
  1. P

    How do I go about becoming a pagan and what does the religion involve?

    I've been interested in paganism for a while now, and I've done some research, but the more I read the more I become confused and overwhelmed. What is the difference between Paganism and Wicca? How does one become a pagan? What do you do while practicing the religion? What are the beliefs? I...
  2. P

    What Are Some Hollywood Movies That Involve Albanians?? :]?

    Besides "taken" And "inside Man"... Thnx
  3. H

    What are good rap songs that involve politics?

    What are good rap songs that involve politics,social struggle, and government?
  4. J

    Is there a breast augmentation procedure that does not involve implants, but...

    ...increases mass? I heard some women after breast feeding get a cosmetic surgery that basically re-inflates their boobs. Any knowledge on this?
  5. B

    What jobs involve lots of overseas travel?

    I would like to travel to different countries as part of my job. I have a degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence). I have taught English for two years in Poland and China, but am now looking for a job that pays a higer wage than teaching. Thanks
  6. X

    what are some jobs that involve me to travel around the world but make alot of money?

    im 13 yrs old and im about to be in high school and alot of my family has asked me what i would like to major in in college and well i really dont know..some of the things i would like to do is travel around the world but i want to make alot of money, soo pleasee help me
  7. C

    Do you think all world religions which involve a god/gods have been disproven... science? Please explain.? I am 2nd year college student, majoring in Biology. I am not trying be a troll or disrespecting anyone. But I do understand from my knowledge that religions that involve a god/gods is not relevant to science. What are your opinions?
  8. E

    Skins season 3 ep 3 link that DOES NOT involve a download?

    I live in the US and the third series doesn't even start till April here. So I would really appreciate any links that don't involving downloading stuff (I never trust those watch TV online sights, you're probably downloading a virus, not a TV show). The one on Megavideo says it's ep 3 but...
  9. D

    does naturopathic medicine involve nutrition and what is the career like?

    Can you make a good salary in this field? Also can you be like a naturopathic doctor who specializes in diet or nutrition or something?
  10. B

    Does a broken axle on my 97 vw jetta involve a non responding transmission?

    Several weeks ago, my car slipped on ice and crashed into a thick brick curb and by the looks of it, my axle is broken (it's hanging) and when I finally got my car towed, when it was lifted in the air, the axle was visibly hanging low. My concern is whether or not a broken axle involves my car's...