gays or lesbians

  1. N

    Are Gays/Lesbians born that way, or...?

    I grew up in a Christian house where it was "bad" to be gay and always thinking it is a choice, so I was wondering if anybody can give me your opinion if people are born this way and not just choose the lifestyle (personal examples recommended) By the way I am not saying it is a choice, I'm...
  2. N

    Are Gays/Lesbians born that way, or...?

    I grew up in a Christian house where it was "bad" to be gay and always thinking it is a choice, so I was wondering if anybody can give me your opinion if people are born this way and not just choose the lifestyle (personal examples recommended) By the way I am not saying it is a choice, I'm...
  3. N

    Are Gays/Lesbians born that way, or...?

    I grew up in a Christian house where it was "bad" to be gay and always thinking it is a choice, so I was wondering if anybody can give me your opinion if people are born this way and not just choose the lifestyle (personal examples recommended) By the way I am not saying it is a choice, I'm...
  4. N

    Are Gays/Lesbians born that way, or...?

    I grew up in a Christian house where it was "bad" to be gay and always thinking it is a choice, so I was wondering if anybody can give me your opinion if people are born this way and not just choose the lifestyle (personal examples recommended) By the way I am not saying it is a choice, I'm...
  5. J

    Isn't it ironic how much some people hate gays/lesbians but they worship one at...

    ...the same time? Jesus was gay and everyone knows that. So was he the only allowed to be gay? Is that what the issue is really about?
  6. J

    Do gays/lesbians get less hostility than bisexuals do?

    I don't know about guys, but women really do hate bisexual men (im one of them lol) but what about guys? i know they are more hostile towards gays than lesbians, but does that include bisexuals?
  7. M

    How many gays/lesbians are against gay marriage?

    I know a bi sexual woman who is in a relationship with another woman who she loves and is against gay marriage.