
  1. M

    If Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Wicca were various

    weapons,...? ...what (physical) weapons would they be, and why? Thank you for your answers. Yee-Hah! The Marlboro Man
  2. L

    very essence of Hinduism,Judaism,Christianity.Islam&Sikhism is One & same --- do

    very essence of Hinduism,Judaism,Christianity.Islam&Sikhism is One & same --- do you agree? People are fools who distract from essence and enjoy only disputes. Really they are great fools who unable to view the ESSENCE of these religions. Do you agree ??
  3. R

    What are some current controversial issues in Hinduism, Judaism, Islam or Buddism?

    I am doing a project and it needs a detailed powerpoint on a current controversial issue in one of those 4 religions. For example a group has done a prresentation on the monks that have been setting themselves on fire.
  4. S

    What is the purpose of praying in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism?

    When God already knows the future. Do you believe God to be some sort of a vending machine and you will get lucky. I am asking because I know Christians and Hindu's who pray for that they get that amazing car or that girl they like falls in love with them. What is the point?
  5. T

    Why do people claim Hinduism is older than Judaism when Judaism is the oldest...

    ...religion? Science and history clearly states that Judaism is the oldest religion. Judaism is much older than Hinduism. So why do I see so many posts on the web claiming that Hinduism is older? Here is the source for the factual information about Judaism being the oldest religion in the...
  6. A

    does anyone know about the sacred trade in hinduism?

    this is for ethics and i have no idea about what key concepts this is talking about. or even if there is a sacred trade? like what is it about? why it's known? and things like that........... thank you SO much if you know!!!! :)
  7. lalalalalallalalala

    In what ways is Hinduism similar to and different from the Hewbrew faith of Judaism?

    In what ways is Hinduism similar to and different from the Hewbrew faith of Judaism? To anyone who knows anything about judaism or Hinduism. I know judaism centers around one god, is hinduism polytheistic? Just tell me all you know. Please, real answers...
  8. K

    How does Hinduism impact on nutrition in The Caribbean ?

    I have an assignment to present on "How does Hinduism impact on nutrition in The Caribbean." Any Ideas and information ? Please Help.
  9. L

    Is 'Shiva' in Hinduism and Judaism related?

    So, if in Hinduism, Shiva is the destroyer (a form of Brahman), and if in Judaism, sitting Shiva is the act of mourning--->death, then in both religions the word 'Shiva' is related to death and dying. I know that religions are based off eachother, but these two use different languages.... So...
  10. M

    Why do Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism say that ET's exist but in...

    ...Christianity its...unacknowledged? Judasim: The Jewish Talmud states that there are at least 18,000 other worlds, but provides little elaboration on the nature of those worlds, or on whether they are physical or spiritual. Based on this, however, the 18th century exposition "Sefer HaB'rit"...
  11. C

    What do atheists think of Confucianism, Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism and Shinto?

    Confucianism is not a religion
  12. T

    Hinduism - Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.?

    Hi everyone, I have to write a paper for my religion class on Hinduism. There is one question I do not understand what its asking for. I just need some clarification pls. - Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence
  13. V

    Questions concerning Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism?

    Can you please tell me what these five religions have in common in regards to their beliefs, values, ect... Also, can you please tell me how these religions differ from one another? Thank you in advance for your answers!
  14. S

    Differences and the similarities between Hinduism and Judaism? What are

    your opinions about Judaism? What are the differences and the similarities between those two religion? Or, what do you think of the religion Judaism????? Please be serious and please no rude comments! Thanks in advance
  15. B

    Christianity, islam and Judaism differ to Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism.?

    Discuss the ways eastern philosophy differs from the western religions and how this impacts the society in which they live(Europe, America vs china japan, india ect.) the differences that used to happen, how they are veiwd in the world, how they go about practicing, how its different. How...
  16. L

    Christians: Hinduism has prophecies, miracles and a long history too,

    why don't you believe in Vishnu? Do you think it's because you weren't raised by Hindu parents? I'm open to discussion if you mind sticking around.
  17. L

    Why does Hinduism have just as many miracles, prophets and rich history as...

    ...Christianity Islam and Judaism? Does this mean not only people from the Middle East can make up gods aswell? Totally blew my mind...
  18. T

    What are some differences between Buddhism, Hinduism, & Judaism?

    For a major project at school. Thanks
  19. M

    Is conversion from Hinduism to another religion legal/allowed?

    In India, I mean. I read something about laws being passed not allowing conversions from Hinduism to other religions in India. I'm asking because I'm writing a paper on the impacts of the caste system on India, and I'm wondering if lower caste Hindus converted/tried to convert to different...
  20. O

    Religion conflicts? Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism?

    I'm interested in knowing religion vs. religion conflicts for these religions above. They don't have to be conflicts with each other, it can be with other religions, if any. Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. What are there conflicts they have had, or currently have, with other religions...