING THE MEDIA WAR Twitter, YouTube, blogs – Israel has proved a master of networking. Shame it's being used to promote a bloody conflict * Rachel Shabi, Saturday 10 January 2009 15.00 GMT One of the things that annoyed Israel about the second Lebanon war was that...