
  1. S

    Why do homophobic Americans tell us the LGBT community demand "special rights" when

    Why do homophobic Americans tell us the LGBT community demand "special rights" when illegal Mexicans? ......when Mexicans are the REAL ones demanding SPECIAL RIGHTS!?!? LGBT American CITIZENS only ask for EQUAL rights as other American citizens enjoy. Illegal Mexicans make demands that we...
  2. V

    Mike Wallace Homophobic Tweet About Jason Collins Being Gay

    [No message]
  3. A

    Derek Holland says hacker sent homophobic slur from his Twitter account during start

    Major League Baseball is conducting an investigation after a tweet containing a homophobic slur came from Derek Holland's Twitter account on Sunday night. The twist: The Texas Rangers lefty was pitching against the Los Angeles Angels at the time the since-deleted tweet was posted. The message...
  4. V

    Amare Stoudemire Twitter: Fined For Homophobic Slur

    Amare Stoudemire needs to learn how to use Twitter. When you’re famous and people take shots at you, your best bet is to just ignore that person. If they really bother you, go ahead and block the person. But you don’t curse at them or call them derogatory names — even on a direct message. Amare...
  5. T

    New Scale Developed To Help Measure Levels Of Homophobic Bullying

    A new study from Educational and Psychological Measurement (published by SAGE) found that when it comes to homophobic bullying, there could be a gender gap. While male victims are more likely to be bullied by male homophobic bullies, female victims are bullied by both males and females equally...
  6. D

    Is s't gay guys say to straight guys video homophobic?

    Sorry I'm having a hard time today determining what is homophobic or not.
  7. Are gays being too sensitive regarding the Tracy Morgan homophobic joke?

    Yes. He overstepped the line but he has apologies. I don't find what he said funny. Friday morning, Morgan did issue an apology. The actor and comedian said in a statement to CNN, “I want to apologize to my fans and the gay & lesbian community for my choice of words at my recent stand-up act...
  8. J

    LGBT poll: Is it homophobic for a gay male not to be attracted to male transsexuals?

    If they haven't gone through any operations I mean. Once they undergo operations they are a woman in my book and I don't feel bad about it. But I have been wondering this lately...so...is it? Oh, sorry, I meant MTF (Without operations. Some choose to do this, and some can't afford it).
  9. F

    LGBT POLL: What specific old-fashioned homophobic terms for gay people...

    "A hint of mint" "Gay as a goose" "Camp as Christmas" "Queer as a $3 bill" "Scaring the horses"
  10. D

    Would it be homophobic of me to turn down a man who asked me out if I suspect...

    ...that he is gay and in the closet? If so why? Why not? Would it be insensitive or honest if I told him that was my reason?
  11. A

    Is it homo-phobic if i find gay people disgusting?

    I don't care if people are gay But the thought of 2 guys.. is horrible. and don't want to see it.
  12. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  13. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  14. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  15. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  16. U

    im a lesbian teen girl and lives in a SUPER HATEFUL HOMOPHOBIC TOWN, NO JOKE.?

    hi, i live in a tiny town that is so small that you can walk all the way across it in less the 10 minuets. its more of a camp than a town because it is so small. there are no stores, restaurants or anything, so everyone lives off organic homegrown food. i live on a Llama ranch. there in one...
  17. J

    Homophobic parents and gay-supporting straight friends?

    What to do? My mom somehow got access to my Facebook 'cause I left it on (I mean, I put the check mark on that thing that says keep me on). And she read a message from a couple friends of mine who were wearing purple. I asked them what it was about and they said it was for the gay teens that...
  18. T

    Are you antisemitic, and you condone this gay march? Or are you homophobic,

    and you condemn this gay march? http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Gay-Pride-March-in-Jerusalem-Angers-Orthodox-Jews-99576879.html Best Answer goes to the first atheist who will call these Jews; 'bigots' You'd all be falling over yourselves to call Christians or Muslims in...
  19. N

    do you think most of the homophobic guys or guys who are against gay are look...

    ...like boyish lesbian? i've seen a lot of guys who are homophobic or guys who are against gay are look like boyish lesbian, they are emotionally sensitive and drama and they are verbally abusive to gay people. you know about the MTV "the real world new orleans"? you know ryan? he is the type of...
  20. B

    How do I tell my Homophobic parents i'm Gay?

    I'm 15 and have known I was gay since I was 13, I haven't come out to any one about it apart from my best friend last year. The people i'm most worried about though is my parents, they are strong muslims and I was brought up that way and to think that homosexuality is wrong because it go's...