
  1. A

    Does being in an air conditioning room improve vocal cords or speech performance?

    I find that after I've finished class for the day, my throat doesn't feel so... Blocked up with mucus or saliva. I speak more clearly too for someone who has a speech problem.
  2. A

    Why do Top Atheists remain Stagnant here while the rest Improve and move on?

    If Life is a wheel, that means they are the Flat tire? LOL
  3. M

    What should the MLS do to improve the soccer league?

    My 5 changes. 1. Coincide with the international calender from fifa instead of starting season so late. Makes transfers easier and they will be in form for international tournaments. 2. Relegations so teams can feel pressure to improve. 3. Less foriegners and more US born rookies. 4. No playoffs...
  4. M

    What should the MLS do to improve the soccer league?

    My 5 changes. 1. Coincide with the international calender from fifa instead of starting season so late. Makes transfers easier and they will be in form for international tournaments. 2. Relegations so teams can feel pressure to improve. 3. Less foriegners and more US born rookies. 4. No playoffs...
  5. A

    Zinc Actually Can Improve Your Immune System (And For More Than Just Colds)

    I'm kind of obsessive about immune boosters, especially at this time of year. Some people say they're just placebos, but regardless, I like to give my body some extra defenses when fighting off, colds, flu and the norovirus. Zinc is one of my faves (shoutout to Zicam!!) and today, there's new...
  6. G

    Okay, can anybody help me improve on this story?? And help with the next bit?

    " this is heaven!" sighed grace and faith together simultaneously, they laughed as they sunbathed on the hot, beautiful, refreshing sun drenched angelic beach, the sunlight glittering on every grain of sand, the beach idyllic, white and fresh as the aqua blue waves crashed against the cliffs...
  7. P

    How to improve the UI of my android device after it has been rooted....?

    i hav lg optimus me(a basic one!!)...rooted it with to improve its gui...??
  8. A

    What Is Dry Brushing? The Natural Way To Exfoliate Skin, Improve Circulation and (May

    Have you heard about dry brushing? It's an exfoliation technique that can supposedly help your body to eliminate toxins, increase circulation, tighten loose skin, and more. Some people even say it can help with cellulite and weight loss (we're a little skeptical about that, though). More » What...
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    Want A Flatter Belly For The New Year? Improve Digestion First

    While a flatter tummy tops the list of many New Year’s resolutions, it can be extremely difficult to obtain if you aren’t paying attention to what’s going on in that stomach. Here are three stubborn stomach woes, and natural remedies to improve digestion so you can be well on your way to...
  10. S

    How can one improve their wit and sense of humour?

    Is it possible to improve wit and comic timing and make mwitty comments- without being awkward. I want to be as fluid and comical in a conversation the way geroge clooney is in interviews and the way ellen degeneres is.
  11. J

    How can I improve the experience at my college?

    Does anyone have a general idea that I can try to work on for my school? I'm not asking it specifically for my college because I feel that all schools share some of the same essential problems. elasticated belt
  12. A

    Improve Your Workout With… The Color Green?

    Your food may be giving your body what it needs for a more effective work out, but what about your "visual diet"? More » Improve Your Workout With… The Color Green? is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
  13. S

    Is the introduction to my essay confusing? How can I improve it?

    This is the introduction to my "teaching philosophy" essay. Is it a good start or should I make some changes to make it more understandable? To me, children are like a puzzle. Every child is unique as is every puzzle. Because of this, the single piece that the puzzle is started upon is best...
  14. A

    Can Going Vegetarian Improve Your Sex Life?

    Wondering how you can bring the spice back into your sex life? Perhaps it's not about adding anything, so much as taking away. More » Can Going Vegetarian Improve Your Sex Life? is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
  15. T

    Futuristic Classrooms Improve Learning And Teaching

    Researchers designing and testing the 'classroom of the future' have found that multi-touch, multi-user desks can boost skills in mathematics. New results from a 3-year project working with over 400 pupils, mostly 8-10 year olds, show that collaborative learning increases both fluency and...
  16. Y

    GIRLS,ways i can improve myself,skin & hair style?(Tips & advice would be helpful)?

    GIRLS,ways i can improve myself,skin & hair style?(Tips & advice would be helpful)? Should i change my hair style & how to improve my skin & other ways i can improve myself How can i improve myself please help.Honestly Am i ugly,average,cute,attractive or good looking? ways i can improve...
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    Treatment For Bone Metastases Can Improve Overall Survival

    It is common for patients initially diagnosed with lung cancer to have the cancer spread to sites like the liver, brain and bone. One of the most frequent sites of metastases is the bone, with an estimated 30 to 40 percent of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) developing bone loss...
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    Supercomputer Simulations And Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Studied To Improve Helm

    Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico are comparing supercomputer simulations of blast waves on the brain with clinical studies of veterans suffering from mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) to help improve helmet designs. Paul Taylor and John Ludwigsen of...
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    Sildenafil And Rapamycin Work Together To Improve Doxorubicin Cancer Treatment

    Combining cancer medication with a drug for erectile dysfunction and one for heart transplants helped kill cancer cells and protected the heart from damage, in a study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2012. For decades, doxorubicin has been a powerful...
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    Falcons overcome slow start, improve to 8-0 with 19-13 win over Cowboys

    Michael Turner's three-yard touchdown run with 14:21 to play in the fourth quarter broke a 6-6 tie and propelled the Atlanta Falcons to a 19-13 win over the Dallas Cowboys, keeping the Falcons a perfect 8-0 on the 2012 season. Held to just 23 yards rushing on 11 carries, including 18 yards on...