
  1. S

    List a situation where experimenting is a good idea (excluding homosexuality)...?

    General things throughout life.
  2. A

    Bi people: do you swing between hetro and homo-sexuality?

    Im bi, and i find that one month i like girl and the next i like boys? Is this normal and does the same happen to you
  3. O

    Fellow Christians: Why is homosexuality a grave sin but we are allowed to eat pork?

    I'm confused with parts of the laws in the Leviticus. I am Catholic and eat pork and shell fish. WHy is that okay for Christians but not for Jews and Muslims? I understand that gays are living in sin and Jesus never changed that. But did Jesus change the dietary laws?
  4. A

    If, as Christians argue, homosexuality is wrong because it inhibits...

    ...procreation, then isn't it the case? that the "priesthood" is also wrong because it inhibits procreation? As an added note, if we follow the above Christian logic, heterosexuals who cannot procreate would be prohibited from having sex and getting married.
  5. U

    Quickie quiz; what was the famous line about homosexuality in the movie, "Stripes"?

    Quickie quiz; what was the famous line about homosexuality in the movie, "Stripes"? The question from the enlistment sergeant was, "Have you ever had a homosexual relationship?" Tha answer was: _____________________________________ Brad .......... Bingo (IMHO that was one of the most...
  6. F

    Are some arguing that homosexuality is ok because its like m@s+urbati0n and

    getting your own rocks off? This is a quote from Neil S "The penis was not made. It evolved through natural processes. If those processes were only related to sex, then we would have another place to release urine. It is you who must show consensual same sex relationships to be immoral. Merely...
  7. A

    Utah Wants To Ban Sex Ed, Making It Illegal To Teach About Homosexuality

    A recently passed bill in Utah would mandate that schools only teach abstinence for their sex education. That means no talk about birth control, safe sex, STDs and even homosexuality. Instead, lawmakers want parents to be the main source of sex education. Maybe this would work in an ideal world...
  8. T

    Where, if so, does the Bible say anything against homosexuality?

    Also, does the Book of Mormon or any other holy, sacred book say that being gay is wrong? And if so could you please tell me what chapter it's on? Thanks :)
  9. D

    which christian churches support the homosexuality?

    or the gay people? maybe they don't support them but they accept them but they believe they might be wrong but God will judge them but they can be part of the christian church
  10. I

    Survey about homosexuality in religion 2?

    Age (Under 20) (20-25) (25-30) (30-35) (35-40) (over 40) Gender 1-Male 2-Female 3-Other Sexuality 1-Homosexual 2-Hederosexual 3-Bisexual 4-Pansexual 5-Other Education 1-High school 2-Some college 3-Bachlors degree 4- Masters 5-Doctorate What is your religion...
  11. B

    homosexuality and homo-eroticism is inherent in ALL men which is why

    sportsmen hug and pat each others butts -? homosexuality and homo-eroticism is inherent in ALL men which is why so many men who identify as straight have sex with other men in prisons etc. HETEROsexuality is not inherent in all men because a significant percentage are exclusively gay and...
  12. G

    For those who struggle with homosexuality... you were not born gay!?

    If you believe that you were born this way please read this article http://www.pureintimacy.org/piArticles/A000000416.cfm Do you still think people are born gay?
  13. D

    Why are some religions still linking Homosexuality with,Murder,Abortion and greed?

    I read a self Imposed paper from the Jehovah witness who I classify as a pressure religion,state that "God hates murders,and Abortion,and homosexuality.How can U classify Gays with Murders.I've met some of the nicest people who are gay.When will people git there heads out of the sand?This is why...
  14. C

    are there any religion's that accept homosexuality?

    just wondering
  15. M

    Why does hollywood embrace homosexuality?

    It is unnatural because when 2 virgin men have sex with each other it causes aids.When a virgin man and woman have sex with each other it doesnt cause a disease because its natural.Now lesbains are alot of fun to watch if they are hot but still its a disease homosexuality is a disease.So why do...
  16. Is homosexuality a new trend?

    Maybe they were... heheheh... Maybe they were . hehehheh . Born that way? lol
  17. F

    Why do some Christians fear homosexuality?

    It's become apparent to me on here that a lot of Christians seem to fear homosexuality and homosexuals. Often even more than murderers or rapists or Muslims. What is there to fear? Myth No 1 - Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice Homosexuality is as much a choice as heterosexuality is. Try...
  18. S

    what are the views of judaism about homosexuality?

    the Tanakh speaks only about the homosexuality among men but never about women? so what's the thought of the different branches of judaism? thanks for your answers.
  19. A

    Why are Christians so narrow minded when it comes to Homosexuality?

    I myself am not homosexual (or sexually active for that matter so i don't really know) but I'd like to know why they are so against it. And I thought it was against their beliefs to wish harm on others, and yet they condemn Homosexuals to hell regulary. Um madison. Pedophilia is against the law...
  20. J

    Homosexuality & Religion ?

    How do you Christians feel about how more and more people are becoming supportive of gay marriage these days ? About how equality is inevitable ? Do you feel like some people are going against " religion " or does homosexuality have anything to do with it ?