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    Link Between Hormone In Birth Control Shot And Memory Loss

    The birth control shot Depo Provera offers a convenient alternative for women who don't want to remember to take a daily pill. Ironically, research from Arizona State University has shown the shot actually may impair a person's memory. The ASU study connects medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)...
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    Is this a symptom of a hormone imbalance?

    Throughout the last several years I've become more and more emotional when it comes to the things around me. For example, I tear up in just about every movie I watch, be it sad, happy, funny, you name it. If it makes you go "Awww" I'm probably tearing up. I don't know if empathy is right right...
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    Pituitary Hormone TSH Found To Directly Influence Bone Growth

    Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland that regulates endocrine function in the thyroid gland, can promote bone growth independent of its usual thyroid functions. The research suggests...
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    Hormone Predicts Which Kidney Patients Might Die Early

    The blood levels of a particular hormone can help predict which kidney disease patients will develop heart problems, need dialysis, and die prematurely, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). Testing for this hormone could...
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    Smoking After Menopause May Increase Sex Hormone Levels

    A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) found that postmenopausal women who smoke have higher androgen and estrogen levels than non-smoking women, with sex hormone levels being highest in heavy smokers. Previous...
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    Blocking Receptor In Key Hormone Fires Up Enzyme To Kill Pancreatic Cancer Cells

    Pancreatic cancer researchers at Thomas Jefferson University have shown, for the first time, that blocking a receptor of a key hormone in the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) reduces cancer cell growth by activating the enzyme AMPK to inhibit fatty acid synthase, the ingredients to support cell...
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    Hormone Therapy May Be Hazardous For Men With Heart Conditions

    Adding hormone therapy to radiation therapy has been proven in randomized clinical trials to improve overall survival for men with intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer. However, adding hormone therapy may reduce overall survival in men with pre-existing heart conditions, even if they have...
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    Key Function Of Antiobesity Hormone Is Modulation Of Inhibitory Output

    Scientists have known for some time that the hormone leptin acts in the brain to prevent obesity, but the specific underlying neurocircuitry has remained a mystery. Now, new research published by Cell Press in the July 14 issue of the journal Neuron reveals neurobiological mechanisms that may...
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    Increased Diabetes Risk From Hormone Deprivation Therapy For Prostate Cancer

    Men with prostate cancer are at higher risk of developing diabetes or diabetes risk factors if they receive androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) to block the production or action of male hormones that can fuel the growth of this cancer. The results of this new study on the second-most common...
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    You are a researcher interested in studying cells that can respond to hormone FSH.?

    You are a researcher interested in studying cells that can respond to hormone FSH. How can you use antibodies to help you locate FSH-responsive cells?
  11. J

    through what body region of fishes is the pituitary hormone introduced to initiate

    maturation of eggs? fishes with scales must have specific regions through which the hormones that stimulate egg maturation is introduced / injected in artificial breeding
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    New Patient Guide On Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia From The Hormone Foundation

    The Hormone Foundation recently released a patient guide on congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) as a companion piece to The Endocrine Society's clinical practice guideline for physicians. The patient guide describes this genetic disorder that interferes with the adrenal glands' ability to make...
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    High Stress Hormone Levels Linked To Increased Cardiovascular Mortality

    High levels of the stress hormone cortisol strongly predict cardiovascular death among both persons with and without pre-existing cardiovascular disease according to a new study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). In...
  14. B

    I'm starting to think maybe my hormone levels are wrong, should I get tested?

    My hormone levels were checked as a teen and they were all fine. I've always been hairy, even before puberty, I guess it's just genetic. Lately I've been growing a couple of darker hairs than I'd like around my chest area. I pull them out, but it's weird and annoying. I've always had a hairy...
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    Oral Contraceptives And Hormone Replacement Therapy May Protect Women Against Brain A

    Results from a new study suggest that oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may yield additional benefit of protecting against the formation and rupture of brain aneurysms in women. The findings from this first-of-its-kind study by a neurointerventional expert from Rush...
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    The Endocrine Society Appoints Patricia S. Green Director Of The Hormone Foundation

    The Endocrine Society has named Patricia S. Green the director of its public education affiliate, The Hormone Foundation. Green leads the Foundation in its mission to serve as a key informational resource for the public in the prevention, treatment and cure of hormone-related conditions. Green...
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    Symptoms of raised hormone levels, the pill and ovarian mass?

    Hi, I have been diagnosed with a complex left adnexa mass and am currently waiting to see a Gyno. Before the mass was found because of the pain and irregular bleeding I tried two different contraceptive pills, neither of them helped. The both increased my lower back pain and made my constant...
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    Potential Defence Against Food Poisoning Bacteria: 'Hormone Therapy'

    Pathogenic bacteria in the gut recognise their surroundings by detecting hormone signals from the host, which can prompt them to express lethal toxins. Intercepting these hormonal messages could be a better way to treat serious food-borne infections where antibiotics do more harm than good...
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    Potential Defence Against Food Poisoning Bacteria: 'Hormone Therapy'

    Pathogenic bacteria in the gut recognise their surroundings by detecting hormone signals from the host, which can prompt them to express lethal toxins. Intercepting these hormonal messages could be a better way to treat serious food-borne infections where antibiotics do more harm than good...
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    Study Suggests Drop In Hormone Therapy Contributed To Breast Cancer Decline, Newsweek

    While breast cancer continues to be the second most common cancer among women in the U.S., "rates have been declining by about 2% a year since 1999, after having increased for the previous 20 years," Newsweek contributing editor Barbara Kantrowitz and Washington correspondent Pat Wingert write...