
  1. G

    Scandal Scoop from Shonda Rhimes: Don't Let the Premiere Fool You! Why This Show Gets

    Confession: When I watched the first episode of Shonda Rhimes' new ABC series Scandal, I liked it. But it didn't blow me away. And then I got my hands on screeners for the rest of the...
  2. U

    A fool without a agenda (LONG RANT)?

    I've studied all this stuff. And I feel so silly sometimes, ignorant. When all the answers can come from self through others yet I choose to try to take all these answers from this more divided, personal image of self. All the answers I need are right in front of me, through me. I'm simply a...
  3. A

    Don’t Fool Yourself: Kraft Whipped Peanut Butter Has Fewer Calories Per Serving, But

    In the U.S., we don't get eat a lot of Kraft peanut butter. But the teddy-bear-swaddled product is a Canadian staple, whose success the food manufacturer is hoping to re-create with a new, gross-sounding*twist on the old standard: whipped peanut butter. But don't be tricked by Kraft's crafty...
  4. A

    Andre Agassi dresses up as Mr. T for Halloween, pities fool

    </p> Andre Agassi dressed as Mr. T this Halloween, complete with the mohawk, gold chains and appropriate level of melanin. The tennis great's costume was thankfully captured by his old coach and friend, Darren Cahill (Agassi is posing with Cahill's wife), and posted on Twitter. To those of...
  5. T

    Obesity Pill Could Fool Brain To Eat Less

    A new imaging study suggests if we were to take a pill based on two simple gut hormones we would eat less because it would fool the brain by signalling we're full even if we're not. The researchers scanned the brains of the same volunteers at two different times: just after they fasted and...
  6. G

    Science is always nonpartisan, but it is always political: Fool Me Twice

    Shawn Otto's book, "Fool Me Twice: Fighting the Assault on Science in America" was officially released last night in Minneapolis with appropriate fanfare and celebration. Everyone who gets to know Shawn likes him from the start and quickly learns to respect him and eventually hold him with a...
  7. K

    I just need to rant i feel such a fool.?

    Met a guy off the internet saw him for a month, i thought he was a great guy boy was i wrong. He phoned me on my birthday saying he was married and his wife had found his phone. He was also on a swinger site and his wife and him had set up a profile together. After she had found out about what...
  8. G

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'll write you a Rapture-check

    It didn't really occur to me that anyone actually believed that the world was going to end the other day. Honestly. I had assumed that some crazy preacher made the claim, that it was being used to scam the gullible here and there, but that almost no one was really taking it seriously. But, in...
  9. U

    Is he interested? Or am I being a fool? 10 points easy!?

    I'll do it in point form, basically there's a guy I met a few weeks ago I'm pretty interested in. - Whenever we hang out he's always making random silly faces at me to make me laugh that he doesn't do to anyone else. - He always gives me random hugs - He's always commenting on all my status' and...
  10. G

    This Could be the Most Sought-After April Fool's ThinkGeek Gag Yet [Video]

    Mark my words, this year's ThinkGeek April Fool's prank will wind up coming real—just like that Tauntaun sleeping bag. The only question is whether Apple will be a spoilsport and stop kids from getting a miniature sense of what it's like to queue up for a shiny new iProduct. All because of...
  11. H

    Good April Fool's joke?

    I want to prank my friend today and need a really good joke. Nothing extreme or dangerous, just something that we can both laugh about later. (Nothing lame either) Thanks!
  12. S

    Where are places to fool around in the winter besides outdoors or houses?

    I am 18 and my boyfriend is 19. We both live with our parents while we attend colleges close to home to save money. Because of our parents being constantly home, we can't mess around in either of our houses. We normally go to a secluded park and just stay in our cars, but it is too cold now even...
  13. O

    What jazz music (kissing a fool -GeorgeMichael like) do you recommend me?

    I am looking for restaurant jazz similar to X - Uknonwn (restaurant music) or Kissing a Fool by George Michael... You can look for them in Ares so you can understand what I am talking about... Please I have whole months looking for these rythms... I will be looking forward to your kind help ...
  14. V

    Facebook Girls Fool Boys Thing Again?

    Hey, Just a question. There is a thing going round where every girl sets her status as "Loving It" "Honey Sweet" or "My Chick" What do each of them mean? I'm a girl btw. :L
  15. S

    How does scam dirty used car dealer fool the buyers?

    One thing we all know is the dirty used car dealer do fool the buyers, not all but just few. Question is how they hide the problem and what they do to make it so cannot been see while test and drive? One example that some guy who repair my car told me, like if airbag light was on, they don't...
  16. H

    Lincoln said you can fool some of the people all of the time, is this true of?

    Rush Limbaugh and Fox followers? It never ceases to amaze me the crap people will buy into that is obviously a lie, the ridiculous propaganda that is spread by the cons. Actually for those trying to correct my quote instead of answering my question it goes like this: "You can fool some of the...
  17. K

    no more school!!! lets play in the pool fool lol?

    who else is happy there is nomore school or do you rather be in school....also what are your plans for the summer
  18. R

    LOL what a fool I was, you can actually watch UFC live streaming FREE?

    I ordered ufc 113 for $44 and wanted to watch 114 @ 10pm but I didn't think it was worth's now 2:00am a few hours have past but I got the live stream code/site for it and it's perfect not choppy like I woulda thought streaming was....i will be using this next time and feel...
  19. D

    Is it possible to "fool" the infiniti music box?

    I'm the proud new owner of a brand new Infiniti g37 sedan :) buuuuuuuuuuuut.... unfortunately Music Box apparently only accepts music from CD's... so can you burn your music files to a CD and then upload it into Music Box?
  20. D

    I pity the fool who thinks satanism is a trend?
