
  1. B

    How do you replace the interior light on a Samsung RL38SBTB fridge freezer?

    The manual says ask a service engineer...which seems crazy for a light bulb. There are no obvious screws or tabs to push to release the casing.
  2. S

    How long after thawing does frozen, already cooked, turkey last in the fridge?

    All the guides I can find online say that cooked turkey can last in the fridge for 3-4 days, and if you want to keep it longer, it can keep frozen for a few months. My question is, after you thaw the frozen turkey, does it "reset" how long it will last in the fridge? EX: I keep cooked turkey...
  3. H

    Do the new, big Samsung American style side-by-side fridge freezers require...

    ...any maintenance? I have the model RSG5UUMH: I've looked through the instruction manual and can't find any maintenance instruction and wondered whether any defrosting is ever required? Also in my previous fridge there was a drain hole at the bottom to clear from time to time, this does not...
  4. A

    How Long It Takes Food To Go Bad In Your Fridge

    Ever wonder how long it takes for food to go bad in your fridge? I do, and I typically rely on smell and taste to figure it out...which isn't such a great idea what with food safety being a serious concern these days. In fact, a*new study out of Canada says that 70-80% of food-borne illness is...
  5. L

    How long can you keep cooked seafood in the fridge?

    i have cooked spaghetti marinara in the fridge and its been there since thursday (today is monday) btw the marinara mix was frozen and it doesn't smell bad or anything
  6. M

    Find the right dorm room fridge

    [No message]
  7. R

    Red hot coil peeking out fridge's freezer vent?

    um HELP!!!!!!!! Was just cleaning out my fridge and freezer and noticed at the back of my freezer the tines in the vent (basic Frigidaire model with freezer on top) had melted and a little part of the freezer bottom was yellow, cracked and warped. Then I saw a red hot coil in the back behind...
  8. R

    how long can freshly home cooked silverside beef be kept in the fridge ?

    is it advisable to freeze ?
  9. V

    Recipes that keep well in the fridge?

    I'm a college student, and my roommate and I are stark out of food. We're planning on taking a huge grocery store trip so we can make small meals that will keep well in the fridge. Any suggestions?
  10. L

    I cooked fresh pumpkin last week - how long will it last in the fridge?

    I wanted to cook some pumpkin bread with it, but I cooked the pumpkin last Thursday - is it still okay to use it? Oh and I know, I should have frozen it. I'll know better next time. So, should I chance it in a dish after 7 days? Oh and I know, I should have frozen it. I'll know better next...
  11. A

    If I had a moldy dish in the back of my fridge for awhile would that spoil other

    food in there? Or will the rest of the food be unaffected? The other foods were covered in plastic wrap. I already threw out the moldy stuff I'm just wondering if I need to throw out the good stuff as well.
  12. D

    How long is cooked bacon good for if its not put in the fridge?

    I cooked bacon Sunday morning and its been sitting in my microwave since. It's Tuesday (2 days later) and I want to heat some of it up for my burger tonight. Is it safe to eat? I did the same thing last night and it tasted fine and I'm still alive. Thanks
  13. T

    Samsung Fridge freezer SR- S2028cvw?

    samsung fridge freezer : the fridge section is freezing up in a blug of ice at the base of the fridge....not sure if the termostat is broken... any idea of what could be causing the fridge to freeze ???
  14. D

    What colour are the sides (not the doors) of the LG american fridge freezer,

    GWL227HBYA? This is the black version but I want to check that the sides are also black. The sides of the Silver version (GWL227HSYA) are not silver - they're an ugly brown colour. The silver colour only applies to the fridge doors. I've not seen the black version and want to make sure that the...
  15. D

    What colour are the sides (not the doors) of the LG american fridge freezer,

    GWL227HBYA? This is the black version but I want to check that the sides are also black. The sides of the Silver version (GWL227HSYA) are not silver - they're an ugly brown colour. The silver colour only applies to the fridge doors. I've not seen the black version and want to make sure that the...
  16. P

    Harvest Moon DS action replay stoked fridge and other stuff?

    action replay stoked fridge
  17. P

    Harvest Moon DS action replay stoked fridge and other stuff?

    action replay stoked fridge
  18. H

    Is it ok to cook a frozen pizza that was in the fridge for 14 or so hours?

    I went shopping today bought a frozen pizza. There wasn't enough room in my freezer for it, so I stuck it in the fridge. It has been 14 hours, is it ok to cook the pizza?
  19. S

    Can you put a cooked lasagne in the fridge?

    Say if it is lukewarm, has cooled down a little after coming out of the oven? That has no hygiene/health implications right? Because it is not raw beef. It has been cooked.
  20. L

    can a small 1.6 cubic fridge be hard wired into a semi-truck electric system?

    Husbands coolers keep dieing, can't he get a compact fridge wired in with out killing battery and burning up a converter