
  1. G

    2013 Grammys: Whitney Houston Remembered at Clive Davis' Pre-Party

    What better way to honor Whitney Houston than by playing her music? Clive Davis' paid tribute to Houston at his pre-Grammy party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel by playing a rarely scene...
  2. A

    The 2013 Grammys Dress Code: No Female Breasts Or Organized Causes

    Awards season has long usurped bikini season for least family-friendly celebrity photo buzz, but CBS isn't having it this year: In advance of the 2013 Grammys Award show, they issued an official dress code instructing performers and attendees to keep themselves covered up--especially if they're...
  3. G

    2011 Latin Grammys: Shakira Shines and Calle 13 Wins Big

    Last night might have been all about stringin' some tunes on the guitar for the 45th Annual CMA Awards in Nashville, but tonight, all the action was in Las Vegas for the 12th Annual Latin...
  4. G

    Does Chris Brown Want to Hang Out With Rihanna at the Grammys or Something?

    Chris Brown has come a long way.Two years after seemingly committing career suicide, the embattled R&B singer is getting gold stars from the judge overseeing his probation and...
  5. M

    How many Grammys have Britney won?

    And while you at it, how many does Madonna have? < Optional Thank you for your time!
  6. D

    What Channel is The Grammys Gonna Be On Tonight on DISH NETWORK?

    PLEASE. I WANNA SEE THE GRAMMYS SOO BAD. PLEASE TELL ME THE CHANNEL(: well Grammy Nomination in New Mexico.. lol
  7. D

    What Channel is The Grammys Gonna Be On Tonight on DISH NETWORK?

    PLEASE. I WANNA SEE THE GRAMMYS SOO BAD. PLEASE TELL ME THE CHANNEL(: well Grammy Nomination in New Mexico.. lol
  8. N

    are the 2009 grammys going to be aired again? please answer?

    i was just wondering if the 2009 grammys are going to be aired again. i missed them on sunday and i reallyyyyyy wanna see it. please please answer
  9. N

    how can i watch the grammys 09?

    th grammys aired last night but i was unable to watch it. will there be any re-showings of it? or can i find it online? thanks for your help :)
  10. G

    51st annual Grammys fashion

    I’m sure you’ve heard the drama that went on for Chris Brown and Rihanna, but a lot of folks still made it to the 51st annual Grammys and most were not dressed well. There were a few gals who played it safe (Kate Beckinsdale, and no, I have no clue what she was doing there [...]
  11. G

    MIA in her ladybug-whatever-it-was-getup at the Grammys

    var iamInit = function() {try{initIamServingHandler(320,210,592891,"")}catch(ex){}}() MIA. Count on the girl to make you want to shake it, and then send you into a fit of laughter via her wardrobe. She’s always a bit on the crazy side when...
  12. A

    List Of All The People Who Could Win Best New Artist At Grammys This Year 2009?

    same as ^^^^ best answer gets 10 points just list them or like send me a link or something but i would rather a list
  13. M

    Don't you think TI was robbed in the Grammys for best rap album?

    Of all the nominees I think Lupe and Nas should have won. Then again I didn't listen to lil wayne's cd as much as I did the other nominees.
  14. G

    Where can I re-watch the Grammys!!!?

    I missed the airing of them and was wondering if there was somewhere I could buy a dvd or see them online???
  15. B

    Your predictions for the Grammys tonight?

    Here is a link for the long list of nominations: I hope Leona Lewis wins! Your prediciton or wish?
  16. T

    what channels are the grammys on! like, what net work?

    what channels are
  17. S

    what time is the grammys on tonight? what channel? in LA?

    in santa barbara/ LA
  18. K

    When are the 2009 Grammys on tonight?

    I live in Arizona, so what time/channel would it be on? :)
  19. S

    Who are you expecting to win an award at the Grammys tonight?

    This is my first time watching the Grammys, but I hope Lupe Fiasco wins some awards. He the best out right in the rap category, lil wayne sucks is shyt is played out.
  20. B

    What time do the Grammys come on tonight?

    What time would they come on in Chicago? I know it comes on at 8 p.m. Eastern but what time would that be in Central Standard Time Zone?