
  1. J

    What happened to my playback button with the DIVX webplayer?

    I just downloaded the new divx webplayer and I have no playback/sound/timer bar buttons after the video starts. When I load the video page (on several different videos) the sound auto-starts with a visible playback bar. After I click the video, though, there's nothing. How do I get it back...
  2. J

    What happened to my playback button with the DIVX webplayer?

    I just downloaded the new divx webplayer and I have no playback/sound/timer bar buttons after the video starts. When I load the video page (on several different videos) the sound auto-starts with a visible playback bar. After I click the video, though, there's nothing. How do I get it back...
  3. M

    What happened between Blair and Chuck in Gossip Girl?

    I just started watching Gossip Girl today and i was wondering what happened between Blair and Chuck and that jenny girl! I think that the Jenny girl is Chucks step sister but im not sure??
  4. T

    What happened to the ringtones on iTunes?

    I got this nice iPhone for Christmas and I'm searching for ringtones to buy but I don't see that section anywhere on iTunes. Did they get rid of it?
  5. M

    what happened to Jem Carstairs?

    did he die? what happened with Jem and Tessa? Are any of the Mortal Instruments hadowhunters related to Jem, Tessa, or Will?
  6. J

    Whatever happened to lincoln heights?

    it was the show on abc family
  7. B

    what happened to tron's voice?

    is bruce boxleightner a heavy smoker or what? i barely recognized him.
  8. Y

    Agree or Disagree: This following story happened only because Israel is talking...

    ...about giving away half of? Jerusalem to Anti Jewish Palestinian Terrorists Just talking about giving away land to terrorists gives the terrorists courage to attack Jews in Israel...
  9. F

    What are some of the Biggest Sport events that happened in 2010?

    i have to do a project for school and it is due Dec, 21ish and i need help. Can you please list some of the biggest Stuff that happened in sports in 2010. PLease and Thank you.
  10. D

    are you using frostwire? what happened to limewire?

    popping balloons bare feet. du u like it?
  11. F

    What happened to that bum Roger Maris?

    I mean, come on. The so called "AL MVP" for 1960 goes 0 for 5 in game seven of the World Series? Personally I think old Casey should leave him unprotected in the expansion draft. Let him go play in LA or Washington. I guarantee that if the Yankees are stupid enough to keep the bum they can kiss...
  12. H

    So ever since a rumor happened about me liking a guy my crush avoids me?

    Info about the rumor http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtUwx9j_2I8Pnl0cQ9USlLPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101215073054AAewuNM Me and my crush used to gaze at each other and playfully tease each other
  13. P

    Whats the funniest thing that happened to you or seen in a locker room?

    When i was 17 my friend and i went into the locker rooms at the gym and this asian guy came out of nowhere naked and we laughed then we went to the toilets and when we came out we noticed he was standing at the end of the hallway exit standing there naked with hes hands on he's hips looking up...
  14. K

    what happened to Dr. Raymond Langston on CSI?

    I saw the last episode, But what to him....Did he die?
  15. J

    TRIVIA: do you know what happened on November 5th, 1955?

    well do ya? i do
  16. G

    Isn't it true that the death of Jesus Christ was the worst thing that ever happened?

    I mean, because he died now many and many people believe his bullcrap claims of being the lord's son. If he wasnt crucified, if they just let him live, he would be just like every other crazy person, maybe even commit suicide, because he was so homosexual. Thus he would have helped the romans by...
  17. K

    Dream: Tooth Fell Out and Murder Happened?

    I need help figuring out what this dream means. I feel that it's significant somehow because I still remember it, which doesn't usually happen for me with dreams. In the dream, I had a tooth fall out (well, I actually plucked it out of my mouth..but yeah), specifically a molar. It split in half...
  18. W

    Do you still laugh about some thing that happened a long time ago?

    Tell a story that made you laugh so hard you cried/ pee'd...Do you still laugh when you think about what happened.
  19. C

    what happened to the music industry?

    Unfortunately, I'm 13 and these days people my age are being submitted to shit like Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber and Kesha etc. I'm wondering-what happened to all the good music? What happened to bands like Queen and The Rolling Stones and The Beatles? Why is the music industry just producing all...
  20. M

    What has happened to Angelina Jolie? Is she insane?

    I read where she wants to have more kids, or adopt more. I mean, really? I know she has nannies and stuff, but there comes a point where it is too ridiculous. How can she have enough time to spend with them and spread that time among so many. Is she just trying to have so many for the sake of...