
  1. J

    Bodybuilding..would 250mg a week of test be enough to produce decent gains?

    This would be my first cycle And I don't wanna go to heavy on the T. but would 250 mg of test (injected) a week be enough?? Or should I look to do dosages up to 500 mg a week?
  2. A

    Playboy Gets Padma Lakshmi Naked, Reveals She Gains Weight For Top Chef (And Feels Lu

    Playboy got Padma Lakshmi naked (or close to it) for their December issue this year, and they also got her to gab about her weight and body image, before and after filming Bravo's Top Chef every year More » Playboy Gets Padma Lakshmi Naked, Reveals She Gains Weight For Top Chef (And Feels Lucky...
  3. G

    University of Waikato gains visibility and control of network With Fortinet

    The University of Waikato has deployed Fortinet appliances over competitive appliances.
  4. M

    2006 Suzuki Rm125 power gains?

    I need a broader powerband. I have a procircuit pipe/silencer combo. but i want to get a 144 big bore kit and get it port polished. Will this be a big power gain. Im racing 250 four strokes and my bike is just not cutting it. Will this give me the power to pass a 250. also are there any other...
  5. S

    Is it true that Sony has actually loses money on PS3s but gains it in Blue Rays?

    I've heard that Sony has actually lost billions of dollars on the PS3, because it sells it hundreds of dollars below the value of all the technology inside of it, but that it makes it back and then some by selling the Blue Ray discs for it with a massive profit margin. Is this true?
  6. A

    The Juice: Daniel Hudson gains gratification in win over White Sox

    Nine innings, nine items to get you going. Ladies and gentleman of the Stew, take a sip of morning Juice. 1. Any regrets?: The Chicago White Sox may have a couple after watching Daniel Hudson, the talented young pitcher they traded 11 months ago, dominate their lineup and out-pitch the man...
  7. L

    How much can newbie gains give you?

    I'm working out along with my younger brother. We're both fit, and lean... enough. No pathetic little "2-pack" to show off, but there's a reason- he's in football, and I just prefer the extra weight when wrestling around. We haven't severely weightlifted before, although we have been active...
  8. T

    Novartis Gains FDA Approval For Amturnide™, A Triple-Combination Pill To Treat High B

    Novartis announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Amturnide (aliskiren, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide) tablets for the treatment of high blood pressure. Amturnide combines the only approved direct renin inhibitor worldwide, Tekturna (aliskiren), with the widely used...
  9. T

    Mobility For Hospitalized Seniors Could Lead To Big Gains

    "You'll be back on your feet in no time" is a phrase familiar to anyone who's ever had to spend time in a hospital. Now, a new study has shown that hospitalized elderly patients who literally "get back on their feet" by taking even short walks around a hospital unit tend to leave the hospital...
  10. T

    Clinicians Worldwide Experiencing Efficiency Gains With Siemens Syngo.via

    Since Siemens Healthcare launched syngo.via, its imaging software for multimodality reading of clinical cases, clinicians worldwide are reporting significant workflow efficiency gains. More than 100 installations of syngo.via have been delivered worldwide, and healthcare organizations are...
  11. T

    GOP Hopes To Use State-Level Gains To Propel Conservative Social Issues

    Republicans hope to capitalize on their majorities in 26 state legislatures to advance conservative policies on contraception, sex education, abortion rights and other social issues, the Washington Post reports. Prior to the midterm elections, Democrats controlled 27 state legislatures. Now...
  12. M

    Do Limited Companies (LTD) pay capital gains tax on assets they sell?

    For example, say I own a company called "Investment", and that company bought a building in October 2009 for £100,000 which, in October 2010 was valued at £200,000. If Investment then sell that building, do they have to pay capital gains tax on the money they made?
  13. A

    is simply how much profit (after taxes, interest income, and extraordinary gains...

    ...and losses) a firm makes divi? what is the word for this defination
  14. J

    Why are capital gains taxed at a lower 15% rate only if your seed money was not

    invested in a 401K or an IRA? If you were born rich enough to never have a 401k or Ira you pay 15% but those of us who made wages and saved our seed money usually have it in a 401k or IRA. We pay taxes on our capital gains as wages at an average rate of 36%. I know we did not pay taxes on our...
  15. T

    Despite Gains In Gender Equality, Labor Market Remains Unequal For Mothers, New York

    While the last three male Supreme Court nominees have all been married with children, the last three women nominated to the court -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor and nominees Elena Kagan and Harriet Miers -- "have all been single and without children," which makes the court "a good symbol of the...
  16. M

    Volkswagen gains reliability, loses some delight

    [No message]
  17. T

    State Dept. Official Highlights Uneven Gains For Female Elected Officials Worldwide

    Despite attention on female candidates' success in Tuesday's primary elections, women seeking government positions in other countries have made unsteady progress, Melanne Verveer -- U.S. ambassador-at-large for global women's issues -- told a House subcommittee on Wednesday, the AP/Atlanta...
  18. T

    New Injectable Osteoporosis Drug Prolia Gains FDA Approval

    Prolia, a new injectable drug to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women at high risk of fractures has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In a statement on its website on 1st June, the federal agency announced that approving Prolia, made by Amgen, offers...
  19. T

    Antisoma's AS1413 Gains FDA Fast Track Status For Treatment Of Secondary Acute Myeloi

    Cancer drug developer Antisoma plc (LSE: ASM; USOTC: ATSMY) announces that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation to the Company's novel DNA intercalator, AS1413 (amonafide L-malate), for the treatment of secondary acute myeloid leukaemia (secondary AML)...
  20. T

    Provectus Reports On Successful End-of-Phase 2 Meeting With U.S. FDA And Gains Clarit

    Provectus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: PVCT,, a development-stage oncology and dermatology biopharmaceutical company, announced that it has held an end-of-Phase 2 meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to seek consensus on clinical program scope and...