
  1. P

    iphone 5 or 4s, Which one is Better for a Gaming and Photography freak?

    Hi...!! Guyz My most awaited Phone has arrived at market but with its twin. So I am confused between Apple iphone 5 and 4S Both have upto 95% of same features I love Apple iphones and I want to choose any 1 between 5 or 4S I am Gaming Freak And Love photography so please which one is better for...
  2. G

    The Odds of Dying in a Freak Accident Are Higher Than You Think

    When I hear that someone (usually in Florida) died in some freak accident that involves fireworks or sidewalks or parked cars or wild animals, I wonder to myself, what the hell are the odds of that freaking happening? The good thing? They're pretty high! The bad thing? It really, really sucks...
  3. J

    This guy thinks im hot and constantly stares at me like alittle freak lol

    he draws pictures of me and him? Ok so basically this guys a freak who likes me and has told me im hot including sexy numerous times. Its weird and makes me feel like a freak myself lol. Plus he draws a bunch of pictures of him and me kissing and having a family. He ruins all my relationships...
  4. L

    What is the climax of cirque du freak: the vampire assistant?

    PLEASE, Not from the movie from the book! And please be accurate
  5. A

    Freak Show Friday: Get the info you need to succeed at 8 PM ET, 5 PM PT

    Usually, making definitive statements about one quarter of the first preseason game is a shortsighted exercise. After all, teams have plenty of time to iron out the kinks. However, the "D" in Big D may stand for disaster. Jason Witten is out with a lacerated spleen. Miles Austin is battling...
  6. A

    Freak Show Friday: We?re fielding your MLB/NFL questions at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT

    The rich just got richer. The defending World Champs, a team that lost its franchise face during the offseason, might be stronger offensively than it was a year ago. Carlos Beltran has turned back the clock. David Freese has elevated his game. And sparkplug Allen Craig has provided a major...
  7. M

    Why do people gross out at PDA and then freak out when the TV couple they want to

    get together kisses? I don't mean to insult anyone cause I totally do this. There's this girl I work with who always has her boyfriend come visit her and they're always kissing and hugging and stuff, or like when people are kissing in the halls I'm like "gross!" But when Mulder and Scully kiss...
  8. A

    Darren Aronofsky’s Anti-Drug PSAs Will Totally Freak You Out

    Remember the “This Is Your Brain on Drugs” campaign with the eggs and frying pan? It was popular in the 80s and 90s, while I was growing up, along with the whole “Just Say No” campaign. I remember the former being kind of cool/shocking but, hey, that was in 1987! Today’s anti-drug PSAs are...
  9. J

    Why is Conrad Murry GUILTY? He did us a favor getting rid of the FREAK M.J.!?

    I was hoping he would be given an award! Then assigned Joe and LaToya's doc, and rub them out as well! M.J. seduced Dr. Murry for his "Milk" addiction! He would have found another doc to use if Merry said no. M.J. killed himself with his ego, money, and junkie ways! And I am glad the punk mutha...
  10. C

    I've been going crazy trying to figure out the rule to this riddle/mind freak game

    (similar to black magic)? Its called frog, i cant find it anywhere online! They say if I'm a frog and Callie's a frog are you a frog? And i get so confused. They also say if I'm a frog and hes a frog but shes not a frog but they are, are you a frog? They wont tell me the secret to knowing...
  11. D

    How do you stop an Internet Gossip Freak?

    To make the long story short, here's what's been happening: I've been active on Facebook lately and I've heard of a page created by a fellow from our school. It's a page of gossips from our school, although I don't know if they're real or not. It's been going around for quite some time now and...
  12. M

    is okay to tell a guy if his interested in you ? or would that just freak him out ?

    so basically me and this guy met online , he gave me his num, we txt .. then we webcam, seemed like we clicked right away . well for me thats what i think . who knows about him . he works alot from what his told me so he doesn't really reply to txt's . he did actually txt one night tellin me...
  13. H

    Freak the Mighty Compare and Contrast Book vs. DVD?

    I have a average in my Reading class but it needs to be raised to a B. One of my assignments is a T-chart versus book and dvd. The next is 5 paragraph essay on the compare and contrast. The next is a frame for this. S.M.G (Save my grades)
  14. Q

    What Do You Call The Dye Style Nicki Minaj Has In Lil Freak Video?

    In The Lil Freak Video Nicki Minaj Had An Short Cut Cut Hairstyle That Was Half White and Half Black Like Cruella Deville..I Want To Get It Done To My Hair But Dont Know The Dye Style To Ask For It Help
  15. T

    I've always been a workout freak, but my weakness is nutrition.?

    I really don't want to follow all of these diets nowadays. I was wondering. Will I lose fat if I follow the food pyramid? I don't mean follow the servings. Like, I should eat more whole grains than vegetables. More veggies than fruits. More fruits than nuts. Etc. This might seem basic to you...
  16. M

    Was this just a freak deal or something else lol?

    I have this mare and she is the SWEETEST thing you can imagine and has the best personality ever. But my lord she looks like she was built backwards! And she has AWESOME bloodlines and great conformation in the background.....but something went wrong in the womb during formation for her lol. I...
  17. M

    Was this just a freak deal or something else lol?

    I have this mare and she is the SWEETEST thing you can imagine and has the best personality ever. But my lord she looks like she was built backwards! And she has AWESOME bloodlines and great conformation in the background.....but something went wrong in the womb during formation for her lol. I...
  18. A

    Why do people freak out when they find out famous athletes cheat on their wives?

    Like Brett Favre and Tiger Woods. These two men are alpha males. They could have any young thing they wanted. Why would they settle for their boring old wives night after night?
  19. M

    Does this make you laugh or freak you out? It made me laugh. In case you're wondering.
  20. G

    PDA's FREAK me out!!?

    We're going to the pool this weekend and he said he wanted to kiss me while were there... This pool usually has a lot of younger kids (along with people my age) and their parents soooo that's a little awkward... And I REALLY don't like PDA's. My bf says "Oh we don't have to if you don't feel...