
  1. J

    How do you flush Chinese Food out of one's system?

    We are all regretting our chinese choice for lunch earlier. My husband especially. Should I put him out back with the dog or just leave his pillow and blanket in the bathroom for the night?
  2. K

    Liver flush recipe, does it HAVE to be hot water?

    half a squeezed lemon in hot water, can it be cold water too? what does this recipe acually do??
  3. J

    How can I, what will I need to, and how difficult is it to flush my AT...

    ...Radiator myself w/o removing it? I flushed the Radiator on my 1986 BMW 325es myself. It was fun. That car was a manual. It is one of the best cars ever. I detached the lower hose, then upper hose. I ran water through it from a garden hose until it came out clean the other side. Then I ran it...
  4. G

    Does Jay Robb's Fruit Flush Really work?

    I want to loose like 10 pounds, that'd be awesome. and I heard about Jay Robb's Fruit Flush from a friend but before I buy it does it work? Has anyone ever used it before? And please what were your exact results? And did you get the e-book or the paperback? thanks so much!
  5. T

    What can I do about slippy gears on a 1994 Honda Accord Wagon? Transmission flush?

    It's an automatic. The transmission is there, all gears work, but it's having trouble shifting. Sometimes during shifting, it doesn't fall on to the next gear and the revs go up as if it slipped. The best way to help it is to ease of the gas when it's about to switch to the next gear. I noticed...
  6. T

    I need to flush a small piece of metal out of my dirt bike.?

    i have the right crank case off so i can do this more easly but i need a cheep substance that i run a lot through the engine until that piece flushes out. but i don't wont to harm the engine.
  7. T

    What can I do about slippy gears on a 1994 Honda Accord Wagon? Transmission flush?

    The transmission is there, all gears work, but it's having trouble shifting. Sometimes during shifting, it doesn't fall on to the next gear and the revs go up as if it slipped. The best way to help it is to ease of the gas when it's about to switch to the next gear. I noticed the gears shift...
  8. R

    Everyone says not to flush transmission fluid on a truck with alot of miles on it?

    97 sierra with over 150K miles, im almost positive its never been changed.. im getting alot of different suggestions, some people say because its so old if i flush it ill end up messing up more in the long run because of all the residue, etc, but some people say just dropiing the pan and...
  9. B

    I have a Kia Sedona 02 and need to flush the radiator?

    I want to also know the steps to take in order to do flush and re-fill radiator. Thanks a million!!!!!!
  10. J

    I was recommended to get a transmission flush on my 2003 Dodge Status...?

    Any thoughts on whether this is really needed ar just a scam to get some money out of me since I know very little about cars? I have over 130,000 miles on the car and have never had the transmission flushed. Thank you
  11. A

    do i flush or berry my dead hamster?

  12. B

    When you flush fish down the toilet they go to a magical fish heaven.?

    well my sister asked me this queistion and she believes that all fish go to a magical kingdom beyound poop and pee where there is freedom for all flushed fish around the world.
  13. A

    can someone tell me a quick flush to clean my system of meth?

    someone put meth in my dr.pepper at a party and i dont want to get a dirty urine I need a answer asap I need a answer asap
  14. K

    How much does an oil change, tire rotation, and a radiator flush cost?

    I really need to know the cost of an oil change, tire rotation, and a radiator flush at JiffyLube or Valvoline. Please dont give me averages I need the exact price. Please help me
  15. N

    Can you flush the coolant from a 97 saturn without a garden hose?

    Can I simply run the engine with the rad drain open and pour fresh water in the reservoir until it runs clear? Will this effectively flush the system without the kit and hose that is explained in many areas? I ask because the 97 saturn doesn't have a rad cap, just the reservoir cap. Also it...
  16. J

    How do I flush my Saturn cooling system?

    I would like some specifics on flushing my 2003 L200 Saturn and also the recommended antifreeze. I used to have an SL2 and at the time I had purchased the manuals from Saturn But that was a long time ago and getting information like this is like looking for hens teeth. I know the flush called...
  17. S

    Do you need a power steering flush on a 2004 Honda Civic with 80,000 miles?

    My dealer is recommending I get it done.