
  1. T

    Any anime like hamlet?

    I'm kinda starting to like the older timed anime (especially with gods / super powers) so far I've only watched Spice And Wolf, I was wondering if there were any other animes, similar to William shakespear? I'm actually very curious to hear what else is out there.
  2. M

    how does Ophelia feel in act 4 and how does she feel about Hamlet?

    need a detailed description and this is about the book Hamlet btw
  3. C

    How old is Hamlet ??? (Everybody's opinion?)?

    HI everybody!!! Were you able to understand how old is Hamlet in Shakespeare's play? I mean,The gravedigger's scene seems to tell us pretty clearly that he's about 30. But does that feel right? Doesn't everything else about the play make him feel younger?. What do you think about this? Ps...
  4. N

    Is Hamlet (the character) a melancholic or phlegmatic humor?

    I'm writing a paper on Hamlet's humor and am torn between those two humors (I'm only using one). Which one better fits in and why?
  5. S

    In Hamlet's soliloquy, he reveals that he is not only upset over his father's...

    ...death but also over __________? the fact that he and Ophelia are no longer together, which is unfortunate the fact that the Ghost has chosen to visit him, which is unbelievable the fact that his mother is remarried to his uncle, which is unnatural the fact that his...
  6. R

    Hamlet essay introduction need help?

    I just want to know if this intro is enough. I have to analyze Claudius's character In Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Claudius is the main antagonist of the play. At first we see him as a loving, wise, and caring king, but as the play advances we see that he is the complete opposite.Claudius is...
  7. B

    The artistic advisor to the director of a production of Hamlet?

    The play, Hamlet, has a critical problem explaining stage directions in Act II, Scene II, and Act III, Scene I. They directly determine how the first scene and the next scene are played. Pretend you are the artistic ad-visor to the director of a production of Hamlet. Write a short memo in...
  8. H

    PLEASE answer this Hamlet question?

    When Hamlet and Ophelia are having a discussion, and he is suspicious that someone is watching them, who is it that is watching them? And what does he ask Ophelia?? I can't remember if it was Claudius or Polonius...Or someone else.
  9. B

    What would be a Marxist approach to Hamlet?

    Writing an essay for AP Lit class and don't even know where to start other then in Act 5 when Hamlet interrupts the gravediggers.
  10. K

    In the Shakespeare play "Hamelt", what is the next thing Hamlet does after he

    In the Shakespeare play "Hamelt", what is the next thing Hamlet does after he argues with Ophelia? In the Shakespeare play "Hamelt", what is the next thing Hamlet does after he argues with Ophelia (after the "to be" soliloquy)
  11. X

    What can I do for this Hamlet oral?

    I'm doing a Highschool oral tomorrow about Hamlet. I will be speaking as Laertes and presenting a Eulogy for Ophelia A prop is required but I don't know what to bring along... I was thinking a Lavender for Ophelia however, that doesn't really indicate that I am Laertes but rather Ophelia.
  12. JoshuaH

    How did Hamlet vent anger at someone who didn't deserve it?

    i have to write this essay but i suck at hamlet. please can someone give me an example of who hamlet vented his anger when the other person didn't deserve it.
  13. B

    Hamlet in Seeking Revenge?

    How does Hamlet seek revenge in the play? What specific events did he do to seek it on people??
  14. D

    Hamlet! Can anyone explain the irony in the last scene in Hamlet?

    i have an essay question on a test tommoro to discuss the ironic outcome of the duel scene that concludes the play of Hamlet, any help would be much apreciated! Thanks
  15. D

    Hamlet! Can anyone explaine the irony in the last scene of hamlet?

    i have an essay question on a test tommoro to discuss the ironic outcome of the duel scene that concludes the play of Hamlet, any help would be much apreciated! Thanks
  16. A

    Does anyone know in which Act and Scene of Hamlet does Hamlet basically

    confess his admiration for Horatio? i forgot which act and scene it was where hamlet basically confesses his love (not in a homo way) for Horatio...as a friend. any help? also does anyone remember which lines in the book pertain to the ideas of "fate" much appreciated
  17. J

    Hamlet question regarding religion?

    Why does King Hamlet's death need to be avenged?/Why does the ghost ask Hamlet to avenge his death, what will the ghost get out of it? Will he get out of Purgatory and go to heaven? Also, does Hamlet not commit suicide because he's not so sure about the protestant view anymore and he thinks that...
  18. M

    In hamlet the play what are some places where there are humor in the play?

    Where is there humor in hamlet
  19. M

    I Have some questions about a book we're about to read in class, Hamlet?

    Well, HOW AM I GONNA READ THIS SHIT WITHOUT BEING BORED, I mean really I don't think the teachers even understand Shakespearean, is their any prior knowledge I can obtain where when we read this book I won't be bored out of my fucking mind.
  20. W

    Where can i listen to a copy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark for free/audio

    book (Online). 10 points? I am trying to get a better understanding of this so that I can read it to to an english class im going to tutor. Is there anyway somebody could give me a website that they have checked or put up a url or somthing for me.