
  1. V

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg Nazi Salute Picture by Glenn Beck

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  2. G

    Doctors Feared John Glenn Would Go Space-Blind During Historic Orbit [Video]

    In 1962, space travel wasn't what you'd call an "exact" science. NASA was only a few years old and nobody really knew how humans would cope outside the atmosphere. Now, 50 years after his historic orbit, John Glenn recalls what his doctors thought would happen in zero gravity. More »
  3. A

    Is Glenn Beck's Radio Show funny like Rush Limbaugh's?

    Does he make cruel jests at minorities and anyone that is not a Neo Conservative like him? I don't like the Neocon Agenda which is Progressive as hell. They want big money in the Fed to prop up their failing sagging investments and to keep America a Military Industrial Complex. I Like Ron Paul...
  4. N

    Has Glenn Beck come up with any new prophecies lately? Is anyone writing them down?

    We might be witnessing the creation of another book to be inserted into the canon of the Bible if he keeps predicting things and they keep coming true. Any new ones lately?
  5. R

    When is Glenn Beck's next personal appearance tour at bookstores on...

    ...Berkeley CA's Telegraph Avenue? it before or after his week at Greenwich Village signing autographs for cheerful fans?
  6. I

    How is that Glenn Beck can be friend with Jim Rogers and but George Soros....?

    Well, you obviously have no idea what I am asking.
  7. M

    Glenn Beck cites the Ipad as an example of how "awesome" capitalism is, but?

    Glenn Beck cites the Ipad as an example of how "awesome" capitalism is, but? doesn't Glenn beck believe that the U.S. has been "socialist" at least since Roosevelt? Wouldn't that make the IPad an example of *socialist* awesomeness? Read the whole question.
  8. I

    How is that Glenn Beck can be friend with Jim Rogers and not George Soros....?

    It doesnt make any sense to me honestly, knowing that Rogers and Soros are the two biggest financial terrorist in our world.
  9. C

    Glenn Beck seems to think we Christians do not know who we are in Christ, do you

    agree? What is yours through the blood of Jesus shed upon the cross 2000 yrs ago?
  10. J

    Did anybody watch the Daily Show last night where he ripped Glenn Beck and

    Roger Ailes a new asshoIe? Anybody who watches Glenn Beck is certifiably insane/stupid. Haha, look at all the old senile people answering my question!! I never said I watched it for news you nutters. What's...
  11. L

    Mormans were you born into your religion or did you pick it like Glenn Beck?

    Please tell some details I would like to understand why anyone would be a Mormon. I do not mean that in a disrespectful way. I mean it in a way where I want to be educated about this.
  12. S

    Can you tell George Soros is the object of gossip on Glenn BlecKKK lately?

    All this wild speculation about George Soros.
  13. D

    Why is Glenn Beck always ranting about George Soros?

    I mean the man is a holocaust survivor...
  14. G

    Glenn Beck Inspired Gun Nut

    This should come as a surprise to no one. Byron Williams, known as the "Highway Shooter" for his 12 minutres shootout with CHIPS officers earlier this year, described the connection between Glenn Beck and his activities to a John Hamilton of Media Matters. ... Williams details what he saw as...
  15. D

    Why does Glenn Beck think Charles Darwin is bad?

    Charles Darwin is one of the greatest scientists ever and discovered evolution. Glenn Beck must be a creationist. Creationists have a complete disregard of all aspects of modern science.
  16. J

    Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck Presidency: Please Americans tell me that this... an impossible future? It can't happen.......can it?
  17. B

    How many copies of the Turner Diaries were sold at Glenn Beck's recent rally?

    Does anyone know how many copies of the Turner Diaries were sold at Glenn Beck's recent Rally at the Lincoln Memorial? I've heard some amazing estimates that run into the 10's of thousands. Also how many copies of Todd Palin's Turner Diary Study Guide were sold?
  18. A

    Will Reverend Glenn Beck allow me to get into Heaven if I send him a check for a...

    ...lot of money? I don't know much about politics or anything, but I saw his huge rally on TV last weekend and he reminded me a lot like an Evangelical preacher, rather than a TV show host / commentator. Since he is obviously closer to God than me (since I heard God and Jesus work for Fox...
  19. M

    Why did Al Sharpton's rally yell and rant about Glenn Beck's rally?

    When Al is a reverend and Glenn Beck only spoke about bringing god and honor back into the American mindset? Why were Al and his speakers so angry at the whole Glenn Beck rally? It wasn't political, it was about honoring our military men and women, being the best human being you can possibly...
  20. A

    Could Glenn Beck possibly the the Antichrist? Or "an" anti-christ, if not the...

    Could Glenn Beck possibly the the Antichrist? Or "an" anti-christ, if not the... ..."666" one? I ask this question as a religious agnostic, I have to admit. I don't generally fear the Antichrist today, although the notion of the "Beast" and the "Whore of Babylon" in Revelation did terrify me...