
  1. I

    Sanosukes gambling friends from Rurouni Kenshin anime?

    In the episode that Megumi Takani makes her first appearance, Sanosuke and Kenshin are gambling in a room with two of Sano's friends. He calls them by their names, which sound EXACTLY like their names are Tomoe(Kenshin's first wife), and Kenji(Kenshin's future son). Did ANYONE else catch this...
  2. Y

    i synced my iphone 4 to a friends itunes library but now i want to get new music

    from my itunes on to it? i synced my iphone 4 to a friends itunes library but now i want to get new music from my itunes on to my iphone w/o losing the music that is already on it?
  3. T

    Quality Of Life Better For Breast Cancer Patients Who Have Fun And Friends

    Breast cancer patients who say they have people with whom they have a good time, or have "positive social interactions" with, are better able to deal with pain and other physical symptoms, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. "This study...
  4. T

    Is it illegal to download apps I bought onto my friends iPad?

    For example.. I buy an app on my ipad and then sign in on my friends ipad and download it for him, is this illegal and will apple actually do anything?
  5. yorkie

    How do I unfreeze words with friends on my lap top?

    I play words with friends via my Facebook account on my laptop and its stopped working the refresh symbol just keeps going round and round, it appears to be ok for all the other people I play against, but my games on their screens are just showing me as not playing, where in truth i cant get...
  6. H

    Anyone have stardom the a list or stardom hollywood? i need game center friends :)?

    Please leave your username below for game center if you have ANY stardom game. i would really appreciate it, as i have no one right now :) thanks xx
  7. M

    Atheists friends can you riddle me this?

    Have apes to dance, To smell romance And cast their demons away? With virtuous hearts, Where minds impart New morns lift clearer every day. And with the fall of dusk Night does what night must, poets pens come out, some play. Who rue man's decline, To view natures design, And muse at cosmic...
  8. A

    DudeBro And His Victim-Blaming Friends Don’t Like Me Writing About Rape Culture

    Last week, I reported on the alleged rape case in Tarpon Springs, Florida concerning flagrant social media victim-blaming. Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of hearing from Dylan Fanelli, a resident of Tarpon Springs, who emailed me to explain that he had also once been accused of rape. He...
  9. R

    Hello friends please help me with the vacation planning, i want to go to some...

    ...nice places where can i explore? i want some nice option for places where i can explore to the fullest with friends and relatives like beaches and well located accommodation to stay
  10. A

    Blisstree Fitness Models: Round 2 Of Our Writers, Readers & Friends In Their Real Wor

    Blisstree Fitness Models: Round 2 Of Our Writers, Readers & Friends In Their Real Wor Ready for round two of our "Blisstree fitness models?" In response to the lack of body diversity in most workout clothing catalogues—as well of the lack of economical attire featured by your average fitness...
  11. A

    The Simplest Way To Feel Better About Your Sex Life: Get Less Sexy Friends

    Apparently how happy we feel about our own sex lives depends a lot on how much sex our friends are having, at least according to a new study from the University of Colorado Boulder. More » The Simplest Way To Feel Better About Your Sex Life: Get Less Sexy Friends is a post from Blisstree - Get...
  12. G

    Friends Reunion! Scoop on Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc on TV Together for First Time

    Get ready for a Friends reunion!Matt LeBlanc will be guest starring on the upcoming third season of Lisa Kudrow's show Web Therapy, and we've got exclusive scoop about the...
  13. M

    Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town Recipe List?

    I used to go to this page: It lists all of the recipes WITH improvement. The problem is that NOW, it's missing , instead it's going to a different page. So now I'm looking for a site where I can find a recipe WITH the ingredients to improve recipes...
  14. A

    4 Polite Ways To Get Your Friends Off Your Back About Having A Baby

    I’m often asked, “How should I respond to my Facebook friends when they ask me when I plan to have a baby?” It’s both a simple and complicated question to answer, because technically the responses, “That’s not of your business,” and, “I don’t know,” work just fine no matter who you are...
  15. K

    Two friends are having a heated argument over a film that they have just seen?

    friends give an essay for this sentence in atleast 400 words.
  16. G

    What Your Friends on Each Social Network Would Really Do for You

    Sure you have friends. Sure people Like your pictures on Facebook and Instagram. Sure people favorite your tweets. But what would these people really do for you? None of 'em would take a bullet for you! Some would make a hashtag. All will talk about how much they miss you on their profiles...
  17. M

    My friends gossip to me about some of my other friends..HELP!?

    So my friends will gossip about some of my other friends... I don't want to not tell my other friends because that wouldn't be a true friend but I also don't want to break my other friends trust. If I tell them to stop telling me because I'm friends with them they get mad and say I need to "grow...
  18. N

    Can't see photos from certain friends?

    One of my friends added a photo of me in one of her facebook albums that she just created this year. But for some reason when I went on her profile to find the album it wasn't there. I saw her older albums were there but not all of the pictures were (one older album said there were 20 photos...
  19. A

    Girls Is Terrible, And Such Small Portions: How To Lose Friends And Alienate Everyone

    Last night’s episode of Girls involved a cumshot, a broken q-tip and a possible rape. Which is why I feel okay saying it’s the most uncomfortable episode ever. Like, when I say uncomfortable, I mean I watched the whole thing through my hands like a horror movie. Things were viscerally...
  20. S

    Friends mom had a dream about fish and thought of me. Pregnant again?

    A cpl weeks ago I had unprotected sex with my SO we used pull out method, and yes I know it's not really effective. Anyway 4 days after that I was over my friends and her mother was there. She told me she had a dream about fish and thought of me and only me in particular. Now back in 11' she had...