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    Gizmodo Gets Name Dropped in Court on The Good Wife [Video]

    In last weekend's episode of The Good Wife, Julianna Margulies' character interrogates a girl about her voice recognition software and cites our favorite technology website (that would be us, Gizmodo) as saying that the software was fantastic. More »
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    Gizmodo Gallery's Instaprint: Turn Your Instagrams Into Polaroids [Video]

    If only there were a way to get a real-life print of the sweet Instagram photos you take as you march through life. What? There is a way? And it's gonna be at Giz Gallery? Shut the front door. More »
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    A Story of Steve Jobs and Gizmodo [Steve Jobs]

    This is a really sad day. I sort of can't explain it. I feel helpless and wistful and overwhelmingly sad. By the time I got here, Gizmodo was already an unspoken name at Apple HQ. A publication pariah. More »
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    These Dogs Are Better Surfers Than Most Gizmodo Staff [Video]

    Last weekend, Del Mar, California was host to the sixth annual Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon. Over 80 dogs competed in front of 4,000 people. And even if they look somewhat anxious, these dogs ride an excellent wave. More »
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    Listen to Gizmodo's Soundtrack: Somebody to Love [Video]

    Nothing to add here. Just watch this amazing live performance by one of the best—if not the best—rock singers and rock bands the world has ever seen. Happy 65th birthday, Freddie. You're dearly missed. [Amazon] More »
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    Listen to Gizmodo's Soundtrack: Goldfrapp [Video]

    Many of you may not know Goldfrapp, but it's the soundtrack of my Apple events articles, all written at hypersonic speed. When the adrenalin is pumping, it's either that or the fast tracks of Exile in Main Street by the Rolling Stones. More »
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    Read Gawker? Gizmodo? Lifehacker? You've been pwnd.

    Registered users of media sites have had their names, email addresses, reading histories, and passwords stolen. But that's OK, because just yesterday I heard you say that any information hackers steal from secret computer databases should be public. (Or did I hear you wrong?)...
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    Gizmodo Data Breach Q&A: We're Here to Help [Announcements]

    All the Gawker Media sites were compromised this weekend. This probably leaves you with a lot of questions on the status of your accounts. Here's the place to ask them. Both editors and tech are here at your disposal. More »
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    Gizmodo University: Atari Punk Console Edition [Video]

    Gizmodo University concludes its Discover Electronics Online series with the construction of an Atari Punk Console. Impress your friends and intimidate your enemies with Lo-Fi sound effects! And did we mention? We've got Certificates of Achievement! Certificates for everybody!* More »
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    Buy Your Gizmodo Artist Series T-Shirt Today [Announcement]

    You guys kept telling us you wanted an official Giz t-shirt, and now they're here. The very first Gizmodo Artist Series t-shirt, designed by former Giz illustrator Wendy MacNaughton, is available today from BustedTees for $20. More »
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    Gizmodo University: Flippin' Switches [Video]

    It's Saturday, it's noon; that can mean only one thing: It's time for Gizmodo University! We've got an action-packed lesson today as our intrepid Sparkle Labs host (and proud new papa) Ariel takes a look at switches, sensors, and detectors! More »
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    Gizmodo University: Guest Lecture [Video]

    This week, Gizmodo University is proud to have a very special, super-secret guest lecturer! This is presented in addition to our normal curriculum and in conjunction with Sparkle Labs so step on into class and see who we've brought! More »
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    Happy Halloween from Gizmodo [Lego]

    Just a little something to set the mood, from Gizmodo and guest artist emeritus, Powerpig. Featured in this picture: 24 undead minifigs, and a Lego Michael Jackson—it's more involved than it sounds. More »
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    Gizmodo's Essential iPhone Apps, October 2010 [IphoneApps]

    There's an ocean of apps out there. Whether you just got your iPhone and are feeling adrift or you're a salty old dog seeing what you might've missed, here are 50 absolutely essential apps. More »
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    Gizmodo University: Volts, Amps, and Ohms [How To]

    In this week's Gizmodo University: Discover Electronics, we're diving headfirst into the principle theories of electronics. The second of four classes in this series, "Volts, Amps, and Ohms" is presented in conjunction with Sparkle Labs. More »
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    Gizmodo University: The Bright Ideas Behind LED's [How To]

    In this week's Gizmodo University: Discover Electronics, we will investigate the practical and theoretical fundamentals of electronics. This lesson, the first of four in the series, is presented in conjunction with Sparkle Labs. More »
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    Sign up for the Gizmodo Newsletter, Win an iPad [Gizmodo Daily]

    We're giving away a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad to one lucky newsletter subscriber! Don't subscribe? Enter your email address below to get one great story a day in your inbox. Don't worry, we hate spam as much as you do. More »
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    Gizmodo Internships in New York [Announcements]

    Hello, we're looking for some Promotion interns in New York City. Here's what you need to know: More »
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    Introducing Professor Gizmodo [Profgizmodo]

    Routers. Women. Dinosaurs. Often expensive. Often confusing. Need answers? Convenient! We've got a new resident expert for you: Professor Gizmodo—our omniscient jack of (most) trades. His walls are covered in large, expensive plaques. Send your questions to [email protected]. More »
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    The Gizmodo Recycling Program: Get Paid and Help the Gulf Coast [Recycling]

    Recycle your old gadgets, get paid, and help out the Gulf Coast oil spill. Sound too good to be true? It's not; it's the Gizmodo Recycling Program. More » Gulf Coast - Oil spill - United States - Environment - Mississippi