
  1. T

    Proximity Of Fast Food Restaurants Has Impact On Body Mass Index Of Low Income Africa

    African-American adults living closer to a fast food restaurant had a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who lived further away from fast food, according to researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and this association was particularly strong among those with a...
  2. Olea

    Suppose you know that earned income of the United States is a normal distribution

    or bell shaped distribution,? Mean=$45,000 Standard Deviation=$10,000 Suppose your boss asked you to model the earned income of 5 individuals. He also wanted you to select these 5 random earned income so that they would resemble real world probabilities, that is most of the numbers would be...
  3. Olea

    Suppose you know that earned income of the United States is a normal...

    ...distribution or bell shaped distribution,? Mean=$45,000 Standard Deviation=$10,000 Suppose your boss asked you to model the earned income of 5 individuals. He also wanted you to select these 5 random earned income so that they would resemble real world probabilities, that is most of the...
  4. Olea

    Suppose you know that earned income of the United States is a normal...

    ...distribution or bell shaped distribution,? Mean=$45,000 Standard Deviation=$10,000 Suppose your boss asked you to model the earned income of 5 individuals. He also wanted you to select these 5 random earned income so that they would resemble real world probabilities, that is most of the...
  5. Olea

    Suppose you know that earned income of the United States is a normal...

    ...distribution or bell shaped distributio? Suppose you know that earned income of the United States is a normal distribution or bell shaped distribution, that has a mean of $45,000, and a standard deviation of $10,000. Suppose your boss asked you to model the earned income of 5...
  6. C

    If you're making a full time income online from doing surveys and commissions?

    how do you pay taxes on that income? since youre just getting money deposited into your account, and are not technically an 'employee' of anyone? Do you do a 1099? Thanks!
  7. T

    Now that the Chinese got our manufacturing jobs shouldn't they pay US income tax...

    ...and social security? NOOOO ! We took those jobs to china so we didn't have to pay any taxes or add anything to society "you stupid liberal"
  8. J

    Can i make a descent income with selling avon or mary kay?

    Should I sell avon or mary kay or any suggestions what I should sell soon to be mom
  9. M

    Is America the only country that collects income taxes?

    Is that true? And if no, then which countries dont collect income taxes?
  10. H

    is $60 million USD/year income not enough? when will the 0.01% stop complaining? Shall he be taxed so his take home pay is only $50,000/year? effective tax rate of 99.2%?
  11. G

    I'll have 1000$/mnth income soon, is it possible to travel around the world with it?

    I'm working for 10 years and bought 2 houses. Now i'll be renting them and there will be around 1000-1200$ income per month. Is it possible to live around the world with that? I'm not willing to work but i'm thinking about this for the rest of my life. I'll be travelling low and slow so my...
  12. I

    Tax question? Who claims income on interest on joint a bank accounts on

    filing your taxable income earnings? This is the first time that we are doing our taxes by ourselves (accountants did it for last 3 years). We have interest income of 100 dollars almost every year and so we noticed that our accountant both declared it on our returns. Should one of us just claim...
  13. V

    Closing the Income Inequality Gap

    The memes for the current economic recession have been “income inequality” and “the 99 percent versus the 1 percent” as the 106 million Americans earning $45,000 or less each year feel the most pain from job loss, foreclosure, underwater mortgages and inflation. Some say the solution is for the...
  14. T

    Fifteen Percent Of The American Physician Workforce Trained In Lower Income Countries

    Fifteen percent of the American active physician workforce was trained in lower income countries, which is beneficial for the United States both clinically and economically but may have negative impacts on the countries of origin that are losing their educational investment, according to a...
  15. T

    where do I enter stock trading income and expense?

    I have to redo 2009 to show stock trading numbers, i.e. net of gains & losses which appears on 1099B submitted by brokerage to IRS; and overhead expenses to prove nontaxable balance. I have the numbers. Where do I apply them on what tax forms?
  16. T

    The Cost Of Disabilities Could Reach 77.2 Percent Of Household Income In Spain

    A team of researchers have for the first time estimated the cost and impact of disabilities on the finances of disabled people. According to data, 90% of the population with a serious disability in Spain is in a state of moderate poverty and 56% lives in a state of extreme poverty... More...
  17. T

    New Research Finds Obesity Negatively Impacts Income, Especially For Women

    A new report from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services' Department of Health Policy (GW) uncovered an overall wage differential between those of normal weight and those who are obese, especially when it comes to women. The research, released today...
  18. T

    When debt is assigned to fiat currency and an income tax is levied to pay the...

    ...assigned fiat debt Its called? Create cash -- fiat money Assign a debt -- to the fiat money -- Loan it to the government at interest (the debt assigned as a % ) Declare a tax on income to recover the money to pay the fiat debt levied against the fiat cash --------------------- It...
  19. M

    Where can a rookie artist get involved in the arts on a limited income?

    I have always had a keen interest in creating things. Particularly with sewing and jewellery making. I would like to learn to draw and paint better as I plan on opening an Etsy shop for my college fund to pursue a degree in the arts. My other interest is writing as I have lived a life beyond my...
  20. B

    Why would someone with income of over million dollars an year be buying 30,000...

    ...subaru car? Why would someone with income of over million dollars an year buying 30,000 2011 subaru legacy as new car? shouldn't he be buying 140,000 dollar car?