
  1. S

    Which is the sport/artistic sport where homosexual?

    players/performers are most likely? No offence intended. Answer with a neutral tone please.
  2. G

    In Romeo and Juliet,does Mercutio possess homoerotic (if not blatantly homosexual)...

    ...feelings for Romeo? i'm referring to the text here, but feel free to draw examples from movie versions if you are not familiar with the text.
  3. R

    is it true that San Francisco is the Homo-Sexual Capital of the world because the

    Us Gov.\ millitary? i watched somthing on history channel the other day, now im pretty sure a big time T.V. Network wouldn't lie but i found this very hard to believe, i cant remeber what war this was but i think it was pearl harbor, because they said, The U.S. Had Geneticley Created a cant...
  4. R

    is it true that San Francisco is the Homo-Sexual Capital of the world because the

    Us Gov.\ millitary? i watched somthing on history channel the other day, now im pretty sure a big time T.V. Network wouldn't lie but i found this very hard to believe, i cant remeber what war this was but i think it was pearl harbor, because they said, The U.S. Had Geneticley Created a cant...
  5. D

    media affects homosexual intercourse - essay topic... i need an article...

    ...for a source... anyone got one? i want to find a new approach to my HIV/AIDS essay for biology... i've asked her if it was okay for me to do this so please dont freak out... im thinking of how media affects people taking less caution while having sexual intercourse partly leads to HIV/AIDS...
  6. J

    Adam Lambert... homosexual?

    A lot of people have been wondering about Adam Lambert's sexuality... well, unfortunately, 2 days ago, I found out he's either homosexual, or bisexual. I REALLY liked Adam Lambert, and I still do a little, but I lost a little respect for him after seeing these pictures...
  7. B

    Why does it seem like alot of ppl in the entertaiment world is homosexual and if

    they are bisexual they? wont come right and tell you, you can just pick up alot of subtle clues and read between lines. Can ppl tell you if you're gay say for instance ppl assume(I know also) the way missy and queen latifah look & act are gay. Now ppl wouldnt dare think beyonce is gay because...
  8. S

    Why does Y!A Politics resident homosexual Marine Sgt Vince Carter...?

    ...prefer to suspect other men are "in love with" him rather than simply address a point ? Do you find it telling that THIS is where his mind wonders to when asked to answer a simple question ?
  9. F

    If a doctor could predict your future child would be a homosexual, would...

    ...you resort to having an abortion? no matter what your answer is, please explain why you would make such decision.
  10. J

    Are the Jonas Brothers Gay (homosexual)?

    Ive always been a hater on the Jonas Brothers, and have found this question easy enough for me to say yes (its obvious!). i just want to know what others think about this question (stick to the topic too)....
  11. N

    How do you know if your truely homosexual or bisexual?

    Please Help! ;)
  12. C

    asexual, transsexual, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, metrosexual, homosexual?

    asexual, transsexual, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, metrosexual, homosexual, heterosexual, allsexual what do they all meen it is so confusing oh yeah!!!!!!! (\__/) (='.'=) <(Mwuhahahahaha (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny to help him gain world domination
  13. M

    Who was the first celebrity to openly admit that they were homosexual?

    very curious....