
  1. Y

    Never been hunting but I want to turkey hunt this season, any tips?

    I'm in a pretty hard situation, I know no one that hunts but I would really like to get into hunting. I grew up in the city and have no connections to any hunters. No one in my family hunts and none of my friends hunt. I am determined to start hunting this year. I just bought a remington 870...
  2. C

    Can you hunt with the Air-Ordinance SMG 22 automatic air rifle? If so, whats...

    ...the best pellet...? Can you hunt with the Air-Ordinance SMG 22 automatic air rifle? If so, whats the best pellet to use? I'm a huge fan of pointed pellets, but open to all suggestions :-) I am from California. My question is what can you hunt with a SMG 22?
  3. R

    Is this just another witch hunt by the Republicans to smear Democrats? and Jessie Jackson Jr. of all people other wise known as JJJ
  4. W

    Does anyone know about the witches 3:wild hunt?

    I recently saw it on my game informer and I was wondering is it like skyrim mixed with diablo and is it 1st or 3rd person
  5. L

    Mall scavenger hunt lists?

    Hello Everyone!! I'm looking forward to celebrating my daughter's 12th Birthday at our local mall with 5-10 of her close friends. I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for the list. Please be age appropriate, and also, I was also wondering how many girls should be my max/limit Thank you...
  6. T

    Hunt For New Antibiotics Turns To Deep Sea Trenches

    Around the world, as disease-causing bugs become more and more resistant to current effective antibiotics, doctors fear there will be no means to treat seriously ill patients in the future. Now scientists have widened the search for new drugs to include some of the deepest and coldest places...
  7. R

    What would be an argument for The Era of the Buffalo Hunt?

    I have a 2000 word essay due in a few months and I was assigned the topic "The Era of the Buffalo Hunt" but i cant figure out what to argue about? Any hints or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  8. R

    What would be an argument for The Era of the Buffalo Hunt?

    I have a 2000 word essay due in a few months and I was assigned the topic "The Era of the Buffalo Hunt" but i cant figure out what to argue about? Any hints or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  9. L

    Is it possible to live off of what you hunt?

    I am starting to learn about hunting and the rules that come along with it. Each season is different, so I was wondering that if you follow the rules and hunt it possible to just live off of what you hunt? Thanks. I grow my own vegetables. Of course what I can't get, I'll buy...
  10. H

    why do people say it's okay to eat meat and eggs and hunt animals?

    If you studied biology in school you would know that there is a biological classification chart. It breaks down living and non living life into different groups. And nobody in the chart has the right to say it's okay to eat another species. Because if you did, then you would be saying it's okay...
  11. M

    Lord of the files pig hunt reenactment ?

    what event did the reenactment predict ??
  12. S

    2013 has got off to a surreal start: police hunt oompa loopas wtf?

    i have to say i laughed when i read this story too strange and funny Two men dressed as Oompa Loompas from the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory are being sought by police in connection with an assault in Norwich. It's all fun and...
  13. J

    I wanna make a spread for my girl to enter Hustler's Beaver Hunt how do I start?

    I got the camera, I got the cute underwear and I got the perfect setting the shower in the locker room at the strip club. Now all I need to do is to figure out how to portray it I own the place so I basically have free reign inside. The girls in the strip club know this I even got my...
  14. V

    Who would win the fight? James Bond, Ethan Hunt or Jason Bourne?

    The Spy Fight!
  15. S

    If Mick Jagger doesn't want his love letters to Marsha Hunt made public, why...

    ...didn't he buy them? She gave him the option - - but they are hers to sell... Your thoughts?
  16. K

    Private property to hunt on in lower michigan?

    I am looking for private land to hunt on.Does anyone have any they would be willing to let me as well as a friend....if so please let me know.
  17. K

    Private property to hunt on in lower michigan?

    I am looking for private land to hunt on.Does anyone have any they would be willing to let me as well as a friend....if so please let me know.
  18. B

    In Arkansas is it Legal to hunt without a Hunt License?#2 his wife tags all

    his animals.In Arkansas? Yesterday our sons wife let their 14 year old son stay home from School got to his Grandfathers. Who has a LONG Arrest record. They went Hunting on his 40 Acres. Our Grandson Got a 10 point BUCK DEER. they called his wife at work She came home and tagged the Deer.Our...
  19. T

    In Alzheimer's And Traumatic Brain Injury, The Hunt Is On For Neuron Killers

    Sanford-Burnham researchers discovered that the protein appoptosin prompts neurons to commit suicide in several neurological conditions - giving them a new therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injury. Dying neurons lead to cognitive impairment and memory loss in...
  20. S

    Does the Akatsuki hunt down Jinchuuriki from One to Nine?

    I've been wondering about this a lot of times,and I'm still confused about it.Do the Akatsuki capture the Jinchuuriki starting from Gaara to Naruto?Please tell me.I'm really looking forward to get the answers early,'cause I'm making a story about it. (Note: No sarcastic comments please?)