
  1. G

    Anyone ever Interviewed Tom Cruise About His Height?

    Everyone seems to just talk about his height, but I'm wondering if he actually ever being interviewed about it or is there article or anything anywhere which has him speak/comment about it This also include anything associated with his height particularly if he ever spoken about taller women, etc.
  2. T

    Divx movies, how to change the width and height video aspect when burn on to a dvd?

    I have some movies that I downloaded and they are on my Divx. Now, when i burn the movie i get a picture and sound on my tv but it shows a small screen, is there anyway where i can change the video size so when i burn it i can get the whole picture on my screen, do i change the video aspect size...
  3. M

    Is it normal for liberals to believe that a person's height is based on nutrition?

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101209121134AArD0QB Shouldn't the NBA be full of rich white kids from the suburbs?
  4. L

    is biomass, height, or leaf surface area most indicative of a plant's health

    and reproductive fitness? I'm doing a lab about plants and need to answer that question... any suggestions? And why?
  5. T

    Is height more of a genetic factor rather than nutrition?

    Just curious because I eat pretty well and im only 5' 10, my dads is 6 foot and mom 5' 5, I'm 16.
  6. A

    Human height, nutrition or genetics?

    When grow up, does the overall and final height is based on nutrition or genetics? Can a person with tall parents who give birth to a child what have poor eating habits grew up short (final height). What about vice-versa; short parents but well fed child can be tall? and of course maybe its...
  7. M

    what is fitness model gregg avedon's height and weight?

  8. C

    What height was Jesus Christ?(with bible quotes please)?

    For some context: I am a christian who also believes in the theory of evolution, the book of Genesis shouldn't be taken literally. I was just asked "What height are you?" to which I replied, correctly, "6ft." My mother felt the need to interject into my conversation and state "You must be...
  9. M

    Can i adjust the steering wheel height on my '99 Seat Ibiza?

    Some people talk about a lever under the steering wheel, but I really can't find this. Would I have to take the steering wheel apart, taking the airbag out and re-wiring the horn? I know I can't adjust the seat height and the steering wheel sits on my knees and covers up the indicator lights...
  10. R

    Horse height prediction?

    I have a haflinger cross (with what I have no idea!) that is currently standing 13.3 hh at 21 months old, I was predicted her to reach a maximum height of 14.2 hh. Do you think she could make it? Personally, I think she won't make more that 14 hh. I'll give you a link to my facebook album...
  11. K

    Healthy height and weight for a 20 year old?

    I want to hear others' opinions about whether I am at a healthy height and weight. I am 5'6 and I weight 130 lbs. I eat about 1,500 calories a day and run about 20 miles a week. Sometimes I feel like I should weight less cuz my younger sister is TINY and eats junk food and doesn't exercise as...
  12. N

    what is salman khan height?

  13. C

    What would be a good sport bike for my size and height?

    Just completed MSF and got my license for my 18th birthday. I drove manual trans for two years and riding a bike came very natural to me and I love it! Im looking for a good starter bike to get me around and go cruising on. Im 5'11 and 165 lbs. I don't want to spend much more than $4,000 on my...
  14. C

    What would be a good sport bike for my size and height?

    Just completed MSF and got my license for my 18th birthday. I drove manual trans for two years and riding a bike came very natural to me and I love it! Im looking for a good starter bike to get me around and go cruising on. Im 5'11 and 165 lbs. I don't want to spend much more than $4,000 on my...
  15. Fred

    What is your height and shoe size? (SURVEY)?

    I'm 14 and i'm 5'6 and my shoe size is 8.5 (U.S) I'm just surveying people to see what their height and shoe size This is for my project
  16. M

    what is the height of the night?

    heard a song and the guys say he gotta take flight at the height of the night! and i wanna know what that is! any help?
  17. I

    puppy height he growing so fast?

    his mother is half lab half Collie she 21inches and his father is a full bred lab about 24 inches he is a male puppy he's 11 weeks he has the long legs tail long and big paws what height will he be fully grown
  18. B

    Manual height adjustment broken on 2004 Mazda 6. expensive job?

    It's stuck in it's highest position, and I am 6'6", so this is important to fix. How much would this cost?
  19. T

    Height Increasing Diet and Fitness plans? 17 and 5'3?

    Height Increasing Diet and Fitness plans? 17 and 5'3? Hello, I am a 17 year old male and am 5'3 1/2 (125 pounds) I know that I am nearing the end of the time in which I can still grow so I would like to do everything possible to be the tallest and fittest I can be I realize that you cannot...
  20. T

    Height Increasing Diet and Fitness plans? 17 and 5'3?

    Height Increasing Diet and Fitness plans? 17 and 5'3? Hello, I am a 17 year old male and am 5'3 1/2 (125 pounds) I know that I am nearing the end of the time in which I can still grow so I would like to do everything possible to be the tallest and fittest I can be I realize that you cannot...