
  1. I

    I have t-mobile and i'am due for an upgrade does that mean my contract is over.?

    I want to leave t-mobile but i don't want to have to pay a fee because my contract is'nt up yet
  2. K

    what is NCK iam getting in my mobile w580 sony ericsson?

    phone unlock
  3. J

    Iam so excited I won some baseball cards in an auction?

    I got a rookie ken griffey jr a rookie cal Ripken and a rookie terry Bradshaw should bring some big bucks to sell
  4. T

    Da Smoke Out with Iam Da Smoka - Jan 07,2013

    I wanted to do a show where I play just music! Havent research the guideline on playing copyrighted music so Im going to play my song. Call in and halla at me too! More...
  5. I


  6. N

    I need help iam doing a informative speech on how to take a memorable vacation?

    My main points are 1. I will discuss when you should go 2. I will discuss who you should bring 3. I will discuss why you should go. I need help with a lil something for each point, it's sounding persuasive right now, please help
  7. T

    I have a bad premonition that iam going to be involved in an accident on the...

    ...weekend what should i do? Its not a dream neither a vision. Iam just keep seeing myself getting hit by a car or getting beaten up, or someone knifes me or shoots me. It only happens when iam awake. I have this really bad feeling something very wrong is going to happen in a small trip to a...
  8. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  9. A

    I'am trying to unlock my samsung cell phone?

    I'm trying to unlock my samsung fascinate sgh-i500 but all I see is a small chip that reads 16 gigabytes after I open the back. Is my phone unlockable so I can use a different carrier than verizon? Geesh It's so frustrating.....
  10. J

    sir iam a diabetic since 12 yrs and taking " GLYNASE M F AND EUGLUCON" WITH

  11. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  12. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  13. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  14. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  15. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  16. A

    Iam looking for an interesting topic for research on social issues,Please...

    ...suggest some topics? my subject is sociology
  17. A

    Iam looking for an interesting topic for research on social issues,Please suggest...

    ...some topics? my subject is sociology
  18. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  19. M

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)?

    Ok, but I'am from Italy. How can I coose my mobile operator in Italy (Wind)? I wont to use calendar events sms alests. The procedure gives me only american mobile operators. I can't insert my phone (gsm) noumber (Italian). What should I do to get this possibility?
  20. T

    I'am having weird dreams -_-?

    I've had two weird dreams that seem to boggle my mind. The first one, I was with this girl and to my surprise she was pregnant, we were walking and things seemed intimate, we were walking about my old elementary school.My dad had been talking about me getting a girl pregnant while still in...