
  1. Y

    Help Ui of this anime for android 2.3 ginger bread?

    hello, i'm really attracted by this user interface for android phones but i cannot find this user interface for android 2.3 ginger bread . If someone can make this user interface by Go...
  2. E

    Can you think of a Japanese anime that includes a ginger male and a school girl?

    My friend and I want to go to a Japanese themed party this Saturday as characters from an anime. Problem: Neither of us have actually ever watched an anime in our lives. If this is too specific, what are some specific guy/girl pairings that would be fun? Mind you, as non-anime fans we'd rather...
  3. A

    Winter Table: Carrot Ginger Soup

    I had carrots leftover from making carrot mac-and-cheese earlier in the week, so I decided to try another winter carrot recipe. This Asian-inspired carrot ginger miso soup—via Smitten Kitchen—is not only warming, but packed with health-promoting ingredients—making it a perfect dish for right...
  4. A

    Holiday Party Recipe: Low-Cal Ginger Rum Punch

    The only ingredients other than spiced rum and diet ginger ale in this low-calorie, holiday-party-minded rum punch are fresh ginger and champagne. Might we suggest this for*followers*of the Champagne Diet this holiday season? More »Post from: Blisstree
  5. R

    Poll; would u date a ginger?

    Btw I'm not a ginger ,
  6. D

    What is a pure ginger lol?

    Heard someone say it other day n not sure what they meant
  7. S

    Which movies do Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers kiss? And what kinds (i.e. peck on

    the cheek, implied, actual)? I know in Carefree they share a long actual kiss. So what about the rest of the movies they are in together?
  8. L

    What impact did Ginger Rogers have on musical theatre?

    What impact did Ginger Rogers have on musical theatre? Any sites with information about her dancing career and her influence on others would be helpful. Also how she worked with other dancers and choreographers. Thanks.
  9. K

    What current actress looks like Ginger Rogers?

    What actress today looks like Ginger Rogers?
  10. T

    How did Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers influence/impact America in the 1930's?

    I'm doing a term paper on the 1930's and I picked to do Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I need to write about how they impacted America in this era. I know they inspired many dances, but is there anything else I can write about? I need two other main ideas for my paper and some support for the...
  11. R

    Site with good Ginger Rogers biography and facts?

    I need a site that has A LOT of info about her, and her relationship with Fred Astaire. No Wikipedia and it needs to be legit! Help :(
  12. G

    what year did fred astaire and ginger rogers pass away?

    I love tap and fred astaire and ginger rogers I would just like to know when : )
  13. M

    would one think that Mr and Mrs Howell , and Ginger took way to much stuff...

    ...for a 3 hour tour a 3 hour tour? they always had different cloths umbrellas several different hats and shoes and Ginger was always dressed for some red carpet event what are your thoughts
  14. M

    Any Recipes With Ginger In Them?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [EVERYBODY HELP]?

    Jee-zis Christ. seriously. theres a dead ginger on the floor. i can get rid of the body because i dont wanna go to jail!!! what recipes have ginger in them so that i can just eat them?!!!?!?!? Jee-zis Christ.
  15. G

    as told by ginger dvd?

    where can i buy the as told by ginger tv show dvds? either on line or in store? i know you can get 2 of the ginger movies online but where can i buy complete seasons? thanks
  16. J

    Ginger Rogers's impact to the world?

    >__< Like why was she important? What did she symbolize? Her long term impact? Anything I can't think of them. Or please help me with a source and link me. THANK YOU.
  17. J

    How do Christians feel about being the black one here and Atheists being the Ginger?
  18. O

    is there any truth in the rumour that people with ginger hair have no soul?

    i have just read it on the internet and am worried as my class mate has red hair and looks at me funny, if he has no soul does that mean he is evil and will murder me?
  19. H

    What is your best recipe for making ginger bread men?

    Not ginger snaps, and not dough for a house. I want tasty ginger bread men recipes. Please the ones you use, not just some random link or something you copied and pasted off google etc...
  20. L

    Who is the best dancer of these: Ginger Rogers, Bristol Palin, or Christina Aguilar?

    it is a joke