
  1. A

    Why I Can Eat Meat, But Not Wear Fur

    Look. I don’t really object to fur in a sincere way. I think it looks fantastic. But I still don’t feel quite entirely right about wearing it. However, when I mention this, a lot of people say “but you eat meat!” I do. I eat a whole ton of meat, pretty un-apologetically. I can debate the best...
  2. J

    My chinchilla rubbed his fur against a bike chain and now it's all messed up. How...

    ...can I clean it? I already gave him a dust bath but obviously that's not enough...
  3. A

    NY Fashion Week Worsts: Furries, Fur And Straight Jackets

    Today marks the beginning of London Fashion Week and already there have been some ...*questionable designs. New York Fashion Week just wrapped up yesterday (it's always fashion week somewhere!), and while there was a lot to love in this year's collections,*there were*definitely*a few things that...
  4. G

    Lindsay Lohan Jumps the Pond, Dons Posh Fur: Is She Hoping to Hook Up With The Wanted

    Apparently there aren't enough parties in the USA for Lindsay Lohan. Or maybe there are too many. Whatever the case, the troubled Liz & Dick starlet has bolted these shores for...
  5. A

    ‘Fur Hag’ Kim Kardashian Defends Fur On The “Today Show”

    Kim Kardashian was on the "Today Show" this morning, talking about optimism and overcoming challenges and all those things celebrities talk about on morning talk shows, until host Ann Curry asked her The Flour-Bombing Incident. A few weeks ago, PETA member Christina Cho*shouted 'fur hag'...
  6. D

    Each morning I find large amounts of fur in my bed. What is this?

    I have no animals in the room nor pets whatsoever. I have no collectibles with fur. I saw one of those on Pawnstars, but not in this house.
  7. E

    Which of these celebrities wear real fur and which ones don't?

    Ellie Goulding, Pixie Lott, Eliza Doolittle, Kim Kardashian, Pamela Anderson, and The Saturdays.
  8. M

    is a cat's fur dangerous/life threatening?

    So a lot of people say that a cat's fur is bad and can make you sick. Two of my cousins told me stories. Cousin 1: said that he had a friend who had a cat hair go into his lungs and he was hospitalized for two months or more. Cousin 2: said that she saw a show on tv that that said a girl had...
  9. G

    Is it right to wear animal fur?

    There are those who think so: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  10. J

    Cute coats with fur collars and where to buy them? :)?

    Like in Wet Seal..Forever21...etc.? I need a new coat and I love the whole fur-collar look! Very cute! Any ideas where to get them?? <3
  11. I

    How do the round black spots on the fur of the cheetah help it in hunting?

  12. I

    How do the round black spots on the fur of the cheetah help it in hunting?

  13. I

    How do the round black spots on the fur of the cheetah help it in hunting?

  14. R

    do they still sell fur suits?

    do they still sell fursuits at convention? im 13 5foot 2inches and i want to get or make a fursuit i tried to make a fursuit but failed horribly at msking the head someone helo me
  15. X

    kiiten got green slime stuck in fur?

    hi our kitten got covered from head to toe in slime kind of like this stuff http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61FaLnuET%2BL.jpg it has set hard and is to close to his skin to chop off, please any help would be appreciated!
  16. F

    She cruised down Wilshire w/her Fox fur purse,w/Mona Bone Jackon blaring. Who is she?

    HELP i can win some cash at work if i get it right!
  17. D

    Has anyone seen the movie 'fur' about photographer Diane Arbus?

    If so, is it good? i want to to get it on DVD..it stars Nicole Kidman.
  18. R

    hamsters fur changing colour?

    my hamster is nearly 18 months old now, hes always been a dark brown colour and looked just like a little bear, now some of his fur is changing colour at the back end hes going a light sandy colour, his furs fine, his skins fine it just looks so odd his head and his front legs are brown and his...
  19. R

    hamsters fur changing colour?

    my hamster is nearly 18 months old now, hes always been a dark brown colour and looked just like a little bear, now some of his fur is changing colour at the back end hes going a light sandy colour, his furs fine, his skins fine it just looks so odd his head and his front legs are brown and his...
  20. C

    Real fur trend??????

    Cool or cruel?