
  1. T

    Where can you buy hybrid/crossbred freshwater fish?

    Hi, I'm looking to buy a couple freshwater hybrid/cross bred fish. I've looked all over and can't find any store (I know may be highly unlikely) or anyone to buy from. I would prefer smaller hybrid fish. Thanks for any help!
  2. J

    What freshwater fish can mix?!?

    Hello! I have a 50L tank, in my tank i have guppys, tetras and a siamese fighting fish! I want to put in more pretty fish, anyone suggestions on nice fish that will mix well too? Thank you!
  3. G

    The Freshwater case still continues

    With a brief filed (PDF) in Ohio's Fifth District Court of Appeals, John Freshwater is appealing a court's ruling to uphold his termination as a middle school science teacher in Mount Vernon, Ohio. It is the latest twist in a long saga that began in 2008, when a local family accused Freshwater...
  4. K

    how much salt is needed for a freshwater 60 gal aquarium?

    i have a 60 gallon fish tank, im gonna put 3+ goldfishes and a pellceo in there. how much salt do i need to put in there, to prevent nitrate poisoning... i heard that it does that, right? how much salt for a 60 gal, freshwater aquarium?
  5. D

    what are freshwater fishes night time light requirements?

    should it be completely dark? a little bit of white light? a night light? blue moonlights lights? what?
  6. K

    How many money does it take to start a freshwater aquarium store? (India).?

    Well I am 18 years old, doing my animation course (BSc degree). I love freshwater aquarium and I have experienced too, you know? How to take care the fishes and etc. I will come to the point. You see I am doing my studies as well as I want to buy an empty store for aquarium. Um... first I will...
  7. S

    What are some fishing tips you can give a newbie? (freshwater fishing)?

    My friends and i are going to go fishing this weekend at a lake (Legg Lake). We don't have boat, so we'll be fishing by the edge of the lake. So I have a few questions. 1. What type of pole is the best to use? I have a spinning reel. Will that suffice? 2. What type of bait should we use...
  8. T

    small freshwater fish that are valuable?

    what are some valuable fish that get no bigger then 10" I was i could get an Arowanaor a school of Koi but the are just to big for me...
  9. J

    What are some freshwater fish can you put in a 20 litre aquarium?

    Hi, i have a 20 litre aquarium and I'm not sure what type of fish i should put in it. I would prefer to have freshwater fish because they are easier to look after. What are some pretty, easy to care for, small fish that i should get??
  10. M

    BEST food for freshwater tropical fish?

    Breeds: 15* tetra, 15* guppy, 3* swordtails, 1* Betta, 2* Barbs, 1* plec 100l aquarium 150l capacity filter We currently use flakes and the occasionally frozen bloodworms. We've never tried pellets or freeze dried daphnia/shrimp or bloodworm pellets. WHAT IS THE BEST/MOST NUTRITIOUS CHOICE...
  11. I

    Online literature for freshwater tropical fish newbie?

    I had fish tanks as a kid and want to get back into the hobby. I forgot a lot of stuff. :( Is there anywhere online I can do some reading before I get my first tank as an adult?
  12. E

    can you mix saltwater and freshwater fish?

    if i make the water a little bit salty cant the fish adapt to the water? and if i do this, how much salt do i add to the water (10 gallon tank)? will table salt work? i wanna keep a clownfish with my guppy, tetras, pleco and gourami
  13. G

    Settlement in Freshwater case imminent

    A settlement is in the works in Doe v. Mount Vernon Board of Education et al., the case in which John Freshwater, a Mount Vernon, Ohio, middle school science teacher, was accused of inappropriate religious activity in the classroom -- including displaying posters with the Ten Commandments and...
  14. S

    is there any documentary video about freshwater fishes?

    name any documentary video of tropical fishes by Discovery channel, BBC or any. ...PLEASE
  15. S

    what is the real name of the freshwater fish "hong kong cat"?

    They look to be a type of catfish and they stay near the bottom of the tank.
  16. D

    Is it acceptable to have 1 betta fish and 1 freshwater snail in a gallon aquarium?

    Also - do I need aeration for the tank?
  17. I

    My Ph is too high in my 20 gallon freshwater tank?

    It's been a week since i got my three guppies into my 20 gallon freshwater cycled tank. I went to the store yesterday to get my water checked, to get more fish. They said that the Ph was too high and to use the buffer. Other than using the buffer powdery stuff, what can i do to make the Ph go...
  18. G

    freshwater fishing bait?

    If im trying to catch freshwater fish in a canal, such as oscars. they love bread, but they rip it right off the hook. Any good substitutes for bread? also, whats good bait for bass and grass carp? thank you.
  19. G

    freshwater fishing bait?

    If im trying to catch freshwater fish in a canal, such as oscars. they love bread, but they rip it right off the hook. Any good substitutes for bread? also, whats good bait for bass and grass carp? thank you.
  20. J

    what kind of freshwater fish can exsist with a axolotl that wont eat his gills?

    are ther any species of fish that can live with an axolotl dose anyone out there know the names of these fish the fish have to be large enough not to be eaten and they must not go for the water salamaders gills please send me some names of compatable fish thanks