
  1. A

    Does everyone look good in square framed glasses?

    I wanna know because there is a possibility I will have to get some, so do they look good on everyone? I have blonde hair and side bangs. A heart-ish ovalish shaped face. Blue eyes :P ~Animal_Lover
  2. K

    Which is lighter steel or aluminum framed bikes?

    I am a female..and although I'm all for girl power I need a light bike for easy transport. I plan on using it for leisurely cruises and occasional hiking/bike trails. What type of bike should I invest in- the most I'd like to spend is 250- steel or aluminum?
  3. S

    "GOOD" framed poster on Nip/Tuck ?

    by any chance, does anyone know where i could find the framed print that simply says "GOOD" that is hanging in christian's apartment on nip/tuck??? i tried google but got nothing. i love it! (i also love the irony!) :)
  4. I

    How Big Is a 60cm Framed Bike?

    Hi, I am 5'7 and want to buy a road bike - the one im looking at has a 60cm frame. Is that big?? Or pretty average? Cheers