
  1. J

    Is the Under the Influence tour Wiz Khalifa and ASAP Rocky safe?

    I'm 17 and I'm going to the Under the Influence tour in Toronto with my friend who's also 17, we're both small girls will this be a safe concert for us? Just double checking cause I know a lot of the music is inappropriate which could draw a bad crowd.
  2. A

    Technology's influence on Outdoor Recreation - PARTICIPATION?

    Just wanted to know a bit about how technology has influenced people's participation rates in outdoor recreation activities both positively and negatively?
  3. T

    Discovery Of Three Unique Genes That Influence Body Size And Obesity In Those Of Afri

    Researchers from Dartmouth's Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (iQBS) and the Center for Genomic Medicine have helped to discover three unique genetic variations that influence body size and obesity in men and women of African ancestry. This study, a meta-analysis that examined 3.2...
  4. H

    how will technology influence us in the future?

    The newer generation has it easier than what I had its too easy to look up information nowadays
  5. M

    What is the best of fitness component factors that influence sprint or running

    performance in track and field? What are the discriminant factors for the sprint or running performance?
  6. D

    North Islanders, does Auckland or Wellington have more influence over you?

    Which Main Centre in NZ do you prefer to visit during weekend trips? Auckand or Wellington? And why? Please also state the NZ town/region where you currently live or had come from so I can have an indication of the extent of that Main Centre's influence.
  7. B

    Influence of Mrs. Greenwood in The Bell Jar?

    How does Mrs. Greenwood influence Esther? I think she has an invisible power over her telling her to conform, but what else?
  8. K

    Analyze the influence of global economic interdependence and the effect...

    ...of trade practices and agreements? coca cola
  9. T

    How Embryonic Origin And Timing Influence Cell Specification And Network Integration

    The cerebral cortex of the human brain has been called "the crowning achievement of evolution." Ironically, it is so complex that even our greatest minds and most sophisticated science are only now beginning to understand how it organizes itself in early development, and how its many cell types...
  10. T

    Gender Stereotypes Influence Public Perceptions Of Depressed People

    The ability to correctly identify signs of depression depends on the gender of both the identifier and the person with depression, as well as individual psychological differences, according to research published by Viren Swami from the University of Westminster, UK. The author presented study...
  11. T

    Genetic Differences Can Influence Breast Cancer Risk From Low-Dose Radiation

    Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have identified tissue mechanisms that may influence a woman's susceptibility or resistance to breast cancer after exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation, such as the levels used in full-body CT...
  12. T

    Social Factors May Influence Our Perceptual Processing

    Hate the Lakers? Do the Celtics make you want to hurl? Whether you like someone can affect how your brain processes their actions, according to new research from the Brain and Creativity Institute at USC. Most of the time, watching someone else move causes a 'mirroring' effect - that is, the...
  13. T

    Under The Influence: Reminders Of Money Impact Consumer Decision-Making

    When reminded of money (not cost), consumers are more likely to evaluate a new product based on its primary features or brand name, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. "Money and symbols of money are ubiquitous in our daily consumer environment, and money is linked to...
  14. R

    LOL, rap music influence?

    My mom says Mac Miller or any rap music has bad influence on me. She's a really Asian OG, so she doesn't even speak English but she knows it's bad. So does rap music have bad influence on teens? Mac Miller's amazing thoouggh. <3
  15. T

    Researchers Reveal That One Act Of Remembering Can Influence Future Acts

    Can the simple act of recognizing a face as we walk down the street change the way we think? Or can taking the time to notice something new on our way to work change what we remember about that walk? In a new study published in the journal Science, New York University researchers show that...
  16. T

    The Influence Of Genes On Psychological Well-Being

    Genes play a greater role in forming character traits - such as self-control, decision making or sociability - than was previously thought, new research suggests. A study of more than 800 sets of twins found that genetics were more influential in shaping key traits than a person's home...
  17. R

    how does geography influence population trends in U.S. history? Please help!!!?

    Umm excuse me but this is the "home work" section! I cant figure out the answer or elese I would do it myself.
  18. B

    how does judaism influence the lives of its adherents/followers?

    please and thankyou! :)
  19. T

    Genes That Influence Childhood Obesity Found

    A large international consortium study has found at least two gene variants that increase the risk for common childhood obesity. Writing in Nature Genetics on 8 April, the researchers describe how they linked variants near the loci OLFM4 and HOXB5 to this condition, and showed they are also...
  20. T

    Starch Intake May Influence Risk For Breast Cancer Recurrence

    Researchers have linked increased starch intake to a greater risk for breast cancer recurrence, according to results presented at the 2011 CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held Dec. 6-10, 2011. "The results show that it's not just overall carbohydrates, but particularly starch,"...