
  1. S

    why did helen keller dedicate her book to Alexander Graham Bell?

  2. G

    Helen Mirren's Corgi Conundrum: Dog Fired From Star's New Play

    It's curtains for*this corgi! A dog that figured prominently in The Audience, a new play starring Helen Mirren that's currently in preview performances in London's West...
  3. A

    Helen Mirren A Silver Pink Fox At BAFTA Awards

    God bless a 67-year-old woman who's not afraid to look at a pink-haired teen model and think, 'yeah, I could rock that too.' More » Helen Mirren A Silver Pink Fox At BAFTA Awards is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on...
  4. T

    GITM Part 3&4 Featured Pastor & Church: Pastor Helen Price - Jan 25,2013

    Pastor Helen Price of the Covenant Faith Missionary Baptist Church This is Part 3 & 4 of our 5 Part Series with Pastor Helen Price. She is a pioneer for the Lord and has been in ministry for over 30 years. Pastor Price is the founding pastor of the E. St. Louis Christian Center Church as well as...
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    Daily Fail: ‘Aging Gracefully’ Doesn’t Mean You Have To Look Like Helen Mirren By Age

    If surveys that say women should start "aging gracefully" at 59 aren't bad enough, the Daily Mail*is here to clarify that there is no such thing as sexy old women. Just women who look amazing past the age of 60 because they're "aging gracefully," and those who apparently look terrible because...
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    Can Ballet-Inspired Workouts Make You Beautiful? Mary Helen Bowers Says Yes

    Grace, beauty, and poise. Not necessarily words you'd associate with working out—unless you're a ballerina, that is. I'm a recent convert to ballet and barre classes, because I love a challenging workout combined with a bit of artistry; I always hold my head a little higher and my back a little...
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    Did You Miss Our Brooks Running Q&A With Helen Beven? Here’s A Recap

    Earlier this week, we teamed up with*Brooks Running*to hold a*Facebook*Q&A with Brooks ID member*Helen Beven, an elite runner and certified personal trainer. Our readers got exclusive access to her expertise, with the chance to ask any questions they had about running–from training tips to how...
  8. S

    Helen Hunt Jackson's Ramona help?

    So to be quite honest, I really can't get into this book at all. However, I have to do a summary analysis. Are there any sites with a chapter-chapter summary or anything? I've been looking everywhere. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. U

    what happend to Ares(Aphrodites son) in the trojan war? what happens to helen?

    what happens to Ares in the Trojan war? What happens to Helen of Troy at the end of the war
  10. R

    What was the last movie of Helen Hunt?

    What was the last movie of her i wonder
  11. R

    What was the last movie of Helen Hunt?

    What was the last movie of her i wonder
  12. R

    What was the last movie of Helen Hunt?

    What was the last movie of her i wonder
  13. D

    why do men go mad for helen chamberlain on soccer a,m ?

    shes actually below mediocre,, theres much better looking women where you live, so why all the fuss about her .???
  14. G

    Helen Thomas was Not Treated Well

    And other matters, from the Amazing Atheist: Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. K

    Is Helen Thomas' statement the insane rant of a madwoman?

    In 2006 Ahmadinejad called for the dissolution of Israel and said the Jews should go back to Europe: http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/04/24/iran.nuclear/index.html Ahmadinejad's antisemitic statements has repeatedly riled the world and his statements concerning Israel are dismissed as the...
  16. N

    spiritually joking, why cant helen keller drive?

    because shes a woman. i know i answered my own question, come take the free points im giving away!
  17. T

    Sister Helen Prejean?

    Hey im doing an essay and i just have a few questions about Sister Helen Prejean 1. who are the members of her family 2. What is Sr Prejean’s religious order and date of entry into the order 3. The special objective of Sr Prejean’s religious order is the salvation and service of others...
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    Sister Helen Prejean?

    Hey im doing an essay and i just have a few questions about Sister Helen Prejean 1. who are the members of her family 2. What is Sr Prejean’s religious order and date of entry into the order 3. The special objective of Sr Prejean’s religious order is the salvation and service of others...
  19. S

    Trivia PLEASE HELP! :) ::: Helen of Troy really preffered Paris? True or false?

  20. S

    What does the poem Helen of Troy by Sara Teasdale mean and who is the...

    ...narrator?(poem inside)? WILD flight on flight against the fading dawn The flames' red wings soar upward duskily. This is the funeral pyre and Troy is dead That sparkled so the day I saw it first, And darkened slowly after. I am she Who loves all beauty -- yet I wither it. Why have the...