
  1. J

    Can I keep a trouser snake in a 50 gallon fish tank?

    My friend told me to look into getting a trouser snake as a pet because they don't need a lot of room but before I get one I have to make sure that the enclosure is big enough. Also do they eat a lot and if so what. Thank you for your help
  2. W

    10 gallon fish tank making weird noise?

    I have a 10 gallon tank with an aqua-tech 5-15 filter. For the past few hours a few times I've heard this sort of crackling noise. Almost like there's a rock or something caught in there, which there's not (i don't even have gravel). I only bought the filter 2 weeks ago. Do you think I need to...
  3. E

    30 gallon tank how many fish can I safely put in?

    So I'm starting an aquarium and I was trying to decide what kind of fish to but in, but the problem is I don't know how many of each I can have in the tank without it getting to crowded. These are the types I had picked out: Ghost Shrimp Albino Cory Catfish Glo Fish Zebra Danio Marigold...
  4. F

    Miles per gallon on my truck?

    I filled my tank on my 1992 Toyota 4 cylinder 22re 5 speed drove it 300 miles on that tank what would my mpg be?
  5. C

    Why didn't the groom wonder where all the extra 6 stone 20 gallon jars of wine...

    ...came from? 213.John 2:10 And saith unto the groom, EVERY groom at the beginning doth set forth GOOD WINE; and when men have WELL DRUNK, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:9-11 (in Context) John 2 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
  6. A

    how many and which kind of fishes can i put in 5 gallon tank?

    i like tetra,guppies but also tell some kind of good fishes in this tank. tell an other type of fishes but give information about these also.i am a beginner and i don't know more about an aquarium and all about it.
  7. A

    Will two leopard geckos (male and female) be happy in a 40 gallon tank?

    With about 4 hides... Or should I go for a 29 gallon (that's the closest I could find to a 30 gallon) tank with about 3 hides? Is a 40 gallon too big for two leopard geckos? They get along very nicely in a 10 gallon (I know, that's way too small) together.
  8. S

    is 240 miles good for a 13.5 gallon tank?

    is 240 miles good for a 13.5 gallon tank? I don't drive it until empty!!! I fill it up once it hits 1 quarter. Its a 2001 ford focus
  9. N

    How many hot tamales are in a gallon?

    the candies, not the food
  10. R

    10 gallon tank to stock?

    I just bought a 10 gallon fish tank and it has been set up and running with the filter and heater for over 48 hours. I went to the pet store today to try and decide what fish i wanted. I was thinking about getting 4 glofish, 4 neon tetras, and 2 glowlight tetra. i have my heater set at 76*F. i...
  11. J

    what fish can i put in a 10 gallon tank with a betta.?

    i have a heater, filter and a 10 gallon fish tank that holding 1 male half-moon Betta, 2 blue mystery snail, 1 dwarf african frog and 1 male guppy. what fish or live plant should i add to make this tank look more attractive.
  12. D

    What do you think of the rule 1 inch of fish per gallon of water?

    your tank is issue don't worry..
  13. J

    75 gallon fish tank question and tips?

    Hi, I have a 75 gallon fish tank, i have in it. 13inch Red Devil boss of the tank, 12inch black shark, 10 different size convicts. I want to get a jaguar or a oscar, but i think its better to get the jaguar cause oscars are messy and might be to much for the tank. I have lots of hiding places...
  14. §

    How many miles per gallon does a 1976 Opel Commodore get?

    I've tried looking online but can't find anything.
  15. D

    what fish to put in a 55 gallon?

    along with two freshwater angelfish
  16. N

    How many fish can fit in a 10 gallon?

    I have 3 Mollies, 1 Swordtail and 2 Angelfish is that to much? And by the way The person who help me at the store said that i was capably of having that many fish
  17. R

    what is proper pitch for 75 gallon hot water heater vent?

    im trying to move heater about 20' away from existing chimney stack want to make sure ill have enough pitch
  18. J

    traveling with a 20 gallon aquarium?

    Ok so i have a 20 gallon long aquarium. I am in college and will have to go home during breaks. I will have to bring my tank home with me over the long breaks. How should i go about doing this? I was thinking, i should put the fish in a styrofoam container and then drain the tank enough so the...
  19. G

    What fish for a 13 gallon tank?!?

    I have a long 13 gallon tank, I am hoping to get some plants and bogwood in there. What plants would you recommend because i don't have a bright light, 15W. I was wondering what fish I could have in there maybe some schooling fish, one medium sized fish, e.g gourami and a bottom fish like stays...
  20. D

    angelfish in a 29 gallon?

    can i keep angelfish in a 29 gallon? my grandma has two in with her platies and they've been alive now for about 3 years so im guessing theyre fine. should i do it or no?