
  1. L

    Why Did My Guppy Fish Die? Pregnant?

    I have a 50L tank with 3 guppies and 3 corydoras cat fish. I am unsure what sex my guppies are. The water quality is fine, I do regular water changes and my other fish look healthy and are swimming around as usual. I woke up this morning to find the smaller of my guppies dead. I had noticed...
  2. T

    Big Brains Are Pricey, Guppy Study Shows

    Bigger brains can make animals, well, brainier, but that boost in brain size and ability comes at a price. That's according to new evidence reported on January 3rd in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, in which researchers artificially selected guppies for large and small brain sizes...
  3. A

    Is my guppy pregnant or is she just a juvenile that's dark?
  4. B

    Can unborn guppy fry live?

    Can the unborn guppy fry live if the mother has died? If so how long?
  5. J

    Can anyone tell me the approx age of my baby Guppy fish?

    Ok so i came home the other evening after a weekend away to find 3 baby guppy fish in my tank. They look too big to be newborns as my friends newborn guppies were at least half the size of these but im sure i would have noticed them if they had been born before the weekend as before i went away...
  6. S

    will angel fish and guppy breed?

    i have angelfish and guppy fish in a tank so will they breed without being frightened? not angel and guppy but seperate pairs of angel and guppy
  7. S

    will angel fish and guppy breed?

    i have angelfish and guppy fish in a tank so will they breed without being frightened? not angel and guppy but seperate pairs of angel and guppy
  8. S

    why is my female guppy not having her babies?

    Do you have a male fish in the tank with her? Females sometimes will wait for a mate to come along, because males have to fertilize the eggs. Of course they wont wait forever and eventually it will happen. A male could just speed up the process.
  9. C

    I have 180 gal tank with 6 female and 1 male guppy. female dies of birth?

    I have a 180 gallon tank with those fishes in it, just those. i wanted them to breed but the female dies when she is giving birth??? how? the temperature of water is 78 degrees, and the water has no nitrate amonia is good, tested everything, it all good. is the female just stressed or something...
  10. C

    I have 180 gal tank with 6 female and 1 male guppy. female dies of birth?

    I have a 180 gallon tank with those fishes in it, just those. i wanted them to breed but the female dies when she is giving birth??? how? the temperature of water is 78 degrees, and the water has no nitrate amonia is good, tested everything, it all good. is the female just stressed or something...
  11. D

    I want to change my Guppy fish tank to a Discus fish tank? How should I start?

    I have a 50 gallon tank with live plants. Currently I have guppies, 1 swordtail, few platies in there. Lots of amano shirmps and 4 apple snails. 2 Ottos. I want to change my tank to a discus tank now. I'll get 1 paired. Dont know if i can keep more in there. also a few tetras and one clown...
  12. JackC

    my guppy gave birth to 10 last night but only 5 survied!?

    they fell to the bottom of the breeding tank. plus they started to twitch as though the were trying to free themselves from their curlsed up body but the just die! :(
  13. 1

    help what type of guppy fry do i have?

    i just got 3 guppy fry from a friend and i dont know what kind there grayish but they have long fins and big cuadel fins they have long bodies but their small
  14. S

    T mobile Motorola Razr V3 Tank Wars Annihilation by Guppy Games?

    I can't find the game in T zones. I have a prepaid Motorola Razr V3, and when I try the texting method, nothing happens! Please Help!
  15. A

    My female guppy is showing aggression,help?

    Ok so I am noticing that my female guppy is chasing the male away when the male is getting horny.Is this normal? Is it a sign that shes pregnant or that shes stressed?Help pls!
  16. G

    Is my guppy pregnant or just full?

    I have a small female guppy who has been with a male for a week until it has unfortunatly pass away unexpectidly. I assumed that it was pregnant the other due to having the black spot but it always comes and goes. Sometimes it has it and then it goes away. This happens every couple of hours...
  17. G

    Guppy fry will eat nothing but baby brine shrimp?

    My guppy fry only seem to want to eat the baby brine shrimp I hatch for them. Is it okay for them to be eating only these? They're two weeks old now and since they were born I've given them baby brine shrimp (live), a paste of water/cooked egg yolk and crushed up flake food (which I've been...
  18. P

    Fish cleaning crew in my guppy tank.?

    My 55 gallon tank is starting to get really crowded and dirty, I keep guppies in the tank and just guppies. Tomorrow, Im going to buy 10 "Cleaners" for the tank, that will eat algae and maybe the poo. Are there any reccomendations that are compatible with guppies? I don't mind if there all...
  19. A

    Another guppy Question!!! lol?

    Ok, I was thinking about getting three male guppies? Is it likely that they would fight? And I would keep them in this tank: P.S. How long do you think it would take for this tank to cycle?? on average? Thanks! :)
  20. D

    Can I get one male GUPPY?

    I heard you have to have them with more fish, if so, can I buy another male, cause I don't want any babies. I want them to be happy and healthy.