
  1. C

    White wine and garlic green beans; will they compliment this dish or overpower it?

    I'm inviting my boyfriend over for dinner tomorrow. I'm making mozzarella chicken raviolis with garlic alfredo sauce; they're really good with regular canned green beans, but since I'm inviting someone over, I want to use fresh cut green beans this time. This is the recipe I'm considering...
  2. L

    south indian garlic chilli curry recipe?

    The best takeaway curry recipe I have ever had is the mentioned above with prawns. Does anyone have a recipe for this?
  3. A

    Spilled garlic mayo on my laptop motherboard 2 months ago. How do I clean... Is it safe to operate it after? Basically I was enjoying a pizza on a late night with laptop lying open. Accidently dropped my mayo dip on the motherboard but didn't bother to clean it. Now as I sold my other laptop I wanna make this one work. The mayo is proper stuck to the processor...
  4. T

    True or False: When you cook a meal you always include onions or garlic?

    True for me.
  5. P

    Dishes you can make with potatoes, garlic, and stock..?

    Any dishes with the above main ingredients? I wanted to make a potato gratin but I don't have the mustard.. Any other suggestions? :)
  6. P

    Can i add garlic juce to water to cuer popeye for my baby flowerhorn?

    or can i add some garlic juce to my fish food . he is just 2.5 inch size both eye is bulged some vet doctor say add some garlic juce to water or to food which help in humudity system is it true. any medesion to improve water condution now i am feeding high red any web address regarding popeye...
  7. T

    Heart Protection From Component Of Garlic Oil

    A component of garlic oil may help release protective compounds to the heart after heart attack, during cardiac surgery, or as a treatment for heart failure. At low concentrations, hydrogen sulfide gas has been found to protect the heart from damage. However, this unstable and volatile compound...
  8. A

    What are the benefits of garlic for Health ?

    Dear Guys, As I am newbie here So I want to know some benefits of garlic for health point of view . Would anybody share some benefits of Garlic with me ? .
  9. S

    How can I press garlic without buying a garlic press gadget?

    I have seen some cooking recipes which call for pressing out the garlic for more flavor. How can I do this without using a garlic press kitchen tool?
  10. M

    What else can you cook with chicken besides garlic cloves and cut up lemon?

    Chicken is really a blank slate in a sense, you can add whatever flavors you like to it. For instance... Tex-Mex Cilantro, tomatoes, chipotle, cumin etc
  11. S

    I just ate a garlic and coriander dish, am I allowed near you?

    The movie is about to start.
  12. A

    recipe for pasta with garlic and oil calls for 6 garlic cloves peeled and chopped?

    if the recipe serves 4 how many garlic cloves on average for each serving
  13. S

    i beat up a mugger with a loaf of frozen garlic bread in my dream last night....?

    i remember that i was in a parking lot and some guy tried to mug me and i knocked him out cold with a loaf of garlic bread. if someone tried to mug me in real life i'd fight back. and for some reason i was walking to my old car in the parking lot. i'm so confused and i need help to...
  14. S

    i beat up a mugger with a loaf of frozen garlic bread in my dream last night....?

    i remember that i was in a parking lot and some guy tried to mug me and i knocked him out cold with a loaf of garlic bread. if someone tried to mug me in real life i'd fight back. and for some reason i was walking to my old car in the parking lot. i'm so confused and i need help to...
  15. S

    Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe?

    Cheesy Garlic Bread recipe, anybody???
  16. P

    Could eating large amounts of cooked onions and garlic cause bad breath?

    My mum puts heavy, heavy amounts of onions and garlic in my dinner each day. She puts about a cup of blended onions and blocks and blocks of frozen garlic into whatever she is cooking. Do you think this is having an impact on my breath? Could a diet like this be the reason why i get constant...
  17. M

    how do prepare fresh garlic for my fish to eat?

    I just bought some fresh garlic for my fish, but how do I give it to them? Also are there any herbs besides cloves that calm a fish?
  18. A

    Good recipe for garlic butter rice?

    I'm looking for a good garlic butter rice recipe. Thanks! :)
  19. J

    Best creamy garlic sauce for seafood pasta or rice??? Please tell recipe?

    Best creamy garlic sauce for seafood pasta or rice??? please tell recipe
  20. D

    Does cooked garlic help Swine flu?

    Now the online sites are saying garlic DOES help swine flu. Does it have the same effect if it's cooked?