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    Afternoon Links: Healthy Gifts That Won’t Make You Look Like A Jerk

    • Oh my, we’re starting gift guides already? Fine. Here a guide to healthy gifts that won’t offend (FitSugar) • Just a little light reading on whether monogamy is natural for human beings (Divine Caroline) • Or you can read … More » Afternoon Links: Healthy Gifts That Won’t Make You Look Like A...
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    Support Small Business Saturday: 7 Gifts That Are Better From Small Businesses

    There's a misconception that small businesses are always selling things for high prices; in fact, lots of smaller stores will actually bargain with you on prices and have their own great sales. So, why not put down the 15 all-the-same ornaments from the giant bargain store and instead hop...
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    Need help buy christmas gifts for my family.?

    is there a secert santa who could help make a family christmas wonderful.?
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    The future of buying on Facebook: Gifts and Collections

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    Good books for marginalia gifts?

    My brother is going off to college, and I figured that I should write him a letter, but then I decided on marginalia instead. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, it is writing notes in the margins and empty spaces. Any ideas? I'm thinking "Never Cry Wolf" it's one of my very...
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    Father's Day gifts: apps for dad

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    Five gadgets that make great graduation gifts

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    New Genetic Findings: Gifts Of The MAGI In Schizophrenia And Bipolar Disorder

    These findings are not about the classic story of gift-giving, although the MAGI genes (officially named membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing proteins) do influence brain function in important ways. MAGI1 and MAGI2 are genes that code for the MAGI proteins. These...
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    Healthy Mother’s Day Gifts For Moms Who Aren’t Into Healthy Gifts

    We love moms who get down with yoga and tote their kids along to their own soccer games, but let's face it: Not everyone's mom is a health nut. Still, many of us would rather give her something healthy to show we care--instead of showering her with candies and treats that will ultimately make...
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    Treat your mom with these five modern day gifts on Mother's Day

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    Creepy Marzipan Pigs Do Not Make Good Gifts [Image Cache]

    What do you get two girls, ages five and seven, for the holidays? Well, if your name is Jonas Laberg, you cobble 22 pounds of marzipan into this piggish monstrosity—47,000 calories of nightmare fuel. It's at least better than a dead possum cake I guess. [Jonas Laberg via Neat-O-Rama] More »
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    Holiday gifts for the boss: Yay or nay?

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    This Year, I Want Donations Instead Of Gifts. Sorry Everybody

    Next to "yadda, yadda, yadda" and Festivus, the lampooning of giving donations to charitable organizations like the fictional Human Fund (slogan: "Money for People") as gifts is one Seinfeld's greatest gifts to popular culture. Unfortunately, it also makes people who don't want actual stuff...
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    Healthy Giving: Gifts For Foodies Under $50

    For cookbook lovers, foodies, casual home cooks or anyone with (pun intended) good taste, here are a few holiday gift ideas, ranging from about $10 to $50. Think: Your*vegan co-worker, brother-in-law with the exotic sea salt habit, windowsill-gardening friend from grad school, scone-making...
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    Healthy Giving: Gifts for Book Lovers

    I always say there are two gifts you can't go wrong with: Books and alcohol. That is probably not a great gift-giving maxim in general, but it works for the people I know. Need some ideas for the book lover on your holiday shopping list? Here are a few of our picks—an eclectic crop of the...
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    Healthy Giving: Stocking Stuffers And Small Gifts

    When it comes to small gifts—stocking stuffers, Secret Santa presents—people tend to stick with the tried and true: Candy, cookies, candles, Christmas ornaments. My mom still sends me a St. Nicholas Day stocking loaded with the an apple, an orange, a handful of nuts and about five pounds of...
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    10 Body-Conscious Gifts No Woman Wants This Christmas

    Yes, Christmas is a time for giving. But that doesn't mean it's a time for giving women a complex about their bodies--anymore than the media already does. Maybe your guy has given you a gym membership (even though he knows you hate to exercise) or maybe your husband gave you a well-intentioned...
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    Gifts For The Aspiring, But Untalented, Artist [Gift Guide]

    Some people aren't meant to pursue creative endeavors, but you don't want to tell them that. So here are ten gifts that will encourage their efforts, boost their confidence, and improve their skills, even if they're completely and utterly untalented. More »
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    Healthy Giving: 10 Eco-Friendly Yoga Gifts For The Holidays

    Whether you're a dedicated yogi, a yogi wannabe or know someone who is, why not look for eco-friendly yoga gifts this holiday season? We've scoured the yoga sites and came up with the best selection of environmentally-friendly yoga gear, apparel and accessories, ranging from $8.99 and up. Take a...
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    Vegan Holiday Gifts: Cruelty-Free Alternatives To Wool

    As the weather gets chilly, you may be looking to pick up a fuzzy new layer for yourself or someone you know. Unfortunately, wool and wool blends just aren't for everyone, for a myriad of reasons--which you may not be privy to if you're thinking up holiday gift ideas. And whether you're a...