
  1. S

    which is the best side of celebrity gossips?

    which is the best side of celebrity gossips
  2. C

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online?

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online? please tell me
  3. C

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online?

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online? please tell me
  4. C

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online?

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online? please tell me
  5. C

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online?

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online? please tell me
  6. C

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online?

    Where can I read celebirity gossips online? please tell me
  7. L

    Where can I see some latest gossips and news about the show Ghost Whisperer?

    I'm a big fan of the show and I'm looking for a site wherein I can visit frequently.
  8. J

    speech about celebrity gossips?

    what the heck am i suppose to say during my speech and what would i say to make a point? can anyone pls give me some hints/helps/advices?? i really need Big Help. thanks
  9. R

    how to solve fractionalism, favoritism, intrigues and rampant gossips in the

    workplace? help help please need your help
  10. A

    How do you avoid gossips?

    I guess it sounds like I am gossiping when I ask this question, however, we have a friend and everytime she sees Chuck and I, she starts gossiping about someone. I hate getting caught up in gossip as we are talking behind someone's back and it is wrong. What do you do when someone starts...
  11. A

    How to deal with friend who gossips and complains?

    One of my best friends has really changed lately. All she does is complain about everything - the school stinks, the teachers are horrible, the coach is unfair. And she's become a terrible gossip, spreading rumors, stirring up trouble and talking bad about everyone. I don't even like talking...
  12. S

    how do you feel when someone gossips about you?

    for a song, I would like to know how you all feel. =) even a story, it would help a lot. Thanks, SeanKelly =)
  13. B

    my friend gossips to my other friend about my problems...?

    My friends have been giving me a hard time because, i get angry too fast. They told me that if i couldn't figure out how to stop causing drama, then they couldn't do it anymore. I completely understand, i really do. I mean, no one wants to be around an 24/7 angry person. I most definitely can...
  14. L

    I have a friend who gossips way too much?

    The majority of our conversations are about other people. I don't usually add to the conversation, I just sit there silent..I was hoping that would give her the hint to stop...but it didn't. It just really hit me hard yesterday when she started a story with "She told me not to tell anyone...
  15. J

    how can celebrity gossips affect your everyday life?

    are u somewhat even aware that u indulge yourself too much with watching celebrity news rather than news? was even there a time u consider it a habit?
  16. E

    Who gossips more? Women or Men?

    Leave your opinions! :) It's for an English project I'm conducting, so if you don't want your opinion used...don't answer! Thank you all!
  17. P

    An old classmate gossips wrong and degrading info's against me, what should i do?

    I am a Christian and God knows that that i am innocent, she is the one who made a mistake but she defends herself by making up stories. I prayed for her already but sometimes, i feel like fighting back.
  18. F

    What should I do if my close friend gossips about me?

    Nicole who is my good friend I have know for years is gossiping behind my back. My best friend Bryan told me this because Nicole was gossiping to him?! Nicole was telling Bryan all my flaws (which is not true). And Bryan's stood up for me. Now the thing is, I don't want it too seem that Bryan...
  19. G

    Gossips in The Scarlet Letter?

    If i were a gossip in a court case convicting Dimmesdale of committing the sin of adultery, what evidence could i bring up in court to prosecute him? The gossips were in the beggining of the novel. Thanks
  20. B

    Someone I know that gossips incessantly was recently surprised to find...

    ...they were victimized also? Why is it so hard for this person to see that they're only reaping what they constantly sow>? and NO I had nothing to do with what they faced. LOL! PROMISE and cross my heart.