
  1. Y

    Is bringing illegal immigrants to the table to discuss immigration policy any...

    ...different than...? bringing sex offenders to the table to discuss age of consent laws?
  2. Y

    Is bringing illegal immigrants to the table to discuss immigration policy any...

    ...different than...? bringing sex offenders to the table to discuss age of consent laws?
  3. O

    why are US and UK governments interested in bringing in immigrants?

    im pretty sure theres no alturism involved, so why bother bringing someone to the country when you could just find your own? 2) are western governments afraid of smart people in third world countries becoming powerful?
  4. A

    US Birthrate At Record Low, Experts Attribute Drop To Immigrants And Recession

    As a 23-year-old recent college graduate, I know I will not be having children within the next five years; it's simply not financially feasible right now. I know it wouldn't be responsible for me to bring another being into this world when I don't think I could provide everything without a...
  5. M

    How are illegal immigrants who have no car insurance able to drive without

    registration decal.? The registration decals they can only get if they show proof of car insurance. We hear about illegal immigrants getting pulled over at traffic stops, but if they do not have car insurance they can not have those decals that are placed on your license plates. So naturally...
  6. A

    All-Star events also include chain gang with illegal immigrants

    Dust storms! Immigration law protestors!*Gold baseballs! Heat! If those unusual All-Star Game features weren't enough, check out this news: Joe Arpaio, the grandstanding and controversial sheriff of Maricopa County, plans to show up at Chase Field with a chain gang that will pick up trash...
  7. J

    Why do Illegal Mexican Immigrants Complain too much ?

    They complain about Arazona's laws or states revoking their driving licenes First of all I'm not racist, infact I have tried to Move there, which is what lead me to write this American Citizenship- Takes 4 years after being a lawful resident Mexican Citizenship - Takes 5 years+another 3-5 for...
  8. I

    Why does the Mexican President criticize the AZ law/ treatment of illegal immigrants

    when Mexico's laws/ treat? ment of illegal immigrants is much harsher/worse? And why does President Obama side with the Mexican president?
  9. 3

    Shouldn't we at least have a better idea of how many illegal immigrants live in the

    USA before talking amnesty? I've read accounts that say there are 12-30 million. And I've even heard that the number could be much higher than those estimates.
  10. P

    Why do people always complain about illegal immigrants no paying taxes?

    who cares? they need the money and they are deserve it more that the goverment and rich white gu ys who take it.
  11. Y

    Illegal immigrants labor rights?

    Are there illegal immigrants labor rights here in the US?
  12. Y

    Illegal immigrants labor rights?

    Are there illegal immigrants labor rights here in the US?
  13. T

    Texas And Arizona Prepare For Reform's Effects On Illegal Immigrants And Patients At

    The Houston Chronicle: "Illegal immigrants likely would become the largest patient pool of the Harris County Hospital District as a result of health care reform unless the taxpayer-funded institution can attract more insured patients than it currently serves, according to public health...
  14. T

    Texas And Arizona Prepare For Reform's Effects On Illegal Immigrants And Patients At

    The Houston Chronicle: "Illegal immigrants likely would become the largest patient pool of the Harris County Hospital District as a result of health care reform unless the taxpayer-funded institution can attract more insured patients than it currently serves, according to public health...
  15. T

    Texas And Arizona Prepare For Reform's Effects On Illegal Immigrants And Patients At

    The Houston Chronicle: "Illegal immigrants likely would become the largest patient pool of the Harris County Hospital District as a result of health care reform unless the taxpayer-funded institution can attract more insured patients than it currently serves, according to public health...
  16. T

    Texas And Arizona Prepare For Reform's Effects On Illegal Immigrants And Patients At

    The Houston Chronicle: "Illegal immigrants likely would become the largest patient pool of the Harris County Hospital District as a result of health care reform unless the taxpayer-funded institution can attract more insured patients than it currently serves, according to public health...
  17. T

    Texas And Arizona Prepare For Reform's Effects On Illegal Immigrants And Patients At

    The Houston Chronicle: "Illegal immigrants likely would become the largest patient pool of the Harris County Hospital District as a result of health care reform unless the taxpayer-funded institution can attract more insured patients than it currently serves, according to public health...
  18. T

    Texas And Arizona Prepare For Reform's Effects On Illegal Immigrants And Patients At

    The Houston Chronicle: "Illegal immigrants likely would become the largest patient pool of the Harris County Hospital District as a result of health care reform unless the taxpayer-funded institution can attract more insured patients than it currently serves, according to public health...
  19. T

    Immigrants With Disabilities More Frequently Employed Than US-Born Persons With Disab

    Currently, foreign-born people make up approximately 13 percent of the total U.S. population. As the immigrant population grows, understanding its disability status and employment characteristics becomes increasingly important. People, both native and foreign-born, with disabilities make...
  20. M

    Why do people always complain about illegal immigrants?

    Everyone says illegals are taking all the jobs, but I wouldn't want any of the jobs they take. What about all the legal immigrants who come here and get the really good jobs? A lot of the legal immigrants own stores or have higher paying jobs and yet we have college graduates who were born in...