
  1. M

    Can hamsters eat bell peppers?

    I have a syrian hamster and i was eating some red bell pepper so i gave him some but my sister is telling me its acidic so he'll be sick! Im really worried!
  2. C

    funny experience with hamsters?

    anything funny about hamsters?
  3. I

    my roborovski hamsters have been fighting, what to do now?

    ok ive had my 2 roborovski hamsters for 4-5 months and i got them as a pair from birth at 12 weeks from pets at home, i got told they were both girls, but i found out recently one is a boy and one is a girl :/. they dont have any health problems and are really healthy with glossy fur and bright...
  4. D

    can winter white hamsters have bell pepper?

    i need to know if its safe for my 2 month old baby girl to eat :) PLEASE respond PS. its a red bell pepper
  5. A

    are fancy hamsters and teddy bear the same thing?

    i got a hamster and was wondering if he was a teddy bear it said fancy hamster on the cage bot fancy hamsters arent very popular. plz tell me if i really got a teddy bear or somthing else.
  6. A

    are fancy hamsters and teddy bear the same thing?

    i got a hamster and was wondering if he was a teddy bear it said fancy hamster on the cage bot fancy hamsters arent very popular. plz tell me if i really got a teddy bear or somthing else.
  7. D

    Can hamsters har alfalfa balls?

  8. N

    Can I use my old fish tank for my hamsters?

    I have a 10 gallon fish tank. The all glass rectangle shaped ones. Can I use it for my hamsters? I really want some(two) and have saved up to pay for it and a cage but if I can just use my old tank I could save that money. I want to get two so the one doesn't get lonely,can I get two in that...
  9. G


  10. E

    Why do some peopIe disIike hamsters?

    Can the peopIe who disIike hamsters please tell me why.
  11. I

    how do i introduce hamsters to each other?

    i've just got a new hamster, i want my two hamsters to live in the same cage...but when i put them together, they start to fight. i hear a lot of squeaking and hissing... the new one had a thin gash on his right hind leg. how can i get them to like each other. PLEASE HELP
  12. H

    Can I use a screen fence to introduce two hamsters?

    I know that syrian hamsters are solitarie, but say to stop them from fighting, I start off by screening them off, would it work or will they keep trying to bite through. I've had syrians together before and the were fine, but I would like to try this for my old hamster (Sam, almost 2 years) and...
  13. L


    GUYS I NEED HELP. My hamsters have been together for about 4 month now, they get along fine and one is male and the other is female. The male is a roboroski dwarf hamster and the female is a russain dwarf hamster. The female has been trying to hump the male? The male is frightned of everything...
  14. E

    can you trade hamsters at petsmart?

    IDK but dont do it! it will take time for him to like you! well if u want to do it go ask! or call them first!
  15. R

    hamsters fur changing colour?

    my hamster is nearly 18 months old now, hes always been a dark brown colour and looked just like a little bear, now some of his fur is changing colour at the back end hes going a light sandy colour, his furs fine, his skins fine it just looks so odd his head and his front legs are brown and his...
  16. R

    hamsters fur changing colour?

    my hamster is nearly 18 months old now, hes always been a dark brown colour and looked just like a little bear, now some of his fur is changing colour at the back end hes going a light sandy colour, his furs fine, his skins fine it just looks so odd his head and his front legs are brown and his...
  17. R

    my winter white hamsters fighting.HELP?

    i bought 2 female winter white hamsters 2 weeks ago from the pet store.they've been getting along fine even though i often hear squeaks at night,i was washing the cage just now so i placed them in a box and they started fighting,now i placed both of them back into the cage after washing and...
  18. J

    what is the title of the cartoon with some cats who always chase hamsters?

    don't know if i got it mixed up. not sure but i think there was a fly in there too.
  19. M

    Ferret vs. Hamsters Help?

    Hi, ive researched syberian hamsters, and ferrets. I can only have one. Which would you choose? here are some factors im looking for: which is more playful? which likes to be held/played with? which lives longer? which is just generally nicer? do ferrets shed? do hamsters shed? also, if you have...
  20. E

    This girl went on a 3 week vacation and left her hamsters alone...?

    This is what the girl said " I forgot to say, we're going to the US for 3 weeks... and nobody's gonna take care of our hamsters :0 so all we can do is give them lots of food... it would be sad to come back and find out they all died :( (it actually happened once :cry: ) so wish my cute hamsters...