
  1. A

    Brunch-Off: Creamy Asparagus Soup With Herbed Goat Cheese And Asparagus Risotto Cakes

    We're at*Brunch-Off number nine, and we hope you're enjoying*our column devoted to brunch recipes as much as we are. farmer's market, I know warm weather is well and truly on its way. It's also one of the easiest spring veggies to cook with: flavorful but not overpowering, full of folate and...
  2. N

    When do I worm my goat kids? And pests.?

    Does anyone know the best way to get rid of pests on my baby goats? I have a couple of ticks on one. Several flies in the barn. This is the first big batch of kids that we have had with our bigger "barn" pull together. Also, does anyone have any suggestions on a wormer for my goats kids We...
  3. K

    Goat and horse trivia! Answer as many as you can?

    Its really random! Answer as many as you can, and I know a bunch of numbers are missing! Who ever gets the most right gets the 10pts! Questions: 2. A female goat is called a what? 5. What is a castrated male goat called? 6. What is the smallest pony breed? 7. A goat who is polled was born...
  4. H

    Buy or Sell: Solo Dolo Gizmo is the Goat RHH User?

    i think hes the coolest Rhh user who ever stepped foot in this section. Do u agree?
  5. M

    Do you know anyone who laughs like a goat?

    If so please date this person
  6. J

    Irish Joke Hunters and the Goat for St. Patrick's Day?

    Two Irish boys are out hunting, and as they are walking along they come upon a huge hole in the ground. They approach it and are amazed by the size of it. The first Irish hunter says, "Wow, that's some hole; I can't even see the bottom. I wonder how deep it is." The second hunter says," I...
  7. J

    Irish Joke Hunters and the Goat for St. Patrick's Day?

    Two Irish boys are out hunting, and as they are walking along they come upon a huge hole in the ground. They approach it and are amazed by the size of it. The first Irish hunter says, "Wow, that's some hole; I can't even see the bottom. I wonder how deep it is." The second hunter says," I...
  8. J

    How can I tell if my nigerian dwarf goat is pregnant?

    She is one year old and we just purchased a male about 5 months ago. She has gained a lot of weight. I have felt her belly but I can't tell if it is just her heartbeat. Please help!!!!!!
  9. D

    Help me with the goat riddle, please!?

    4 goats meet 4 goats coming the other way on a mountain track. They must pass. They can only pass by jumping eachother, making a space available. They cant move backwards to make a space, you only have one space to use. Please help, i have to hand this to my teacher in 2 days, i cannot figure...
  10. G

    Goat Kills Hiker

    A mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) killed a human (Homo sapiens) in Washington. The human hiker was gored in the leg on Klahhane Ridge in Olympic National Park. The goat, previously identified as an aggressive wild animal, was summarily executed by park rangers. Previously, rangers had...
  11. F

    Trivia question - what creature the body of a goat, -- but the head of a human?

    Trivia question - what creature body of a goat, but head of a human?
  12. C

    Rap & Hip Hop section, buy or sell, High School Musical 2 GOAT soundtrack ever?

    Hell, it's the best album ever Kudos: Chair wit handz was the inspiration for this question.
  13. A

    Religion: Because Goat herders living in tents 3000 years ago knew more than

    modern scientists? I need to spread it.
  14. G

    Don't Know Nuthin' About Birthin' No (Goat) Babies

    Tomorrow we begin the obstetric countdown to goat birthing. This is only our second time 'round with this, and while I'm less nervous than last time (way more nervous than the actual goats, though), I'm still a little worried. Mostly about Selene, who after her bout with meningeal parasite...
  15. J

    where can i buy a miniature goat in Sydney ?

    i live in Coogee in Sydney NSW and i wanted to get a pet mini goat for like $80-$300 and i cant find any and if i do i don't know if they are or not mini goats so i need to know a breeder that breeds them
  16. A

    A man has a lion,a goat n grass...he has 2 pass though the river with one boat,...

    ...but...? A man has a goat, a lion and some grass. Now the man has to cross the river with the availibility of one boat only which can carry only two people/thing at a time. Now the problem is that if the man takes the grass first then behind him the lion will eat the goat or if he takes the...
  17. B

    Cooking times for goat meat?

    I have a goat loin that I'm going to attempt to cook for Xmas lunch tomorrow. I have worked out the marinade and want to cook it on the weber, but not sure how long it might take too cook. I have tried to search elsewhere on the net but I keep finding times for cooking it in the oven but I don't...
  18. P

    Why does my goat milk taste 'goaty'?

    I have 2 Saanen milkers. Ones milk is fresh crisp and has NO goaty taste to it at all. The others milk always has a strong Goaty taste to it. They milking process is the same for both of them.
  19. P

    Why does my goat milk taste 'goaty'?

    I have 2 Saanen milkers. Ones milk is fresh crisp and has NO goaty taste to it at all. The others milk always has a strong Goaty taste to it. They milking process is the same for both of them.
  20. P

    Why does my goat milk taste 'goaty'?

    I have 2 Saanen milkers. Ones milk is fresh crisp and has NO goaty taste to it at all. The others milk always has a strong Goaty taste to it. They milking process is the same for both of them.