
  1. G

    Hey, will the accessories to a Samsung P7500 fit with my new gt-N8000?

    Hey Will the accessories to a Samsung P7500 fit my new Samsung GT-N8000. ...And yes, I have googled but I haven't found any info that answer my question. Have a good day, folks!
  2. K

    Hey plzz give mee advise btwn samsung galaxy s2 and sony xperia s wich one...

    ...shuld prefer? i want good android phone and i m bit confused btwn s2 and xperia s plzzz any body have some good knwldge thn plz advise mee
  3. C

    hey guys do you know how to download whatsapp, skype and kakao talk in

    samsung galaxy tab shw-m180s no illegal? need to download through my galaxy tab
  4. A

    Hey, Let’s Stop Putting Beloved Characters On Starvation Diets

    Over on our sister site, The Gloss, there's a series of images that Barneys commissioned for the holiday season, in which adored Disney characters like Minnie Mouse have been turned into "runway models." Translation: they have been stretched within an inch of their cartoon lives, and, it seems...
  5. A

    Hey Jude! Olympic fans have impromptu sing-a-long while waiting for Javelin train (VI

    LONDON — Fans leaving the London Olympic Opening Ceremony jammed mass transit early Saturday morning, including at the Stratford International Station near the Olympic Village. That's where fans snaked around metal barriers to reach the high-speed Javelin train. [ Photos: Highlights from the...
  6. S

    hey Lebanese people question about traveling to Lebanon?

    I wanted to travel to lebanon to be with my brothers and sisters who r celebrating today the come back of general michel aoun to lebanon from france but i couldnt get a flight in time did u watch the festival and what do u think of the general his speeche was more than amazing yes?
  7. G

    Hey im looking for the fault in our stars read/narrated by john green?

    Thank you
  8. J

    Hey arnold series dvd?

    Where can I buy the whole series of Hey Arnold on DVD? I found two websites, but I don't know what to trust? Anybody know any more details? Here are the two websites...
  9. B

    Hey Audiophiles best headphones other then beats?

    So I really dislike the concept of buying those beat headphones. And was wondering if anyone has a great alternative, because I demand great quality not bad quality
  10. K

    Hey, what is a reasonable price for a smoking pipe that i may not use much?

    the ones at the dollar store are about $18 Canadian. They quite cute small glass ones. I wanted to make my own out of polymer clay but i read up and that's worse for you than smoke alone apparently. lol How much did you pay for yours? Was it worth it?
  11. L

    Hey Supernatural fans, how comes Dean Winchester is not fat?

    He eats so many burgers and almost always has a beer in his hand. So how come Dean isn't fat? I have never seeing him working out. Remember when he made fun of Sam, calling him Lance Armstrong after Sam came into their motel room from running.
  12. J

    hey.. i have " samsung galaxy k " which is imported from korea and i live...

    hey.. i have " samsung galaxy k " which is imported from korea and i live... ...in pakistan..? I am having some serius problems. i cannot write sms more of more than 90 words it automatcaly becomes mms, cant send sms to anyone but i can recieve, and i cannot make videos more than 5 sec in 1280...
  13. N

    hey democrats, how about that national debt?

    5 trillion more in 3 years. And nothing to show for it. Still got hope??
  14. W

    Hey Demoncats, don't you know that Abe Lincoln was a Republican?

    And that the southern Demoncats hated the Civil Rights movement? Doh! Enjoy your heritage! I'm tired of lefties bringing up Abe Lincoln.
  15. S

    hey, i wanted to know if it's possible to download 2 movies at the same...

    ...time on the ps3? what i get is that it asks me to 'connect media storage' for the save destination. i've been told to connect usbs but i only want to know if it's possible to download 2 or more movies(from direct download sites) at the same time on the ps3 hard drive. thanks.
  16. S

    hey are they going to make any sequels to the lemony snicket dvd?

    can someone tell me if they are going to? any help i would like and i would love it if they would make sequels so can someone help me out here?
  17. R

    hey,do you know karate?

    cause you're kickin'
  18. T

    Hey I'm trying to set my Xbox up to my Samsung and I think I've got the chords

    right I've tried heaps of ? Different ways I am on component and yet it still has a black screen saying no signal
  19. A

    Hey Everyone, Some People Are Gay. Get Over It.

    Last year when 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University, committed suicide by jumping off New York City’s George Washington Bridge, the question left was: Why? Just days before his death, his college roommate secretly recorded Tyler's encounter with another man--an extreme...
  20. A

    Hey everyone...I am buying new cellphone this week.I am confused on buying Iph0ne

    4s or Nokia n8 or Samsung Ga? PLZ