
  1. J

    Famous Opera Houses around the world

    Let me share some names of famous and interesting Opera Houses around the world. I am a big fan to see historical and interesting places around the world. The names are; Sydney Opera House Teatro alla Scala Royal Opera House, London Palais Garnier Metropolitan Opera House Hungarian State Opera House
  2. B

    Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood There are exactly five houses that occupy the entire...

    ...length of one block. In front o? Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood There are exactly five houses that occupy the entire length of one block. In front of each house is a car belonging to the owner of the house. The five owners are Stone, Neeley, Saunders, Frietag, and Washington. The colors of the...
  3. G

    The Stoner Channel: Tame Impalas Going Backwards, Dragon Houses Doing the Robot, and

    More »
  4. G

    Epic Inflatable Obstacle Course Puts Bounce Houses To Shame [Inflatable]

    If you've got $13,000 burning a hole in your pocket, and a desire to have the most kick-ass backyard in the neighbourhood, no swingset or even tree house is going to outdo this mind-blowing 1,850 square foot inflatable obstacle course. More »
  5. M

    Swapping houses: Are home exchange vacations for you?

    [No message]
  6. K

    What are some popular modern style houses in South Korea?

    I'm doing a culture project on South Korea and I need to have information on the different modern housing styles most popular there. I can't seem to find anything on it. Please help! Thanks!!!
  7. M

    Does anyone know a website that sells traditional thai wooden houses?

    On the motorway between Chonburi and Bangkok i saw a shop selling wooden houses. They looked awesome. I'm after a website or any information regarding cost to buy one. If you know nothing about Thailand please refrain from commenting. Thanks for your interest.
  8. C

    Question about traditional Japanese houses?

    I know there are a lot of western style houses but I've noticed from movies and anime (not msot relaible sources lol) that they have some walls/doors that look like they are made of paper. How does that keep rain and insects out? I also saw two different houses that looked like they were...
  9. D

    How did the Romans use to to decorate their houses (or outdoors) during

    Saturnalia ? What did the objects o? How did the Romans during Saturnalia decorate their house ?
  10. S

    Where are places to fool around in the winter besides outdoors or houses?

    I am 18 and my boyfriend is 19. We both live with our parents while we attend colleges close to home to save money. Because of our parents being constantly home, we can't mess around in either of our houses. We normally go to a secluded park and just stay in our cars, but it is too cold now even...
  11. T

    Are Warm Houses Making You Fat? Possibly

    Warmer winter temperatures within the homes of Americans, British and other countries' could be a factor in the current obesity epidemic, researchers from London University College (UCL), England, wrote in Obesity Reviews. The authors had set out to find out whether there might be a causal link...
  12. K

    I want contect numbers/adress of publication houses around baroda,ahmedabad-gujarat.?

    i want to publish poems..
  13. V

    Houses and religion in Japan?

    What are some websites where it can tell me what religion has to do with how a house looks like in Japan? Please help, i need it for homework du 2morrow. Please & Thanks!
  14. V

    Houses and religion in Japan?

    What are some websites where it can tell me what religion has to do with how a house looks like in Japan? Please help, i need it for homework du 2morrow. Please & Thanks!
  15. V

    Houses and religion in Japan?

    What are some websites where it can tell me what religion has to do with how a house looks like in Japan? Please help, i need it for homework du 2morrow. Please & Thanks!
  16. G

    is it legal to take cars, residental buildings and houses pictures without

    their owners' knowledge? and put it on the net? i want to take feral cats pictures, and they often sleep on cars or slither on porches sometimes three or four stories high! i want those pictures on the internet. i already know you can't take a person's picture.
  17. G

    is it legal to take pictures of people's houses and cars and put them on the net?

    i want to take cats pictures, feral cats. sometimes those little devils sleep on cars or skulk on windowsills and porches, even as high up as the third and forth floor! i want to post those pictures on the net and wanted to know if that's legal. i already know it's illegal to take people's...
  18. L

    Does anyone know of any websites with houses to rent in Panama City Beach to 20+?

    were not to concerned with the price right now just need a place to stay
  19. A

    What is a good recipe for edible glue for gingerbread houses?

    I need to make about 30-40 graham cracker gingerbread houses for kids. I tried using frosting last year to stick the walls and roof together, but the houses just fell apart. Are there any good edible glue recipes out there??
  20. A

    What is the story about all houses on a street losing power but one?

    I read it years ago, and the whole point was about how all the neighbors started accusing the neighbor with electricity of starting the problem. It might have been a twilight zone story, maybe even an episode I'm remembering as a story. Very vague, but if you know what I'm talking about that...