
  1. M

    Did Hitler invent the Volkswagen beetle?

    I always liked bugs I have one. LOL I am going to Germany next year. ''sighs''
  2. N

    Why don't they invent smell less cigarettes?

    They smell awful. I tired of these smokers.
  3. M

    Why did atheists invent religion if they did not want it?

    Since everyone is supposedly born atheist, which one of their flock screwed the pooch? Poor kitty.
  4. A

    its 2010 what type of gadgets will they invent this year?

    so its twenty ten now if not pretend it is but what futuristic gadgets will they make for the modern women and men today?!
  5. A

    its 2010 what type of gadgets will they invent this year?

    so its twenty ten now if not pretend it is but what futuristic gadgets will they make for the modern women and men today?!
  6. D

    dont laugh, but cant we invent some sort of boots, IED resistant?

    just throwin it out there
  7. W

    when did alexander bell invent the telephone?

    what was the date that he invented the telephone
  8. W

    when did alexander bell invent the telephone?

    what was the date that he invented the telephone
  9. S

    When scientists invent time travel:?

    and go back in time to find that there was never any Jesus, Adam, or special creation. Will Christians admit they are wrong then? (Time travel will be invented in the near future, according to New Scientist) "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know...
  10. W

    why did alexander grahm bell invent the phone?

    im on another home work sheet why did alexander grahm bell invent the phone
  11. W

    why did the phopnicians invent the boat?

    i need help on a school homework why did the phopnicians invent the boat
  12. C

    If you were mental enough to invent a mother in law?

    Would you make her nice or would you make her nasty? What about accident prone? Edit to babydoll - you could try valium in her tea?
  13. I

    What steps would I take to patent and (mass) produce a product I want to invent

    using touchscreen technology? I recently came up with a possible invention using touchscreen technology and instead of submitting the idea for another company to buy and take over, I would like to patent it and mass produce it myself. I'm willing to start up a company to do this. What steps...
  14. M

    did bell gates invent yahoo?

    bell gates made computerz so it came 2 me dat he musta maid yahoo? because he maid the first computr? also; sense he maid yahoo, who maid yahoo answers? canitake kredit for it? i want money so i can buy these cute pink shoes. id ask u guys but itsok i know ur pour. my daddy is rich and he buys...
  15. M

    did bell gates invent yahoo?

    bell gates made computerz so it came 2 me dat he musta maid yahoo? because he maid the first computr? also; sense he maid yahoo, who maid yahoo answers? canitake kredit for it? i want money so i can buy these cute pink shoes. id ask u guys but itsok i know ur pour. my daddy is rich and he buys...
  16. I

    What steps would I take to patent and (mass) produce a product I want to invent

    using touchscreen technology? I recently came up with a possible invention using touchscreen technology and instead of submitting the idea for another company to buy and take over, I would like to patent it and mass produce it myself. I'm willing to start up a company to do this. What steps...
  17. S

    When did alexander graham bell invent the phone?

    please help
  18. C

    Why would evolution or God invent this fish? I'm sure it's an alien fish?
  19. E

    Why do people invent bolster?

    Not everyone using bolster, but why do people inventing bolster?
  20. L

    Did "God" or "The Power's That Be" really intend for man to invent religion?

    Did "God" or "The Power's That Be" really intend for man to invent religion? Is it just one of those variables in an "uncontrolled" experiment?