
  1. M

    Highschool Relationship? I really need help on this.?

    Well I'm a sophomore this year and I have a crush on a freshman. My friends know him and everything, and they say that we should go out. One problem. My parents wont let me date at all. Not till I'm out of college. The guy I like hasn't even talked to me in my life. I added him on...
  2. J

    How to talk to highschool girls?

    How should I talk to high school girls, what do they like talking about cuz it seems like they only date assholes and i dont wanna be one. i'm a sophomore and idk why every girl I go for, allways seems to like me as a best friend. I think its cuz im too nice, girls allways trust me with...
  3. N

    What are some new trends for people in middle school and highschool?!?!?!?!?

    okay well im in 7th grade and ive noticed that 8th graders and highschool teens have new trends!! i would like to try some of their new trends. they have started making tulle tutus & ive tried that,and i loved it!! so what are some other cool trends? and how do u make them or where do u buy them?
  4. L

    Is there such a thing as a cruise highschool?

    You know like seven sea's high on suite life on deck! And please dont give me semester at sea or goaboard or anything like that ive already seen them LOL
  5. B

    What to do at lunch&nutrition in HighSchool?

    Me and my group of frends just sit and talk or stand and talk like during lunch and nutrition. It gets boring and is supper lame at times but idont know what to do anymore! But anyways,,any ideas for me and my frends? Wat cAn we talk about or do that is fun??? Any cool long subject we can tlk...
  6. A

    where to meet guys/girls when you are out of highschool?

    i dont like guys, i'm just asking in general.... how does one find or socially interact with people? if you had ZERO friends and didn't know anyone at all...how would you find people to talk to, or women to go out with? i feel like if i went anywhere i'd be like those jerks that go out...
  7. L

    Is it actually so uncommon that highschool kids have sex?

    I've been watching the secret life of the american teenager for the past four hours, and it seems that 90% of the drama revolves around having sex, or not having sex in highschool.. it's a really big deal and seems to be the only thing anyone is concerned about. I'm in grade 12, and I got...
  8. L

    Is it actually so uncommon that highschool kids have sex?

    I've been watching the secret life of the american teenager for the past four hours, and it seems that 90% of the drama revolves around having sex, or not having sex in highschool.. it's a really big deal and seems to be the only thing anyone is concerned about. I'm in grade 12, and I got...
  9. S

    How to be a good highschool baseball manager?

    I am a girl and I manage my highschool baseball team. I managed football which is a lot different. Does it take any special skills to record balls, strikes, runs etc? Or is it just common sense! Also how do you tell the different types of pitches?
  10. A

    what are some interesting topics to write about in a highschool newspaper?

    i want something interesting and not completely over used..
  11. M

    how to introduce myself to a girl ive never met in highschool?

    ok so i am 16 and ive been noticing this cute girl that walks toward my class after nutrition, I have NEVER talked to her, ive just seen her around, and this one time while i was getting my breakfast from the school cafeteria, she was a few spots ahead of me in line and i said a joke about my...
  12. A

    Can anyone give me a good romance highschool anime?

    I love watching anime's especially highschool romance ones here are a few that I've watches so far Itazura na kiss (my favourite), Hana Yori Dango or Boys Over Flowers, Special A, Lovely Complex, Wall Flower, Quran Highschool host club, Fuit Basket, Skip Beat, Kare First Love, Kare Kano, Kaze...
  13. S

    Any Book Recommendations?! High-school aged?

    I'm a high school student. I love reading books such as 13 reasons why (about suicide), I enjoyed the Twilight series and the Pretty Little Liars series. I like mysteries or suicides, shootings, tragedies, etc. I like something that is going to keep my attention from start to finish...
  14. D

    Where can I find Highschool of the Dead season 1 torrent?

    I have been pulling my hair out trying to find this torrent! I have googled it every way possible and I can only find it broken up. I am looking for season 1 (episodes 1-12) of Highschool of the Dead with English subtitles If anybody out there can find them on their favorite torrent site then...
  15. J

    1st solo vacation straight out of highschool?

    I have one more semester left of grade 11 and then after the summer i will be in my final year of high-school. Since i was in elementary school Ive known i wanted to go on a vacation when i graduate high-school. I'm going to spend two weeks in an all inclusive in some beautiful tropical local...
  16. R

    ***SURVEY*** For those still in highschool!!?

    It's for a research paper, so answer please seriously, please. 1. If you could rate the importance of your education on a scale of 1 – 10, ten being the highest and most important, what would you rate it and why? 2. What do you think is the most important thing that has happened to you at...
  17. Q

    can you be on rivals.com on yahoo sports playing aau basketball and not highschool?

    i was goin to play highschool baskerball this year but got injuryed so can i be on rivals playing aau
  18. D

    Sports injuries, 3 concusions throught 7 yrs in peewee and highschool should i play

    college football? Sports injury suck! And I want to continue playing football at the next level but I don't want to die or have memory loss in the long run help?!?!
  19. D

    Sports injuries, 3 concusions throught 7 yrs in peewee and highschool should i play

    college football? Sports injury suck! And I want to continue playing football at the next level but I don't want to die or have memory loss in the long run help?!?!
  20. M

    What are the trends in your highschool?

    there are many different things going around. Like in my school people have been wearing solid colors for the top dark blue jeans and a printed scarf. Also the patterened skirt and a tshirt tucked in. is everyones highschool just the same or are there differences? For the hair is the side french...