
  1. K

    Hobo Purses Holding Funds Using Design

    An individual is covering the normal minimize in case the actions with alcohol in the persons blood is definitely around 50mg from beer around 100mL with blood or maybe; the amount from drinking from the fighter's breath might be 0. Keeping yourself ghd hydrated is incredibly sizeable and...
  2. T

    Enrollment Of Kids In Health-Care Programs Boosted By Increasing Federal Match Funds

    Significantly more children get health insurance coverage after increases in federal matching funds to states for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), according to new research from the University of Michigan. The research, published in the journal Health Affairs, showed...
  3. S

    Trying to raise funds for album recording

    My band is trying to raise funds for album recording. We released two albums prior, that were recorded by us, and paid for out of our own pockets, and we decided that this time around, we wanted to deliver an end result with better quality and preferably, less financial stress on ourselves...
  4. H

    Trend research for investing, please. (In & out of mutual funds)?

    Rather than biting my nails and praying that a single company gets the bump to make me some profit, I'd rather trade mutual funds. I don't know the exact term of trading, but I consider anything less than the -somewhat tax advantaged 12 months- trading. There is a direction I'm trying to move...
  5. DrDeanCrosby

    United States Funds Global Terrorism Training

    The article printed below explains how one of the United State's closest allies is exporting a terrorist theology throughout the entire world using American oil money to do so. By Benjamin Mann Washington D.C., Sep 14, 2011 / 02:36 am (CNA/EWTN News) “The Saudi government has given...
  6. A

    Mark Sanchez raises funds for families of 9/11 victims with new t-shirt

    Mark Sanchez's fashion statement in the September issue of GQ*was labeled by Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers as "embarrassing,"but there is nothing to blush over with his current apparel dabble. Earlier this week, the Jets quarterback launched a line of t-shirts to aid The Benefit Fund, which...
  7. G

    Congress Wastes Funds Investigating Funds Not Being Wasted!!11!!

    Congress is in charge of the federal budget. That is a constitutional reality. However, since members of Congress are elected and elections are, well, political, the federal budget is a political artifact. And this is often bad news for science. It all started with William Proxmire. I...
  8. P

    Registered charity funds. UK?

    In the UK are there any laws which entitle the public to obtain access to information regarding the funds of registered charities and how they are spent?
  9. P

    Registered charity funds. UK?

    In the UK are there any laws which entitle the public to obtain access to information regarding the funds of registered charities and how they are spent?
  10. B

    Do TIPS funds fall if interest rate and inflation goes up?

    I have a Vanguard TIPS fund, but not sure how it works. I know it's treasury, and goes up as inflation goes up. How about if interest rates goes up at the same time?
  11. T

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funds Portuguese Researcher To Develop An Innovative

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funds Portuguese Researcher To Develop An Innovative João Gonçalves, from Faculdade de Farmácia e Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal, to win a Grand Challenges Exploration Award Portuguese researcher João Gonçalves is to receive a Grand...
  12. S

    How much will bond funds drop, when interest rates rise?

    So if the Fed raises rate from 0 to 0.25%, then how much would a fund like DODIX drop?
  13. C

    Isn't Audi sounds the best gift to be given? But How do i manage funds?

    I have been desperate to buy AUDI. I have been dreaming to buy that since a year but due to some finance problem i couldn't buy it. My son will turn 21years old and i want to present this car to him. But how do i manage my funds.
  14. M

    The interest rate for loanable funds will decrease if the:?

    A. Demand increase B. Demand decrease C. Supply decreases D. Quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied
  15. T

    N.J. Senate Approves Bill That Would Seek Federal Family Planning Funds

    The New Jersey Senate on Monday voted 26-12 to pass a bill (A3273) that aims to expand access to subsidized family planning services for uninsured women, the Woodland Park Record reports. The funding would help provide cervical cancer screenings, contraceptives and other family planning care to...
  16. J

    Should I (a college student w/ limited funds) vacation to Orlando, Las

    Vegas or Puerto Vallarta for SprBrk? I won 3 hotel stays at 3 different cities (Orlando, Las Vegas and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) and all I need to do is book a flight. I am a college student graduating soon so Im saving for Graduate School. Which one would you suggest?? *open to all...
  17. G

    The Federal Funds rate is the interest rate charged by?

    A. the Federal Reserve for a loan to a commercial bank. B. a commercial bank for a loan to its best corporate customers. C. the Federal Reserve for a loan to the federal government. D. the Federal Reserve for a loan to an individual company. E. a commercial bank for a loan to another commercial bank
  18. T

    Altravax, Inc. Awarded $1.2 Million In Federal Funds For Vaccines For HIV/AIDS

    Altravax, Inc. announced that it has been awarded two SBIR grants totaling $1.2 million from the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for research on antibody-inducing vaccines for HIV-1. A 2009 report from the United Nations has estimated the total number of people living...
  19. G

    Whats the difference between Exchange-Traded Funds and Fund of funds?

    Whats the difference between Exchange-Traded Funds and Fund of funds? Is there a difference or are those two the same thing?
  20. T

    BARDA Funds Medical Countermeasure Innovation

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) announced the first eight contract awards under an initiative to help modernize and improve the nation's infrastructure for producing medical countermeasures that protect against...