
  1. F

    Any good hookah lounges/bars in Burlington or Winooski Vermont?

    besides dobra tea
  2. F

    Any good hookah lounges/bars in Burlington or Winooski Vermont?

    besides dobra tea
  3. R

    Hookah lounges in nyc for 18 year olds?

    For my birthday I want to go to a hookah lounge. I would like to be able to dance too but that's not completelely necessary. Can you reccomend any spots that you've actually been to yourself. Thanx. BTW my friend is the only one who is 18. she will be turnin 19 2 days after we go lol.
  4. L

    Throwing up after smoking hookah. why?

    Why do I keep throwing up at night after smoking 2-3 (smaller) bowls of hookah. It's not bad sheesh also, its starbuzz mellon-dew, pirates cave, etc.
  5. L

    How old do you have to be to open a hookah lounge?

    What to do to get started ? How much will it all cost me? Do you need to have a license?
  6. T

    Is opening a hookah lounge a good idea?

    So let me start by saying i really enjoy nights at the hookah lounge. I know it is a unhealthy, but i just enjoy smoking and spending time with friends. Going to the hookah lounge is the only fun place for some one my age ( 19) because i am to young to drink. I enjoy it so much and i would...
  7. K

    What kind of music to play in a Hookah Lounge?

    What kind of music would you enjoy listening to at a hookah lounge? I know I will be providing a mix, but I want to get an idea of what people enjoy the most. Thank you in advance!
  8. K

    YOUR OPINION: Is this a good name for a hookah lounge?

    Saint Hookah Lounge I like it because it will be located in a famous area called St. Mathews. What are your thoughts considering it's location?
  9. M

    How can I remove tobacco / nicotine smell from hookah pipe hose?

    I just bought a hookah pipe from a smoke shop locally and they had previously kept them on a shelf out in the open. They moved them to a glass case so the tobacco dust and nicotine wouldn't settle on them anymore, but mine was covered / stained with nicotine from the frequent smoking and open...
  10. T

    Where can I buy "Tobacco-Free, Tar-Free, Nicotine-Free" Shisha for my Hookah?

    Where can I buy "Tobacco-Free, Tar-Free, Nicotine-Free" Shisha for my Hookah? I know Hookah isn't exactly the healthy version of cigarettes but I'm trying to be as healthy as possible, while still enjoying the ritual. Thank You
  11. S

    Lighting tobacco and using a hookah pipe?

    Since cigarettes filter some of the toxins and chemicals through cotton filters, will filtering the toxins in water make it "less" harmful? For example, hookahs are connected to a water source that filters the tobacco, so instead of using the moist molasses tobacco (shisha is what it's called I...
  12. T

    Does starting my own hookah lounge sound like a good business to get into?

    I have toyed with the idea of maybe opening my own hookah lounge, but have been held back on this idea because i'm still in college, community college to be exact. well i don't really know if i want to be in college any longer cause it sucks, i live at home, and i don't make the best grades.So...
  13. I

    Hookah nicotine buzz or lack of oxygen?

    well im new to hooka and well i smoke starbuzz brand shisha and well i feel like im getting a nicotine buzz really quick but i dont know what a nicotine buzz feels like and i dont get the feeling if i am smoking the herbal shisha hydro so i dont really know if im experiancing a lack of oxygen, a...
  14. C

    Herbal Hookah Lounge in Chicago for 18 and 17 yr. olds?!?!?

    One of my friends are turning 18 years old, and a great way to go with a bang is go to a hookah lounge, I need help because there will be a few of us being 17 years old. Question is does anyone know herbal hookah lounges or bars that are good, in chicago, and will let 17-18 years in?
  15. R

    What kind of store would you go to to purchase hookah tobacco?

    and what's the minimum age to buy it in New York?
  16. B

    how much will it cost to get a on sale beer license in california for a hookah...

    ...lounge? can i get a on sale beer and wine license for hookah lounge or just on sale beer license
  17. R

    is there a marijuana flavored hookah tobacco?

    i no most hookah flavors are fruit but does anybody know of a marijuana flavored tobacco or no of any fruit combination that has a similar taste i would like a real answer ddon'tsay weed marijuana or any nick name for it. im looking for a sserious answer thank you
  18. S

    What is your favorite brand of hookah tobacco and why?

    Mine is Al Fahker, hands down
  19. B

    Best Hookah Lounge in San Jose?

    New to the area. Could you explain why? Thanks
  20. M

    is there such thing as Hookah cigarettes, or any cool kinds?

    ive looked around and havent found anything, so i just wanted to know for sure. also what can i smoke besides the regular cigarettes, like i heard there are french ones that taste good, and ive heard there are cigs that taste like cigars