
  1. T

    Do you have a habit that you don't want your kids to pick up?

    I occasionally bite or pick my nails. I hate that I do it and I made a New Years Resolutions to stop. It's the only one I'm having a hard time keeping. At this point, I'm about to put fake nails on so I can't bite them, until I break the habit. I really hope my girls don't pick up on this crappy...
  2. N

    Is this a healthy eating habit? Want to lose weight.?

    So this is what my eating habits have become while trying to lose weight: (When I say waters I mean a 591ml bottle.) Morning: Bagel and Drink (Usually Apple Juice or Water.) Lunch Time: Bagel and Two Drinks: (Two Waters) Supper: Whatever is made. Usually Meat or Chicken in a small portion...